
cocoAspell interface has been localized to the following languages:

If you want to help and translate cocoAspell to other languages, please open up the Spelling.prefPane package (select Spelling.prefPane in the Finder, control-click-and-hold to get the context menu, and select "Show Package Content"), navigate to Contents/Resources/en.lproj, make a copy of that folder localize all the files, and mail them to me. Please notify me that you are doing the localization so I can update this page.

Existing Localizations

If you found a problem with a particular localization, open up the Spelling.prefPane package (select Spelling.prefPane in the Finder, control-click-and-hold to get the context menu, and select "Show Package Content"), find the corresponding localization folder, fix the problem, and email the updated version so I can update the main distribution.

Language Status