Written Assignment #2

Due : before class on Feb. 20th
  1. What is a minimal spanning tree for the following graph, given in edge-based form (each edge is a list of three elements, the two nodes and the cost of the edge):

    (A B 4) (A C 10) (B C 3) (B D 4) (B E 9) (C E 16) (C F 2) (D F 5) (E F 3)

  2. What is the shortest elementary chain from A for the same graph?

  3. For the same graph:
    a) What is the degree of node B?
    b) Is there a Hamiltonian Cycle?
    c) Is there a Eulerian Tour?
  4. The distance from node x to node y in a graph is the cheapest path between those nodes. The diameter of a connected graph is the longest such distance between any two nodes in the graph. What is the diameter of the graph in (1)?

  5. Disregarding the costs on edges, is the graph in (1) isomorphic to the following graph presented in vertex-based form?
    A: B C
    B: A C D E
    C: A B E F
    D: B F
    E: B C F
    F: C E

  6. [1] p. 58, #4: Given a graph G, prove that G is a free tree if we know that whenever we delete one edge from G, then G is no longer connected.

  7. [1] p. 58, #8: Prove that a free tree G with N nodes has N-1 edges.

  8. Give a topological sort for the following set of relations:
    1<3, 1<5, 3<5, 3<6, 3<4, 5<4, 5<2, 6<2, 4<2

  9. [1] p. 15 #9: Give an algorithm to delete an arbitrary item with value v from a doubly linked list.

  10. [1] p. 19, #4: Given n items and m predecessor-successor relations, prove that the topological sort algorithm takes O(n+m) time and requires O(n+m) space when a queue is used to keep track of the nodes whose COUNT field has become zero.