CMSC 420 (Spring '97 Sections 0201 and 0301) Home Page

Table of Contents


  1. instructor will be available by appointment to discuss grades, hand back previous work, and show you your final (the exams themselves must be kept for another semester). Solutions to the final will be posted at some point, for those interested.
  2. corrections to the lisp part of programming assignment 5: there was an error on the printing function so that it printed the ne and nw kids in reverse order. They have been corrected on the quad.lisp file. (2pts dt15). Also, search and remove are builtin lisp functions, so use qt-search and qt-remove, instead (2pts dt61).
  3. Final exam times set (may 15th):
    • Section 0201: CLB 0102 5:00pm - 7:00pm
    • Section 0301: CLB 0104 6:30pm - 8:30pm
  4. Make-up programming assignment will be to complete and redo the original quadtree project. For make-up points on lisp assignments, you'll have to do lisp varients of the quadtree functions. See the assignment below.
  5. Partial cumulative grades added to Grades page
  6. 3/11: new grading policy: The first person to point out a mistake in an assignment gets 2 points. Thus you're encouraged to read and notice these early. This applies only to actual errors, though clarifications are also appreciated.
  7. come see the instructor to claim old homeworks you haven't picked up.
  8. 3/3 Added actual lisp code for functions discussed in class, to supplement the class overheads. Selected answers to written assignment 2 also provided.
  9. 2/25 Added link to a new page of hints from the TA.
  10. 2/20 Added lisp reference guide. See below for details. Also, there are some miscellaneous links at the bottom of this page, including a page of other lisp references.

General Information


Important Dates:

Actual Topics covered in class

DateTopicreadings pagesnotes pages
1/31: Course Introduction, Lists [1] 1-13ls1-13
2/4,2/6:Trees [1]25-45tr1-17
2/11:Lists, Part II[1]13-19ls14-28
2/18, 2/20:Basic Lisp Data Structures[1]69-86lp1-10
2/25-3/4: Lisp Special Forms and Recursion[1]88-123lp11-30
3/6:Garbage Collection[1]137-151gc1-11
3/11:Dynamic Storage Allocation[1]129-136,151-153ds1-10
3/13-3/18:Sorting[1] Ch. 3st1-29
3/20:Binary Searching, AVL Trees[1] pp. 195-203sc1-11
4/8-4/10:Splay Trees, B-Trees, Skip Lists[1] Ch. 5sc12-39
4/15-4/17:Hashing[1] Ch. 6.1hs1-17
4/22-4/29:Hierarchical Point Data[2] 1-10,43-105,135-151hp1-33
5/1:Range Trees[1] Ch. 7rt1-10
5/6:Rectangle Data[2] pp. 153-157,186-225 rc1-17

Miscellaneous Links

Last updated on May 29th, 1997 David Traum