=========================================== MAPTASK dialogue now ready for Homework *2* =========================================== The MAPTASK dialogue is now ready for distribution. [Thanks to Mark Core at Rochester and Matthew Aylett at Edinburgh for enormous help.] For intergroup purposes, the MAPTASK dialogue has been truncated, so you will be analyzing only the first half of a full dialogue. Because of this, you are asked to do only CGU analysis on MAPTASK. MAPTASK codings, CGU only, are due . Email chn@research.att.com if you foresee difficulties with these deadlines. Just a reminder: The VERBMOBIL codings, both CGU and IU, are due Monday April 27, 1998. ============= ABOUT MAPTASK [written by Mark Core, B/F group leader] ============= "The Map Task dialogs from which d204 was drawn were collected in Canada and consist of pairs of Canadian army reservists collaborating to solve a problem. Both reservists have a map but the maps are not identical in terms of the landmarks present. One participant is designated the direction giver, G and has a path marked on his map. The goal is for the other participant, the direction follower, F to trace this route on his map even though he can only communicate with G via speech; i.e., these are not face to face conversations. Note, due to the length of this dialog, not all of it is provided. The excerpt provided ends at the point when both participants have located a "dead tree" landmark on their maps." ======================== RETRIEVING MAPTASK FILES ======================== - Before coding, please look at the MAPTASK visual aids for our specific homework dialogue, at one of the following:
Giver | follower | both | |
postscript | Edinburgh | Edinburgh | |
compressed ps | Rochester | Rochester | |
jpeg | maryland | maryland | maryland |