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Multiparty Dialogue Workshop
June 20-22, 2005
Marina del Rey, CA
Monday, June 20
- 08:30 Breakfast [display carrel]
- 09:00 introduction, schedule, agenda: Traum
- 09:15 introductions by participants (5 minutes each)
- 10:15 introduce discussion questions
- 10:30 introduce 1st breakout group activities, form subgroups
- 10:45 Break
- 11:00 group activity
1) ICT Homeland Security Role Play Simulation
[2nd floor RPS stations]
2) Designworld-MP (3 party face to face task) [1st
floor boardroom] and Meeting on analysis types [screening room]
- 12:30 Lunch [display carrel]
- 13:30 reports from subgroups
- 14:00 subgroup discussions [same as morning]
- 15:30 subgroups prepare presentations [same as morning]
- 16:00 plenary discussion [screening room]
- 17:30 wrap up day 1, review plans for day 2 & 3
- 18:00 Dinner and informal
demos [ICT 1st floor]
- This is ICT
- Sgt Blackwell
- Radiobot
Tuesday, June 21
- 08:30 Breakfast [display carrel]
- 09:00 review of schedule
Talks: (20 minutes + 10 discussion)
- 09:15 Martinovski
- 09:40 Matsusaka
- 10:05 Ginzburg
- 10:30 Dowding
- 10:50 Break
- 11:05 Rudnicky
- 11:30 Nijholt
- 11:55 Gratch
- 12:20 General Discussion (1) - authoring presentations
- 12:40 Lunch and continued disucssion [display carrel]
- 13:00 Breakout Session III : analysis of data
- CALO Meetings [boardroom]
- Radio training dialogues [screening room]
- 14:45 Break
- 15:00 Plenary discussion on Breakout
Session III
- 15:45 Breakout Session IV: analysis of data
- Courtroom interactions [boardroom]
- Multiplayer online game chat [screening room]
- 17:30 plenary discussion on break session IV
- 18:15 wrap up day 2, plans for day 3
- 18:30 leave for dinner (Ballona Fish Market - 13455 Maxella Avenue, Villa Marina Marketplace, Carpool or Walk 3/4 mile from ICT (east of Lincoln two blocks north of Bali, on the left side of street, ground level)
Wednesday, June 22
- 08:30 Breakfast [display carrel]
- 09:00 review schedule
- 09:15 Cross-talk
- 09:45 Open discussion on workshop topics
- 10:30 Break
- 10:45 Next steps
- what are the urgent research questions
how do we find funding to support this work
- other ways to maintain community and progress
- publications
- future meetings
- take home assignments
- 12:15 Lunch [display
- 12:45 Final Thoughts??