Homework 4.1: TUs and Utterance Relations
Annotate the linked botlanguage dialogue for the TUs and Utterance
relations (antecedent and relation type) coding schemes
introduced in
Claire Bonial, David Traum, Cassidy Henry, Stephanie M Lukin, Matthew
Marge, Ron Artstein, Kimberly A Pollard, Ashley Foots, Anthony L
Baker, and Clare R Voss, Dialogue
Structure Annotation Guidelines for Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
Human-Robot Dialogue Corpus ARL Technical Report 88333,
October 2019.
With additions described in
Bonial, C., Abrams, M., Baker, A. L., Hudson, T., Lukin, S. M.,
Traum, D., & Voss, C. R. (2021, September). Context Is Key: Annotating Situated Dialogue Relations in Multi-floor Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.