Installing cocoAspell 1.4.x

  1. Download cocoAspell.

  2. Choose the "Library" folder where you are going to install the software. Use
    If you want cocoAspell to be available to all users on the local network.
    If you want cocoAspell to be available to all users on the local machine.
    If you want cocoAspell to be available only to you. Here "~" stands for your home folder.
  3. Put Spelling.prefPane into the "PreferencePanes" subfolder of the selected "Library" folder. If that subfolder does not exist, create it first.

  4. If the System Preferences application is open, quit it.

  5. Open the System Preferences application, select the Spelling preference panel and enable the dictionaries you need.

Installing cocoAspell 1.3 and below

  1. Download cocoAspell.

  2. Choose the "Library" folder where you are going to install the software. Use
    If you want cocoAspell to be available to all users on the local network.
    If you want cocoAspell to be available to all users on the local machine.
    If you want cocoAspell to be available only to you. Here "~" stands for your home folder.
  3. If you are installing cocoAspell version 1.4 or higher ignore this step. Put cocoAspell.service into the "Services" subfolder of the selected "Library" folder. If that subfolder does not exist, create it first.

  4. Put Spelling.prefPane into the "PreferencePanes" subfolder of the selected "Library" folder. If that subfolder does not exist, create it first.

  5. If the System Preferences application is open, quit it.

  6. Open the System Preferences application, select the Spelling preference panel and enable the dictionaries you need.

  7. If you are installing cocoAspell version 1.4 or higher ignore this step. Log out and log in back into your system.