Package teamwork :: Package dynamics :: Module arbitraryDynamics :: Class BaseDynamics
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Class BaseDynamics

source code

Known Subclasses:

Class of objects that represent the dynamics of a specific state/belief feature in the simulation

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, args=None) source code
apply(self, entity, value, action, world, debug=0)
Takes an entity with the specified initial value for the feature of interest and returns a new value in response to the specified action being taken within the specified world context (in the form of a dictionary of entity objects, indexed by entity name)
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instantiate(self, entity, action) source code
invert(self, entity, value, action, world, debug=0) source code
Returns the incremental delta by which this dynamics function adjusts values; this delta is stored in the 'increment' field of the 'args' attribute of this object; if none is specified, defaults to 0.1
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Deletes any stored information (e.g., partial results) before beginning dynamics computation (should be overridden by subclass)
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