Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module KeyedTree :: Class KeyedTree
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Class KeyedTree

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matrices.DecisionTree --+
Known Subclasses:

A DecisionTree that requires KeyedPlane branches.

Nested Classes [hide private]
the class used to instantiate the branches
Instance Methods [hide private]
fill(self, keys, value=0.0)
Fills in any missing slots with a default value
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Helper method for keys
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Locks in the dimensions and keys of all leaves
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Unlocks the dimensions and keys of all leaves
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simpleText(self, printLeaves=True, numbers=True, all=False)
Returns a more readable string version of this tree
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Updates the record of contained keys in self.keys
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instantiate(self, table) source code
instantiateKeys(self, table)
Replaces any key references by the values in the table
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_instantiate(self, table) source code
_multiply(self, other, comparisons=None, conditions=[]) source code
scale(self, factor)
Scales all of the leaf nodes by the given float factor
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Returns: a list of any keys used by at least one branch in this tree
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Returns: a string representation of the internal array representation
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Replaces any identity matrices at the leaves of this tree with the number 1.
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__getitem__(self, index) source code

Inherited from matrices.DecisionTree: __add__, __copy__, __eq__, __hash__, __init__, __mul__, __neg__, __str__, __sub__, __xml__, branch, branches, children, count, createIndex, depth, fromRules, generateAlternatives, getPath, getValue, isLeaf, leafNodes, leaves, makeLeaf, makeRules, merge, parse, prune, rebalance, removeTautologies, replace

Inherited from matrices.DecisionTree (private): _extractTree, _merge

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from matrices.DecisionTree: checkPrune, checkTautology

Instance Variables [hide private]
the cumulative list of keys used by all of the branches below
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Method Details [hide private]

fill(self, keys, value=0.0)

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Fills in any missing slots with a default value

  • keys (list of Key instances) - the slots that should be filled
  • value - the default value (defaults to 0)

Note: does not overwrite existing values


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Helper method for keys

Returns: dict:Key→boolean
all keys used in this tree and all subtrees and leaves

simpleText(self, printLeaves=True, numbers=True, all=False)

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Returns a more readable string version of this tree

  • printLeaves (boolean) - optional flag indicating whether the leaves should also be converted into a user-friendly string
  • numbers (boolean) - if True, floats are used to represent the threshold; otherwise, an automatically generated English representation (defaults to False)
Returns: str

_multiply(self, other, comparisons=None, conditions=[])

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Overrides: matrices.DecisionTree._multiply


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a list of any keys used by at least one branch in this tree


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Returns: str
a string representation of the internal array representation


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Replaces any identity matrices at the leaves of this tree with the number 1.

Returns: int
the number of identity matrices found

__getitem__(self, index)
(Indexing operator)

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Overrides: matrices.DecisionTree.__getitem__

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


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the cumulative list of keys used by all of the branches below
Returns: Key[]
all keys used in this tree and all subtrees and leaves