Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module dtree
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Module dtree

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This module holds functions that are responsible for creating a new decision tree and for using the tree for data classificiation.

Functions [hide private]
majority_value(data, target_attr)
Creates a list of all values in the target attribute for each record in the data list object, and returns the value that appears in this list the most frequently.
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Returns a list made up of the unique values found in lst.
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get_values(data, attr)
Creates a list of values in the chosen attribute for each record in data, prunes out all of the redundant values, and return the list.
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choose_attribute(data, attributes, target_attr, fitness)
Cycles through all the attributes and returns the attribute with the highest information gain (or lowest entropy).
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get_examples(data, attr, value)
Returns a list of all the records in <data> with the value of <attr> matching the given value.
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get_classification(record, tree)
This function recursively traverses the decision tree and returns a classification for the given record.
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classify(tree, data)
Returns a list of classifications for each of the records in the data list as determined by the given decision tree.
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create_decision_tree(data, attributes, target_attr, fitness_func)
Returns a new decision tree based on the examples given.
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Function Details [hide private]


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Returns a list made up of the unique values found in lst. i.e., it removes the redundant values in lst.