Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module matrices
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Module matrices

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Base classes for piecewise linearity

Classes [hide private]
A structure to represent linear separations on an n-dimensional space
Represents a decision tree with hyperplane branches that divide an n-dimensional space, and unrestricted values stored at the leaf nodes (e.g., matrices for dynamics, actions for policies, etc.)
Functions [hide private]
printData(data, values=None) source code
comparePlaneSets(set1, set2, side, comparisons=None, debug=False, negative=True)
Compares a conjunction of planes against a second conjunction of planes that has already been tested against.
source code
generateComparisons(set1, set2)
Pre-computes a comparison matrix between two sets of planes
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Variables [hide private]
boolean __CONSTANT__ = 1
flag indicating whether a constant factor should be included in each vector
float epsilon = 1e-05
margin of error used in comparison
  StringTypes = (<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)
Function Details [hide private]

comparePlaneSets(set1, set2, side, comparisons=None, debug=False, negative=True)

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Compares a conjunction of planes against a second conjunction of planes that has already been tested against. It prunes the current conjunction based on any redundancy or inconsistency with the test

  • set1 - the plane set to be pruned
  • set2 - the plane set already tested
  • side (boolean) - the side of the second set that we're already guaranteed to be on
  • negative - if True, then assume that weights may be negative (default is True
  • set1,set2 (Hyperplane[])
Returns: Hyperplane[]
The minimal set of planes in the first set that are not redundant given these a priori conditions (if guaranteed to be True or False, then the boolean value is returned)

generateComparisons(set1, set2)

source code 

Pre-computes a comparison matrix between two sets of planes

  • set1, set2 - the two sets of planes
  • set1,set2 (Hyperplane[])
Returns: str{}{}
a pairwise matrix of comparisons, indexed by the id of each plane, so that result[id(p1)][id(p2)] =