Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Package AgentWindow :: Module ActionPane :: Class ActionFrame
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ActionFrame

source code

 _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype --+        
        _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget --+    
_Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame --+

Frame to define and view the entity's available actions

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent, **kw) source code
getOptions(self) source code
setState(self, state) source code
Returns: all of the actions selected
source code
selectAll(self, event=None) source code
deselectAll(self, event=None) source code
delete(self, event=None) source code
deleteAction(self, action)
Deletes all widgets (in this window and in descendent windows) associated with the given action
source code
promptNew(self, event) source code
add(self, button) source code
group(self, event=None) source code
redrawDescendents(self) source code
updateTypes(self, event=None)
Refreshes the list of possible types to choose from when creating a new action
source code
updateObjects(self, event=None)
Refreshes the list of possible objects to choose from when creating a new action
source code
Draws the buttons or labels for the current decision space
source code
performAction(self, action)
Callback wrapper for performing an action directly
source code
select(self, event) source code
selectAction(self, option, value=None, root=True) source code
viewDynamics(self, action)
Pop up a modal dialog to view/edit dynamics of the given action
source code
changeDynamics(self, button)
Upon clicking OK in dynamics dialog, change entity's dynamics accordingly
source code

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame: destroy, interior, reposition, xview, yview

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame (private): _getxview, _getyview, _horizflex, _hscrollMode, _reposition, _scrollBothNow, _toggleHorizScrollbar, _toggleVertScrollbar, _vertflex, _vscrollMode

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget: after, after_cancel, after_idle, bbox, bell, bind, bind_all, bind_class, bindtags, clipboard_append, clipboard_clear, clipboard_get, colormodel, columnconfigure, config, deletecommand, event_add, event_delete, event_generate, event_info, focus, focus_displayof, focus_force, focus_get, focus_lastfor, focus_set, forget, getboolean, getvar, grab_current, grab_release, grab_set, grab_set_global, grab_status, grid, grid_bbox, grid_columnconfigure, grid_configure, grid_forget, grid_info, grid_location, grid_propagate, grid_remove, grid_rowconfigure, grid_size, grid_slaves, image_names, image_types, info, keys, lift, lower, mainloop, nametowidget, option_add, option_clear, option_get, option_readfile, pack, pack_configure, pack_forget, pack_info, pack_propagate, pack_slaves, place, place_configure, place_forget, place_info, place_slaves, propagate, quit, register, rowconfigure, selection_clear, selection_get, selection_handle, selection_own, selection_own_get, send, setvar, size, slaves, tk_bisque, tk_focusFollowsMouse, tk_focusNext, tk_focusPrev, tk_menuBar, tk_setPalette, tk_strictMotif, tkraise, unbind, unbind_all, unbind_class, update, update_idletasks, wait_variable, wait_visibility, wait_window, waitvar, winfo_atom, winfo_atomname, winfo_cells, winfo_children, winfo_class, winfo_colormapfull, winfo_containing, winfo_depth, winfo_exists, winfo_fpixels, winfo_geometry, winfo_height, winfo_id, winfo_interps, winfo_ismapped, winfo_manager, winfo_name, winfo_parent, winfo_pathname, winfo_pixels, winfo_pointerx, winfo_pointerxy, winfo_pointery, winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth, winfo_rgb, winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty, winfo_screen, winfo_screencells, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_screenmmheight, winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_server, winfo_toplevel, winfo_viewable, winfo_visual, winfo_visualid, winfo_visualsavailable, winfo_vrootheight, winfo_vrootwidth, winfo_vrootx, winfo_vrooty, winfo_width, winfo_x, winfo_y

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, addoptions, cget, component, componentaliases, componentgroup, components, configure, createcomponent, createlabel, defineoptions, destroycomponent, hulldestroyed, initialiseoptions, isinitoption, options

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent, **kw)

source code 
Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype.__init__


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Returns: Action[][]
all of the actions selected

deleteAction(self, action)

source code 

Deletes all widgets (in this window and in descendent windows) associated with the given action

  • action (str)

viewDynamics(self, action)

source code 

Pop up a modal dialog to view/edit dynamics of the given action

  • action (Action[]) - the action whose dynamics should be displayed

changeDynamics(self, button)

source code 

Upon clicking OK in dynamics dialog, change entity's dynamics accordingly

  • button (str) - the button pressed to close the dialog (generated by Tk callback)