Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Package AgentWindow :: Module RelationshipPane :: Class RelationFrame
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class RelationFrame

source code

 _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype --+        
        _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget --+    
_Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame --+

Widget for the display and editing of inter-agent relationships

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent=None, **kw) source code
addRelation(self, confirm=None) source code
setExpert(self) source code
addDynamic(self, relation, index=['end'])
Adds a page for a dynamic relationship
source code
selectPage(self, relation) source code
dynamics(self) source code
changeDynamics(self, button)
Upon clicking OK in dynamics dialog, change entity's dynamics accordingly
source code
newLinkOptions(self, relation) source code
addLinkee(self, relation)
Add a new dynamic relationship between this entity and the currently selected one in the new link widget
source code
addScale(self, name, relation) source code
update(self) source code
updateLink(self, widget) source code
addStaticFiller(self, agent)
Adds a new button to all of the static relationship selection panes
source code
removeFiller(self, agent)
Removes appropriate fillers from all relationship panes
source code
addStatic(self, relation) source code
selectRelatee(self, name, value) source code
Deletes the selected relationship
source code
renameEntity(self, old, new) source code

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame: destroy, interior, reposition, xview, yview

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame (private): _getxview, _getyview, _horizflex, _hscrollMode, _reposition, _scrollBothNow, _toggleHorizScrollbar, _toggleVertScrollbar, _vertflex, _vscrollMode

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget: after, after_cancel, after_idle, bbox, bell, bind, bind_all, bind_class, bindtags, clipboard_append, clipboard_clear, clipboard_get, colormodel, columnconfigure, config, deletecommand, event_add, event_delete, event_generate, event_info, focus, focus_displayof, focus_force, focus_get, focus_lastfor, focus_set, forget, getboolean, getvar, grab_current, grab_release, grab_set, grab_set_global, grab_status, grid, grid_bbox, grid_columnconfigure, grid_configure, grid_forget, grid_info, grid_location, grid_propagate, grid_remove, grid_rowconfigure, grid_size, grid_slaves, image_names, image_types, info, keys, lift, lower, mainloop, nametowidget, option_add, option_clear, option_get, option_readfile, pack, pack_configure, pack_forget, pack_info, pack_propagate, pack_slaves, place, place_configure, place_forget, place_info, place_slaves, propagate, quit, register, rowconfigure, selection_clear, selection_get, selection_handle, selection_own, selection_own_get, send, setvar, size, slaves, tk_bisque, tk_focusFollowsMouse, tk_focusNext, tk_focusPrev, tk_menuBar, tk_setPalette, tk_strictMotif, tkraise, unbind, unbind_all, unbind_class, update_idletasks, wait_variable, wait_visibility, wait_window, waitvar, winfo_atom, winfo_atomname, winfo_cells, winfo_children, winfo_class, winfo_colormapfull, winfo_containing, winfo_depth, winfo_exists, winfo_fpixels, winfo_geometry, winfo_height, winfo_id, winfo_interps, winfo_ismapped, winfo_manager, winfo_name, winfo_parent, winfo_pathname, winfo_pixels, winfo_pointerx, winfo_pointerxy, winfo_pointery, winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth, winfo_rgb, winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty, winfo_screen, winfo_screencells, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_screenmmheight, winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_server, winfo_toplevel, winfo_viewable, winfo_visual, winfo_visualid, winfo_visualsavailable, winfo_vrootheight, winfo_vrootwidth, winfo_vrootx, winfo_vrooty, winfo_width, winfo_x, winfo_y

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, addoptions, cget, component, componentaliases, componentgroup, components, configure, createcomponent, createlabel, defineoptions, destroycomponent, hulldestroyed, initialiseoptions, isinitoption, options

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent=None, **kw)

source code 
Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype.__init__

changeDynamics(self, button)

source code 

Upon clicking OK in dynamics dialog, change entity's dynamics accordingly

  • button (str) - the button pressed to close the dialog (generated by Tk callback)


source code 
Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget.update

addStaticFiller(self, agent)

source code 

Adds a new button to all of the static relationship selection panes

  • agent (str)

removeFiller(self, agent)

source code 

Removes appropriate fillers from all relationship panes

  • agent (str)