Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Module CampaignAnalysis :: Class AnalysisWizard
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[frames] | no frames]

Class AnalysisWizard

source code

_Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype --+        
       _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget --+    
                       WizardShell.WizardShell --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, entities, sender=None, receivers=[], messages=[], parent=None, **kw) source code
createInterface(self) source code
createSelectSender(self, pane) source code
selectSender(self, name)
Precludes the selected sender from being a potential receiver
source code
getSender(self) source code
createSelectReceivers(self, pane) source code
selectReceiver(self, name, value)
Updates the availability of the selected receiver as a possible sender/overhearer
source code
getReceivers(self) source code
createSelectOverhearers(self, pane) source code
selectHearer(self, name, value)
Updates the availability of the selected overhearer as a possible sender/receiver
source code
getHearers(self) source code
createSelectMessages(self, pane) source code
getMessages(self) source code
createSelectModels(self, pane) source code
Configures model selection pane based on current selections
source code
Returns a dictionary of available models for each entity
source code
createShowProgress(self, pane) source code
setupProgress(self, pane)
Set up the table of variations and the progress through them
source code
getVariation(self, index) source code
createShowResults(self, pane) source code
Handle context-sensitive transitions from pane to pane
source code
describeObjective(self, value) source code
Explore the selected variations and store results
source code
changeStatus(self, index, status)
Changes status entry of the indexed row to be the given string
source code
_changeStatus(self, index, status) source code
simulate(self, variation, index)
Simulates the result of the current configuration
source code
processMsg(self, messages, hearers, index, sim=None) source code
done(self) source code

Inherited from WizardShell.WizardShell: busyEnd, busyStart, buttonAdd, changePicture, initializeTk, interior, main, pInterior, prev, run, wizardInit

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget: after, after_cancel, after_idle, bbox, bell, bind, bind_all, bind_class, bindtags, clipboard_append, clipboard_clear, clipboard_get, colormodel, columnconfigure, config, deletecommand, event_add, event_delete, event_generate, event_info, focus, focus_displayof, focus_force, focus_get, focus_lastfor, focus_set, forget, getboolean, getvar, grab_current, grab_release, grab_set, grab_set_global, grab_status, grid, grid_bbox, grid_columnconfigure, grid_configure, grid_forget, grid_info, grid_location, grid_propagate, grid_remove, grid_rowconfigure, grid_size, grid_slaves, image_names, image_types, info, keys, lift, lower, mainloop, nametowidget, option_add, option_clear, option_get, option_readfile, pack, pack_configure, pack_forget, pack_info, pack_propagate, pack_slaves, place, place_configure, place_forget, place_info, place_slaves, propagate, quit, register, rowconfigure, selection_clear, selection_get, selection_handle, selection_own, selection_own_get, send, setvar, size, slaves, tk_bisque, tk_focusFollowsMouse, tk_focusNext, tk_focusPrev, tk_menuBar, tk_setPalette, tk_strictMotif, tkraise, unbind, unbind_all, unbind_class, update, update_idletasks, wait_variable, wait_visibility, wait_window, waitvar, winfo_atom, winfo_atomname, winfo_cells, winfo_children, winfo_class, winfo_colormapfull, winfo_containing, winfo_depth, winfo_exists, winfo_fpixels, winfo_geometry, winfo_height, winfo_id, winfo_interps, winfo_ismapped, winfo_manager, winfo_name, winfo_parent, winfo_pathname, winfo_pixels, winfo_pointerx, winfo_pointerxy, winfo_pointery, winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth, winfo_rgb, winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty, winfo_screen, winfo_screencells, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_screenmmheight, winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_server, winfo_toplevel, winfo_viewable, winfo_visual, winfo_visualid, winfo_visualsavailable, winfo_vrootheight, winfo_vrootwidth, winfo_vrootx, winfo_vrooty, winfo_width, winfo_x, winfo_y

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, addoptions, cget, component, componentaliases, componentgroup, components, configure, createcomponent, createlabel, defineoptions, destroy, destroycomponent, hulldestroyed, initialiseoptions, isinitoption, options

Class Variables [hide private]
  wizname = 'Message Analysis'
  wizimage = 'analyzing_computer_tv_head_md_wht.gif'
  frameWidth = 600
  frameHeight = 500
  phases = ['sender', 'receivers', 'overhearers', 'models', 'mes...

Inherited from WizardShell.WizardShell: busyCursor, padx, pady, panes, wizversion

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, entities, sender=None, receivers=[], messages=[], parent=None, **kw)

source code 
Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype.__init__


source code 
Overrides: WizardShell.WizardShell.createInterface


source code 

Handle context-sensitive transitions from pane to pane



source code 
Overrides: WizardShell.WizardShell.done

Class Variable Details [hide private]

