Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Module pmfScale :: Class PMFScale
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[frames] | no frames]

Class PMFScale

source code

_Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype --+    
       _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget --+

Widget for displaying a probability mass function (PMF)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent=None, **kw) source code
makeRow(self, row, element)
Creates the widgets in the given row of the scale
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Updates the scales to reflect the current distribution
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setTroughColor(self, row, value)
Sets the trough color of the given slider for the given value
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setSlider(self, row, value)
Sets the given slider to the given value
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Add a new element to distribution
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Switch sliders to show elements or probabilities as appropriate
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setElement(self, row)
Callback for element entry field
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setProbability(self, row)
Callback for probability entry field
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update(self, row, new=None)
Slider callback
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updateElement(self, row, new)
Updates an element in the distribution based on a change (slider or entry)
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updateProbability(self, row, new)
Updates an probability in the distribution based on a change (slider or entry)
source code
setState(self) source code
expand(self, event) source code
isExpanded(self, row)
Returns: True iff the given row's details pane is expanded
source code
Updates the foreground and background colors for all component widgets
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Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget: after, after_cancel, after_idle, bbox, bell, bind, bind_all, bind_class, bindtags, clipboard_append, clipboard_clear, clipboard_get, colormodel, columnconfigure, config, deletecommand, event_add, event_delete, event_generate, event_info, focus, focus_displayof, focus_force, focus_get, focus_lastfor, focus_set, forget, getboolean, getvar, grab_current, grab_release, grab_set, grab_set_global, grab_status, grid, grid_bbox, grid_columnconfigure, grid_configure, grid_forget, grid_info, grid_location, grid_propagate, grid_remove, grid_rowconfigure, grid_size, grid_slaves, image_names, image_types, info, keys, lift, lower, mainloop, nametowidget, option_add, option_clear, option_get, option_readfile, pack, pack_configure, pack_forget, pack_info, pack_propagate, pack_slaves, place, place_configure, place_forget, place_info, place_slaves, propagate, quit, register, rowconfigure, selection_clear, selection_get, selection_handle, selection_own, selection_own_get, send, setvar, size, slaves, tk_bisque, tk_focusFollowsMouse, tk_focusNext, tk_focusPrev, tk_menuBar, tk_setPalette, tk_strictMotif, tkraise, unbind, unbind_all, unbind_class, update_idletasks, wait_variable, wait_visibility, wait_window, waitvar, winfo_atom, winfo_atomname, winfo_cells, winfo_children, winfo_class, winfo_colormapfull, winfo_containing, winfo_depth, winfo_exists, winfo_fpixels, winfo_geometry, winfo_height, winfo_id, winfo_interps, winfo_ismapped, winfo_manager, winfo_name, winfo_parent, winfo_pathname, winfo_pixels, winfo_pointerx, winfo_pointerxy, winfo_pointery, winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth, winfo_rgb, winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty, winfo_screen, winfo_screencells, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_screenmmheight, winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_server, winfo_toplevel, winfo_viewable, winfo_visual, winfo_visualid, winfo_visualsavailable, winfo_vrootheight, winfo_vrootwidth, winfo_vrootx, winfo_vrooty, winfo_width, winfo_x, winfo_y

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, addoptions, cget, component, componentaliases, componentgroup, components, configure, createcomponent, createlabel, defineoptions, destroy, destroycomponent, hulldestroyed, initialiseoptions, interior, isinitoption, options

Class Variables [hide private]
float epsilon = 1e-10
threshold for determining zero probabilites
Instance Variables [hide private]
a Lock used to avoid asynchronyous update problems @type lock
dict map
mapping from row index to distribution element
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent=None, **kw)

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Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype.__init__

makeRow(self, row, element)

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Creates the widgets in the given row of the scale

  • row (int) - the row to put the widgets on
  • element - the element for this row (in whatever form it is)

update(self, row, new=None)

source code 

Slider callback

Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget.update

updateElement(self, row, new)

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Updates an element in the distribution based on a change (slider or entry)

Returns: bool
True if there is any change; otherwise, False

updateProbability(self, row, new)

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Updates an probability in the distribution based on a change (slider or entry)

Returns: bool
True if there is any change; otherwise, False

isExpanded(self, row)

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  • row (int) - the row of interest
Returns: bool
True iff the given row's details pane is expanded