Package teamwork :: Package action :: Module DecisionSpace :: Class ORSpace
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Class ORSpace

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DecisionSpace --+

Space of possible options expressed as a disjunction of all possible values

The options generated are a disjunction over the the decision spaces in the values attribute.

Warning: Assumes that the values attribute contains a list of DecisionSpace instances

Note: Ignores the base attribute

>>> space = {'type':'OR','values':[{'type':'decision','value':decisions1},{'type':'decision','value':decisions2},...,{'type':'decision','value':'decisionsn}]}

The resulting space will have the union of actions across the decision spaces, decisions1 to decisionsn. Keep in mind that duplicates will be included!

Instance Methods [hide private]
Utility method that generates possible options (OR assumed)
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Inherited from DecisionSpace: __copy__, __init__, __str__, __xml__, append, directAdd, getOptions, parse, remove, replace, testForField

Class Variables [hide private]
string branchType = 'OR'
label for this class of DecisionSpace
Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from DecisionSpace: base, illegal, values

Method Details [hide private]


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Utility method that generates possible options (OR assumed)

Overrides: DecisionSpace.generateOptions

Note: no duplicates returned