Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module KeyedVector :: Class DeltaRow
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Class DeltaRow

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KeyedVector --+
Known Subclasses:

Subclass for rows used to compute deltas in dynamics

Nested Classes [hide private]
Superclass for all different keys, used for indexing the various symbolic matrices and hyperplanes
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, args={}, sourceKey=None, deltaKey=None, value=0.0) source code
instantiate(self, table)
Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table
source code
instantiateKeys(self, table)
Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table
source code
__delitem__(self, key) source code
__copy__(self) source code
__deepcopy__(self, memo) source code
__xml__(self) source code
parse(self, element, changeInPlace=True)
Extracts the distribution from the given XML element
source code

Inherited from KeyedVector: __add__, __eq__, __getitem__, __hash__, __len__, __mul__, __neg__, __rmul__, __setitem__, __str__, __sub__, addColumns, compose, fill, freeze, getArray, has_key, items, keys, normalize, setArray, simpleText, unfreeze

Inherited from KeyedVector (private): _updateString

Class Variables [hide private]
  label = 'change'
Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from KeyedVector (private): _array, _fresh, _frozen, _string

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, args={}, sourceKey=None, deltaKey=None, value=0.0)

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  • sourceKey - the feature to be changed
  • deltaKey - the feature to use in computing the delta
  • value (float) - the coefficient for that feature
  • sourceKey,deltaKey (Key)
Overrides: KeyedVector.__init__

instantiate(self, table)

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Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table

  • table - dictionary of key-value pairs, where the value will be substituted for any appearance of the given key in a field of this Key object
Returns: KeyedVector
Overrides: KeyedVector.instantiate
(inherited documentation)

instantiateKeys(self, table)

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Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table

  • table (dictionary) - dictionary of key-value pairs, where the value will be substituted for any appearance of the given key in a field of this Key object
Overrides: KeyedVector.instantiateKeys

__delitem__(self, key)
(Index deletion operator)

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Overrides: KeyedVector.__delitem__


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Overrides: KeyedVector.__copy__

__deepcopy__(self, memo)

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Overrides: KeyedVector.__deepcopy__


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Overrides: KeyedVector.__xml__

parse(self, element, changeInPlace=True)

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Extracts the distribution from the given XML element

  • element (Element) - The XML Element object specifying the vector
  • changeInPlace (boolean) - flag, if True, then modify this vector itself; otherwise, return a new vector
the KeyedVector instance
Overrides: KeyedVector.parse