Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module matrices :: Class DecisionTree
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Class DecisionTree

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Known Subclasses:

Represents a decision tree with hyperplane branches that divide an n-dimensional space, and unrestricted values stored at the leaf nodes (e.g., matrices for dynamics, actions for policies, etc.)

Nested Classes [hide private]
the class used to instantiate the branches
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, value=None)
Creates a DecisionTree
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makeLeaf(self, value)
Marks this tree as a leaf node
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Returns: the value of this tree
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Returns: True iff this tree is a leaf node
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list of DecisionTree instances
Returns: all subtrees rooted at this node
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Returns: list of all leaf values (not necessarily unique) from L to R
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Returns: list of all leaf nodes (not necessarily unique) from L to R
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Returns: the maximum distance between this node and the leaf nodes of the tree rooted at this node (a leaf node has a depth of 0, a branch node with two leaf nodes as children has a depth of 1, etc.)
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branches(self, result=None)
Returns: all branches (not necessarily unique)
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branch(self, plane, falseTree, trueTree, pruneF=True, pruneT=True, debug=False)
Marks this tree as a deterministic branching node
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Returns: the conditions under which this node will be reached, as a list of (plane,True/False) tuples
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createIndex(self, start=0) source code
removeTautologies(self, negative=True) source code
prune(self, comparisons=None, debug=False, negative=True) source code
Returns: a dictionary of statistics about the decision tree rooted at this node:
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rebalance(self, debug=False)
Uses ID3 heuristic to reorder branches
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_extractTree(self, tree, attributes, values)
Extracts the rules from the given dtree structure into this tree
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makeRules(self, attributes=None, values=None, conditions=None, debug=False, comparisons=None)
Represents this tree as a list of rules
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fromRules(self, rules, attributes, values, comparisons=None) source code
generateAlternatives(self, index, value, test=None) source code
__getitem__(self, index) source code
replace(self, orig, new, comparisons=None, conditions=[])
Replaces any leaf nodes that match the given original value with the provided new value, followed by a pruning phase
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a new DecisionTree instance
merge(self, other, op)
Merges the two trees together using the given operator to combine leaf values
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a new DecisionTree instance
_merge(self, other, op, comparisons=None, conditions=[])
Helper method that merges the two trees together using the given operator to combine leaf values, without pruning
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__add__(self, other) source code
__mul__(self, other) source code
_multiply(self, other, comparisons=None, conditions=[]) source code
__sub__(self, other) source code
__neg__(self) source code
__eq__(self, other) source code
__hash__(self) source code
__str__(self) source code
__copy__(self) source code
__xml__(self) source code
parse(self, element, valueClass=None, debug=False)
Extracts the tree from the given XML element
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Class Variables [hide private]
boolean checkTautology = False
flag that, if True, activates check for hyperplanes that are either always True or always False in branch.
boolean checkPrune = True
flag that, if True, activates the prune method.
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, value=None)

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Creates a DecisionTree

  • value - the optional leaf node value

makeLeaf(self, value)

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Marks this tree as a leaf node

  • value - the new value of this leaf node


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the value of this tree
  • If a leaf node, as a single object
  • If a branch, as a tuple (falseTree,trueTree)


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Returns: boolean
True iff this tree is a leaf node


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Returns: list of DecisionTree instances
all subtrees rooted at this node


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list of all leaf values (not necessarily unique) from L to R

Note: the leaf value is the result of calling getValue, not an actual DecisionTree instance


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Returns: DecisionTree[]
list of all leaf nodes (not necessarily unique) from L to R


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Returns: int
the maximum distance between this node and the leaf nodes of the tree rooted at this node (a leaf node has a depth of 0, a branch node with two leaf nodes as children has a depth of 1, etc.)

branches(self, result=None)

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Returns: int→Hyperplane
all branches (not necessarily unique)

branch(self, plane, falseTree, trueTree, pruneF=True, pruneT=True, debug=False)

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Marks this tree as a deterministic branching node

  • plane (Hyperplane or Hyperplane[]) - the branchpoint(s) separating the False and True subtrees
  • falseTree (DecisionTree instance) - the False subtree
  • trueTree (DecisionTree instance) - the True subtree
  • pruneF (bool) - if true, will prune the False subtree
  • pruneT (bool) - if true, will prune the True subtree
  • debug (bool) - if True, some debugging statements will be written to stdout (default is False)

Note: setting either prune flag to false will save time (though may lead to more inefficient trees)


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Returns: (Hyperplane,boolean)[]
the conditions under which this node will be reached, as a list of (plane,True/False) tuples


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a dictionary of statistics about the decision tree rooted at this node:
  • leaf: # of leaves
  • branch: # of branch nodes
  • depth: depth of tree

rebalance(self, debug=False)

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Uses ID3 heuristic to reorder branches

True, iff a rebalancing was applied at this level

makeRules(self, attributes=None, values=None, conditions=None, debug=False, comparisons=None)

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Represents this tree as a list of rules


replace(self, orig, new, comparisons=None, conditions=[])

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Replaces any leaf nodes that match the given original value with the provided new value, followed by a pruning phase

  • orig - leaf value to be replaced
  • new - leaf value with which to replace

Warning: the replacement modifies this tree in place

merge(self, other, op)

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Merges the two trees together using the given operator to combine leaf values

  • other (DecisionTree instance) - the other tree to merge with
  • op - the operator used to generate the new leaf values, lambda x,y:f(x,y) where x and y are leaf values
Returns: a new DecisionTree instance

_merge(self, other, op, comparisons=None, conditions=[])

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Helper method that merges the two trees together using the given operator to combine leaf values, without pruning

  • other (DecisionTree instance) - the other tree to merge with
  • op - the operator used to generate the new leaf values, lambda x,y:f(x,y) where x and y are leaf values
Returns: a new DecisionTree instance

parse(self, element, valueClass=None, debug=False)

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Extracts the tree from the given XML element

  • element (Element) - The XML Element object specifying the plane
  • valueClass - The class used to generate the leaf values
the KeyedTree instance

Class Variable Details [hide private]


flag that, if True, activates check for hyperplanes that are either always True or always False in branch. This can lead to smaller trees, but decreases efficiency


flag that, if True, activates the prune method. This will lead to much smaller trees, but increases the overhead required to check for pruneability