Package teamwork :: Package math :: Module probability :: Class Distribution
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Class Distribution

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object --+    
      dict --+

A probability distribution

The possible domain values are any objects

Warning: If you make the domain values mutable types, try not to change the values while they are inside the distribution. If you must change a domain value, it is better to first delete the old value, change it, and then re-insert it.

Instance Methods [hide private]
new empty dictionary

__init__(self, args=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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__getitem__(self, element)
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__setitem__(self, element, value)
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__delitem__(self, element)
del x[y]
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Remove all items from D.
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replace(self, old, new)
Replaces on element in the sample space with another.
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Returns: the sample space of this probability distribution
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Returns: a list of tuples of value,probability pairs
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Returns: all keys contained in the domain values
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Normalizes the distribution so that the sum of values = 1
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marginalize(self, key)
Marginalizes the distribution to remove the given key (not in place! returns the new distribution)
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getMarginal(self, key)
Marginalizes the distribution over all but the given key
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join(self, key, value, debug=False)
Returns the joint distribution that includes the given key
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Returns the expected value of this distribution
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Removes any zero-probability entries from this distribution
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fill(self, keys, value=0.0)
Fills in any missing rows/columns in the domain matrices with a default value
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Locks in the dimensions and keys of all domain values
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Unlocks in the dimensions and keys of all domain values
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instantiate(self, table)
Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table
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instantiateKeys(self, table)
Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table
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compose(self, other, operator, replace=False, debug=False)
Composes this distribution with the other given, using the given op
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__add__(self, other) source code
__neg__(self) source code
__sub__(self, other) source code
__mul__(self, other) source code
__div__(self, other) source code
conditional(self, other, value={})
Computes a conditional probability, given this joint probability P(AB), the marginal probability P(B), and the value of B being conditioned on
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reachable(self, estimators, observations, horizon)
Computes any reachable distributions from this one
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Returns: a single element from the sample space, chosen randomly according to this distribution.
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Supports float conversion of distributions by returning EV.
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Returns a pretty string representation of this distribution
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simpleText(self, numbers=True, all=False) source code
Returns: An XML Document object representing this distribution
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__copy__(self) source code
__deepcopy__(self, memo) source code
parse(self, element, valueClass=None)
Extracts the distribution from the given XML element
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Inherited from dict: __cmp__, __contains__, __eq__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __gt__, __hash__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __ne__, __new__, __repr__, copy, fromkeys, get, has_key, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__

Class Variables [hide private]
float epsilon = 0.0001
the granularity for float comparisons
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, args=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

new empty dictionary

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

__getitem__(self, element)
(Indexing operator)

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Overrides: dict.__getitem__
(inherited documentation)

__setitem__(self, element, value)
(Index assignment operator)

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  • element - the domain element
  • value (float) - the probability to associate with the given key
Overrides: dict.__setitem__

Warning: raises an AssertionError if setting to an invalid prob value

__delitem__(self, element)
(Index deletion operator)

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del x[y]

Overrides: dict.__delitem__
(inherited documentation)


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Remove all items from D.

Returns: None
Overrides: dict.clear
(inherited documentation)

replace(self, old, new)

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Replaces on element in the sample space with another. Raises an exception if the original element does not exist, and an exception if the new element already exists (i.e., does not do a merge)


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Returns: list
the sample space of this probability distribution


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Returns: (value,float)[]
a list of tuples of value,probability pairs
Overrides: dict.items


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Returns: dict:teamwork.math.Keys.Key→boolean
all keys contained in the domain values


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Normalizes the distribution so that the sum of values = 1

Note: Not sure if this is really necessary

marginalize(self, key)

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Marginalizes the distribution to remove the given key (not in place! returns the new distribution)

  • key - the key to marginalize over
a new Distribution object representing the marginal distribution

Note: no exception is raised if the key is not present

getMarginal(self, key)

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Marginalizes the distribution over all but the given key

  • key - the key to compute the marginal distribution over
a new Distribution object representing the marginal

join(self, key, value, debug=False)

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Returns the joint distribution that includes the given key

  • key - any hashable instance
  • value - if a Distribution, the marginal distribution for the given key; otherwise, the marginal distribution is assumed to be P(key=value)=1
the joint distribution combining the current distribution with the specified marginal over the given key

Warning: this method assumes that this Distribution has domain values that are dict instances (i.e., for each domain element e, it can set e[key]=value) other words, there should probably be a subclass.


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Returns the expected value of this distribution

Warning: As a side effect, the distribution will be normalized


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Removes any zero-probability entries from this distribution

the pruned distribution (not a copy)

fill(self, keys, value=0.0)

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Fills in any missing rows/columns in the domain matrices with a default value

  • keys (teamwork.math.Keys.Key[]) - the new slots that should be filled
  • value - the default value (default is 0.)

Note: essentially calls appropriate fill method for any domain objects

instantiate(self, table)

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Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table

  • table (dictionary) - dictionary of key-value pairs, where the value will be substituted for any appearance of the given key in a field of this teamwork.math.Keys.Key object

instantiateKeys(self, table)

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Substitutes values for any abstract references, using the given substitution table

  • table (dictionary) - dictionary of key-value pairs, where the value will be substituted for any appearance of the given key in a field of this teamwork.math.Keys.Key object

compose(self, other, operator, replace=False, debug=False)

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Composes this distribution with the other given, using the given op

  • other - a Distribution object, or an object of the same class as the keys in this Distribution object
  • operator - a binary operator applicable to the class of keys in this Distribution object
  • replace - if this flag is true, the result modifies this distribution itself
the composed distribution

__add__(self, other)
(Addition operator)

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Note: Also supports + operator between Distribution object and objects of the same class as its keys

__sub__(self, other)
(Subtraction operator)

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Note: Also supports - operator between Distribution object and objects of the same class as its keys

__mul__(self, other)

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Note: Also supports * operator between Distribution object and objects of the same class as its keys

conditional(self, other, value={})

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Computes a conditional probability, given this joint probability P(AB), the marginal probability P(B), and the value of B being conditioned on

  • other (Distribution) - the marginal probability, P(B)
  • value (KeyedVector (if omitted, it's assumed that both P(AB) and P(B) have already been conditioned on the desired value)) - the value of B
Returns: Distribution
P(A|B=value) where self is P(AB)

reachable(self, estimators, observations, horizon)

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Computes any reachable distributions from this one

  • estimators (dict[]) - any possible conditional probability distributions, expressed as dictionaries, each containing numerator and denominator fields
  • observations (KeyedVector[]) - any possible observations
  • horizon - the maximum length of observation sequences to consider (if less than 1, then only the current distribution is reachable)
Returns: Distribution[]
all the reachable distributions


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a single element from the sample space, chosen randomly according to this distribution.


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Supports float conversion of distributions by returning EV. Invoked by calling float(self)

(Informal representation operator)

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Returns a pretty string representation of this distribution

Overrides: object.__str__

simpleText(self, numbers=True, all=False)

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  • numbers - if True, returns a number-free representation of this distribution


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An XML Document object representing this distribution

parse(self, element, valueClass=None)

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Extracts the distribution from the given XML element

  • element (Element) - The XML Element object specifying the distribution
  • valueClass - The class used to generate the domain values for this distribution
This Distribution object