Package teamwork :: Package multiagent :: Module Simulation
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Source Code for Module teamwork.multiagent.Simulation

  1  import copy 
  2  import string 
  3  from teamwork.math.probability import Distribution 
  4  from teamwork.math.Keys import StateKey,keyConstant 
  5  from teamwork.math.matrices import epsilon 
  6  from teamwork.math.KeyedVector import KeyedVector 
  7  from teamwork.math.KeyedMatrix import KeyedMatrix 
  8  from teamwork.math.KeyedTree import KeyedTree 
  9  from Multiagent import MultiagentSystem 
 10  from xml.dom.minidom import * 
12 -class MultiagentSimulation(MultiagentSystem):
13 """Base multiagent class that provides rudimentary state and turn-taking infrastructure 14 @ivar order: the base turn-taking order, which is the order set at the beginning of the simulation 15 @type order: L{KeyedVector} 16 @ivar _turnDynamics: the dynamics of turn taking 17 @type _turnDynamics: L{teamwork.math.KeyedTree.KeyedTree} 18 @cvar turnFeature: the name of the feature labeling the turn status of each agent 19 @type turnFeature: C{str} 20 @ivar time: the number of epochs passed 21 @type time: C{int} 22 @cvar threshold: the activation threshold for the agent's L{turnFeature} valueb 23 """ 24 turnFeature = '_turn' 25 threshold = 0.5 26
27 - def __init__(self,agents=[]):
28 """Initializes a simulation to contain the given list of agents. If you would like to create your own turn state and dynamics, override the methods L{generateOrder} and L{createTurnDynamics}. 29 @param agents: the initial set of agents (defaults to an empty set) 30 @type agents: C{L{teamwork.agent.Agent.Agent}[]} 31 """ 32 # Initialize entity state 33 self.state = Distribution({KeyedVector({keyConstant:1.}):1.}) 34 # World dynamics 35 self.dynamics = {} 36 MultiagentSystem.__init__(self,agents) 37 self.time = 0 38 # Initialize turn-taking 39 self._turnDynamics = {} 40 self.initializeOrder() 41 if isinstance(agents,MultiagentSimulation): 42 self.order = copy.deepcopy(agents.order) 43 # History 44 self.saveHistory = False 45 self.history = []
47 - def addMember(self,agent):
48 """Adds the agent to this collection 49 @param agent: the agent to add 50 @type agent: L{teamwork.agent.Agent} 51 @warning: will clobber any pre-existing agent with the same name 52 """ 53 MultiagentSystem.addMember(self,agent) 54 for feature in agent.getStateFeatures(): 55 value = agent.getState(feature) 56 key = StateKey({'entity','feature':feature}) 57 self.state.join(key,value) 58 agent.state = self.state 59 agent.entities = self.__class__(agent.entities)
61 - def getStateKeys(self):
62 """ 63 @return: dictionary containing relevant state keys 64 @rtype: C{dict:L{StateKey}S{->}boolean} 65 """ 66 return self.state.domainKeys()
68 - def getState(self):
69 """ 70 @return: the probability over the current states of all member agents 71 @rtype: L{Distribution}""" 72 return self.state
74 - def deleteState(self,entity,feature):
75 """Removes the given feature from the state vector 76 @param entity: the entity on whom the feature currently exists 77 @type entity: str 78 @param feature: the state feature to remove 79 @type feature: str 80 """ 81 key = StateKey({'entity':entity,'feature':feature}) 82 self.state = self.state.marginalize(key)
84 - def getSequence(self):
85 """ 86 @return: the sequence of entities who will act in this simulaton 87 @rtype: str[] 88 """ 89 entries = self.order.items() 90 entries.sort(lambda x,y:-cmp(x[1],y[1])) 91 return map(lambda k:k['entity'], 92 filter(lambda k:isinstance(k,StateKey), 93 map(lambda x:x[0],entries)))
95 - def initializeOrder(self):
96 """Re-initializes the turn-taking order, in case of any addition/deletion of agents""" 97 self.order = self.generateOrder() 98 self._turnDynamics.clear()
100 - def generateOrder(self,entities=None):
101 """Creates a new order vector 102 @return: the turn state vector suitable for the initial state of the simulation 103 @rtype: L{KeyedVector} 104 """ 105 self._turnDynamics.clear() 106 if entities is None: 107 entities = self.activeMembers() 108 entities.sort() 109 order = KeyedVector() 110 for agent in entities: 111 order[StateKey({'entity', 112 'feature':self.turnFeature})] = 1. 113 order.freeze() 114 return order
116 - def next(self,order=None):
117 """Computes the active agents in the next turn by determining which agents have an activation greater than L{threshold} in the turn state 118 @param order: the order vector to use as the basis for computing the turn result (defaults to the current system turn state) 119 @type order: L{KeyedVector} 120 @return: the names of those agents whose turn it is now. Each of the agents will thus act in parallel 121 @rtype: C{str[]} 122 """ 123 if order is None: 124 order = self.order 125 best = {'value':-1.} 126 for key,value in order.items(): 127 if key.has_key('feature') and key['feature'] == self.turnFeature: 128 entry = {'name':key['entity']} 129 if value > best['value'] + epsilon: 130 # New best 131 best = {'value':value,'agents':[entry]} 132 elif value + epsilon > best['value']: 133 # Tied with best 134 best['agents'].append(entry) 135 return best['agents']
137 - def updateTurn(self,actions,debug=None):
138 """Computes the (possibly cached) change in turn due to the specified actions 139 @param actions: the actions being performed, indexed by actor name 140 @type actions: C{dict:strS{->}L{Action<teamwork.action.PsychActions.Action>}[]} 141 @return: the dynamics of change to the standing turn order based on the specified actions, suitable for passing to L{applyTurn} to actually implement the changes 142 @rtype: L{KeyedTree<teamwork.math.KeyedTree.KeyedTree>} 143 """ 144 actionKey = string.join(map(str,actions.values())) 145 if not self._turnDynamics.has_key(actionKey): 146 tree = self.createTurnDynamics(actions) 147 tree.fill(self.order.keys()) 148 tree.freeze() 149 self._turnDynamics[actionKey] = tree 150 return self._turnDynamics[actionKey]
152 - def activeMembers(self):
153 """ 154 @return: those agents who are able to take actions 155 @rtype: L{Agent<teamwork.agent.Agent.Agent>}[] 156 """ 157 entities = [] 158 for agent in self.members(): 159 if len(agent.actions.getOptions()) > 0: 160 entities.append(agent) 161 return entities
163 - def actorCount(self,level=0):
164 """ 165 @param level: The belief depth at which all agents will have their policies compiled, where 0 is the belief depth of the real agent. If the value of this flag is I{n}, then all agents at belief depthS{>=}I{n} will have their policies compiled, while no agents at belief depth<I{n} will. 166 @type level: int 167 @return: the total number of actors (including recursive beliefs) within this scenario 168 @rtype: int 169 """ 170 count = 0 171 flag = False 172 for agent in self.members(): 173 if not flag and agent.beliefDepth() >= level: 174 flag = True 175 count += agent.entities.actorCount() 176 if flag: 177 count += len(self.activeMembers()) 178 return count
180 - def actionCount(self,descend=True):
181 """ 182 @param descend: flag, if True, the count includes actions in recursive beliefs; otherwise, not. 183 @return: the total number of actions within this scenario 184 @rtype: int 185 """ 186 count = 0 187 for agent in self.members(): 188 if descend: 189 count += agent.entities.actionCount() 190 count += len(agent.actions.getOptions()) 191 return count
193 - def generateActions(self,agents=None,result=None):
194 """Generates all possible joint actions out of the given agents 195 @param agents: the agents eligible for action (defaults to currently eligible agents) 196 @type agents: L{Agent<teamwork.agent.Agent.Agent>}[] 197 """ 198 if agents is None: 199 agents = 200 if result is None: 201 result = [{}] 202 if len(agents) == 0: 203 return result 204 else: 205 turn = agents.pop() 206 agent = self[turn['name']] 207 newResult = [] 208 try: 209 choices = turn['choices'] 210 except KeyError: 211 choices = agent.actions.getOptions() 212 for action in choices: 213 for set in result: 214 newSet = copy.copy(set) 215 newSet[] = action 216 newResult.append(newSet) 217 return self.generateActions(agents,newResult)
219 - def createTurnDynamics(self,actions):
220 """Computes the change in turn due to the specified actions 221 @param actions: the actions being performed, indexed by actor name 222 @type actions: C{dict:strS{->}L{teamwork.action.PsychActions.Action}[]} 223 @return: the dynamics of change to the standing turn order based on the specified actions, suitable for passing to L{applyTurn} to actually implement the changes 224 @rtype: L{KeyedTree<teamwork.math.KeyedTree.KeyedTree>} 225 """ 226 matrix = KeyedMatrix() 227 for key in self.order.keys(): 228 row = KeyedVector() 229 row[key] = 1. 230 matrix[key] = row 231 tree = KeyedTree() 232 tree.makeLeaf(matrix) 233 return tree
235 - def applyTurn(self,delta,beliefs=None):
236 """Applies provided turn changes 237 @param delta: changes, as computed by L{updateTurn} 238 @type delta: C{L{KeyedTree<teamwork.math.KeyedTree.KeyedTree>}} 239 @param beliefs: the belief dictionary to be updated (defaults to this actual L{Simulation}) 240 @type beliefs: dict 241 """ 242 if beliefs is None: 243 self.order = delta[self.order] * self.order 244 self.time += 1 245 if self.saveHistory: 246 self.history.append(self.state.expectation()) 247 else: 248 beliefs['turn'] = delta[beliefs['turn']] * beliefs['turn']
250 - def __xml__(self):
251 doc = MultiagentSystem.__xml__(self) 252 doc.documentElement.setAttribute('time',str(self.time)) 253 # State 254 node = doc.createElement('state') 255 doc.documentElement.appendChild(node) 256 node.appendChild(self.state.__xml__().documentElement) 257 # Turn sequence 258 node = doc.createElement('order') 259 doc.documentElement.appendChild(node) 260 node.appendChild(self.order.__xml__().documentElement) 261 return doc
263 - def parse(self,element,agentClass=None):
264 MultiagentSystem.parse(self,element,agentClass) 265 try: 266 self.time = int(element.getAttribute('time')) 267 except ValueError: 268 self.time = 0 269 self.initializeOrder() 270 child = element.firstChild 271 while child: 272 if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: 273 if child.tagName == 'state': 274 subNodes = child.getElementsByTagName('distribution') 275 if len(subNodes) == 1: 276 self.state.parse(subNodes[0],KeyedVector) 277 elif len(subNodes) > 1: 278 raise UserWarning,'Multiple distributions in state' 279 elif child.tagName == 'order': 280 subNodes = child.getElementsByTagName('vector') 281 if len(subNodes) == 1: 282 self.order.parse(subNodes[0],True) 283 elif len(subNodes) > 1: 284 raise UserWarning,'Multiple vectors in turn sequence' 285 else: 286 raise UserWarning,'Missing vector in turn sequence' 287 child = child.nextSibling
289 - def __copy__(self):
290 new = MultiagentSystem.__copy__(self) 291 new.time = self.time 292 new.initializeOrder() 293 new.state = copy.copy(self.state) 294 return new
296 - def __deepcopy__(self,memo):
297 memo[id(self.state)] = copy.deepcopy(self.state,memo) 298 new = MultiagentSystem.__deepcopy__(self,memo) 299 new.time = self.time 300 new.initializeOrder() 301 new.state = memo[id(self.state)] 302 return new