Package teamwork :: Package policy :: Module JIPolicy :: Class STEAMPolicy
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Class STEAMPolicy

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generic.Policy --+    
          JIPolicy --+

subclass of joint intentions policies, but following the STEAM algorithm for decision-theoretic selectivity

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, jpg, achievedMsg, gamma, costMiscoord, costComm)
jpg: a dictionary of conditions under which the JPG is achieved.
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execute(self, state, choices=[], debug=0) source code
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, jpg, achievedMsg, gamma, costMiscoord, costComm)

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jpg: a dictionary of conditions under which the JPG is achieved. The keys are the relevant feature names; the values are a list of relevant feature values.

Overrides: generic.Policy.__init__

execute(self, state, choices=[], debug=0)

source code 
Overrides: generic.Policy.execute