Package teamwork :: Package shell :: Module PsychShell
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Source Code for Module

  1  """ 
  2  The base engine with handlers for typical interactions with PsychSim agents 
  3  @version: 1.7 
  4  """ 
  5  try: 
  6      import inspect 
  7      __DOC__ = True 
  8  except ImportError: 
  9      __DOC__ = False 
 10  __PROFILE__ = False 
 12  import bz2 
 13  import os.path 
 14  from Queue import Queue 
 15  import re 
 16  import string 
 17  import sys 
 18  from xml.dom.minidom import parse 
 20  from teamwork.agent.Entities import * 
 21  from teamwork.agent.lightweight import PWLAgent 
 22  from teamwork.agent.AgentClasses import * 
 23  from teamwork.utils.PsychUtils import * 
 24  from teamwork.utils.Debugger import * 
 25  from teamwork.messages.PsychMessage import * 
 26  from teamwork.multiagent.sequential import SequentialAgents 
 27  from teamwork.action.PsychActions import * 
 28  from teamwork.multiagent.GenericSociety import * 
 29  from teamwork.multiagent.pwlSimulation import PWLSimulation 
 31  if __PROFILE__: 
 32      import hotshot,hotshot.stats 
34 -class PsychShell:
35 """The base API for the PsychSim engine 36 @cvar __VERSION__: the version of this shell 37 @cvar __UNDO__: flag indicating whether UNDO operations are supported 38 @type __UNDO__: boolean 39 @cvar __KQML__: flag indicating whether KQML communication is supported 40 @type __KQML__: boolean 41 @ivar multiagentClass: the class of the current scenario (default is L{SequentialAgents}) 42 @ivar agentClass: the class of individual agents in the scenario (default is L{PsychEntity}) 43 """ 44 __VERSION__ = '1.8beta' 45 __UNDO__ = False 46 __KQML__ = False 47 48 actionFormat = [('actor',True),('type',True),('object',False)] 49
50 - def __init__(self, 51 scenario=None, # Initial scenario 52 classes=None, # Class hierarchy 53 agentClass=None, # Class used for generating agents 54 multiagentClass=None, # Class for generating scenario 55 debug=0):
56 """ 57 @param scenario: a L{teamwork.multiagent.PsychAgents.PsychAgents} object (if none provided, shell starts up an initialization phase) 58 @type classes: L{GenericSociety} 59 """ 60 # Find root directory 61 path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 62 = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path,'..')) 63 # Set up (multi)agent classes 64 if agentClass: 65 self.agentClass = agentClass 66 else: 67 self.agentClass = PsychEntity 68 if multiagentClass: 69 self.multiagentClass = multiagentClass 70 else: 71 self.multiagentClass = SequentialAgents 72 self.debug = TimedDebugger(debug) 73 # Set up class hierarchy 74 self.resetSociety() 75 self.societyFile = None 76 if isinstance(classes,str): 77 self.loadSociety(classes) 78 elif classes: 79 self.classes = classes 80 self.scenarioFile = None 81 self.scenario = None 82 if type(scenario) is StringType: 83 # String indicates a file name to load entities from 84 try: 85 PsychShell.load(self,scenario) 86 self.phase = 'run' 87 except IOError: 88 print 'No such file or directory:',scenario 89 self.scenario = None 90 elif scenario is None: 91 # If no entities provided, go into initialization phase 92 self.scenario = None 93 self.entities = self.classes 94 self.phase = 'setup' 95 elif isinstance(scenario,list): 96 # Convert into PsychAgents object 97 scenario = self.setupEntities(scenario) 98 self.setupScenario(scenario) 99 else: 100 # Assume that is instance of PsychAgents 101 self.scenario = scenario 102 self.entities = self.scenario 103 self.phase = 'run' 104 self.initEntities() 105 self.done = None 106 if self.__KQML__: 107 # Start up KQML listener 108 import teamwork.communication.SocketListener 109 self.router = teamwork.communication.SocketListener.KQMLListener() 110 self.router.registerHandler(self.handleMsg) 111 # Reset known susceptibilities to be empty 112 self.susceptibility = None 113 self.handlers = {} 114 self.tests = {} 115 # Add mappings here from command to function 116 # (see the 'save' method for an example handler) 117 self.handlers['entity'] = self.getEntity 118 self.handlers['belief'] = self.getBelief 119 self.handlers['act'] = self.performAct 120 self.handlers['step'] = self.step 121 self.handlers['save'] = 122 self.handlers['load'] = self.load 123 self.handlers['export'] = self.export 124 self.handlers['distill'] = self.distill 125 self.handlers['message'] = self.send 126 self.handlers['goals'] = self.goals 127 self.handlers['policy'] = self.applyPolicy 128 self.handlers['entities'] = self.getEntities 129 self.handlers['test'] = self.test 130 self.handlers['help'] = 131 self.handlers['debug'] = self.setDebugLevel 132 self.handlers['model'] = self.setModel 133 self.handlers['loadgeneric'] = self.loadSociety 134 self.handlers['savegeneric'] = self.saveSociety 135 if self.__UNDO__: 136 # Slot for saving last known entities 137 self.lastStep = None 138 self.handlers['undo'] = self.undo
140 - def setupScenario(self,agents,progress=None):
141 """initialize L{PsychShell} with given L{scenario<teamwork.multiagent.PsychAgents.PsychAgents>} 142 @param agents: the scenario to interact with 143 @type agents: L{MultiagentSimulation<teamwork.multiagent.Simulation.MultiagentSimulation>} 144 @param progress: optional progress display command 145 @type progress: C{lambda} 146 """ 147 self.scenario = agents 148 self.entities = self.scenario 149 self.phase = 'run' 150 self.initEntities(progress) 151 if self.__UNDO__: 152 self.lastStep=copy.deepcopy (self.entities) 153 return self.scenario
155 - def setupEntities(self,entities=None,progress=None,compileDynamics=True, 156 compilePolicies=None,distill=False):
157 """Creates a scenario instance from a list of entities and applies the default values across the board 158 @param entities: the entities to use in populating the scenario 159 @type entities: L{Agent}[] 160 @param progress: optional C{Queue} argument is used to give progress updates, in the form of C{(label,pct)}, where: 161 - I{label}: a string label to display for the current task 162 - I{pct}: an integer percentage (1-100) representing the amount of progress made since the last call 163 The thread puts C{None} into the queue when it has finished. 164 @type progress: Queue 165 @return: a newly created scenario instance 166 @rtype: L{multiagentClass} 167 @param compileDynamics: Flag indicating whether the scenario dynamics should be compiled as well (default is True) 168 @type compileDynamics: boolean 169 @param compilePolicies: The belief depth at which all agents will have their policies compiled, where 0 is the belief depth of the real agent. If the value of this flag is I{n}, then all agents at belief depthS{>=}I{n} will have their policies compiled, while no agents at belief depth<I{n} will. If omitted, no policies will be compiled 170 @type compilePolicies: int 171 @param distill: If C{True}, then create a distilled version of these agents (default is C{False} 172 @type distill: bool 173 """ 174 agents = self.multiagentClass() 175 agents.society = self.classes 176 for entity in entities: 177 agents.addMember(entity) 178 # Compute whether there are any compilations to be "progressed" through 179 if progress is not None: 180 if not isinstance(progress,Queue): 181 raise DeprecationWarning,'"progress" argument should be Queue for proper synchronization.' 182 total = agents.actorCount(compilePolicies) 183 if compileDynamics: 184 # Crude estimate of how many recursive belief there are 185 for entity in agents.members(): 186 depth = entity.getDefault('depth') 187 total += pow(len(agents.members()),depth) 188 # Count how many dynamics functions there are 189 total += agents.actionCount(False) 190 total = float(total) 191 # Nothing else to progress over, so might as well do it here 192 agents.applyDefaults(progress=progress,total=total, 193 doBeliefs=not distill) 194 if compileDynamics: 195 if __PROFILE__: 196 filename = '/tmp/stats' 197 prof = hotshot.Profile(filename) 198 prof.start() 199 agents.compileDynamics(progress,total) 200 if __PROFILE__: 201 prof.stop() 202 prof.close() 203 print 'loading stats...' 204 stats = hotshot.stats.load(filename) 205 stats.strip_dirs() 206 stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') 207 stats.print_stats() 208 agents.compilePolicy(compilePolicies,progress,total) 209 if distill: 210 # Create lightweight agents right away 211 scenario = PWLSimulation(agents) 212 # Determine LHS of policies 213 attributes = {} 214 vectors = {} 215 keyList = filter(lambda k:isinstance(k,StateKey), 216 agents.getStateKeys().keys()) 217 maxAttrs = 8 218 for key in keyList: 219 for agent in scenario.members(): 220 for option in agent.actions.getOptions(): 221 for action in option: 222 if len(attributes) >= maxAttrs: 223 continue 224 entity = agents[key['entity']] 225 dynamics = entity.getDynamics(action, 226 key['feature']) 227 tree = dynamics.getTree() 228 del entity.dynamics[key['feature']][action] 229 for plane in tree.branches().values(): 230 if isinstance(plane.weights,ThresholdRow): 231 # Needs to be a bit more permissive, but... 232 label = plane.weights.simpleText() 233 try: 234 attributes[label][plane.threshold] = True 235 except KeyError: 236 attributes[label] = {plane.threshold: True} 237 vectors[label] = plane.weights 238 # Initialize everyone's policies with default order 239 keyList = agents.getStateKeys().keys() 240 keyList.sort() 241 del agents 242 for key,vector in vectors.items(): 243 vector.fill(keyList) 244 # Compile for just one agent 245 for agent in scenario.members(): 246 options = agent.actions.getOptions() 247 if len(options) > 0: 248 agent.policy.reset() 249 # Cap the # of attributes 250 for key,values in attributes.items(): 251 values = values.keys() 252 values.sort() 253 agent.policy.attributes.append((vectors[key],values)) 254 agent.policy.initialize(choices=options) 255 for index in xrange(len(agent.policy.rules)): 256 agent.policy.rules[index] = options[:] 257'/tmp/pynadath/test%02d_%d.xml' % \ 258 (len(scenario),len(agent.policy.rules))) 259 print 260 print 'done.' 261 sys.exit(0) 262 agents = scenario 263 # Report to the main thread that we're all done 264 if progress: 265 progress.put(None) 266 return agents
268 - def initEntities(self,progress=None):
269 """A method, to be overridden by subclass, that is invoked whenever there is a new set of entities""" 270 pass
272 - def getCommand(self):
273 """Abstract method for getting a command from user. 274 @rtype: C{str} 275 """ 276 raise NotImplementedError
278 - def executeCommand(self,cmd):
279 start = time.time() 280 result = self.execute(cmd) 281 diff = time.time()-start 282 if result: 283 self.displayResult(cmd,`self.debug`) 284 self.debug.reset() 285 self.displayResult(cmd,result) 286 self.displayResult(cmd,'Time: %7.4f' % (diff)) 287 else: 288 self.done = 1 289 return result
291 - def displayResult(self,cmd,result):
292 """Abstract method for displaying a result to the user 293 @param cmd: the command executed 294 @type cmd: C{str} 295 @param result: the results of the command 296 @type result: C{str[]} 297 """ 298 raise NotImplementedError
300 - def save(self,filename=None,results=None):
301 """Saves the state of the current simulation to the named file""" 302 if not filename: 303 return 'Usage: save <filename>' 304 305 self.scenarioFile = filename 306 return 1
308 - def saveSociety(self,filename=None,results=None):
309 """Saves the current generic society to the named file""" 310 if not filename: 311 return 'Usage: savegeneric <filename>' 312 313 self.societyFile = filename 314 return 1
316 - def load(self,filename=None,results=None):
317 """Loads in a L{scenario<teamwork.multiagent.PsychAgents.PsychAgents>} object from the specified file""" 318 if not filename: 319 return 'Usage: load <filename>' 320 if filename[-4:] == '.xml': 321 f = open(filename,'r') 322 else: 323 import bz2 324 f = bz2.BZ2File(filename,'r') 325 data = 326 f.close() 327 doc = parseString(data) 328 scenarioClass = str(doc.documentElement.getAttribute('type')) 329 if scenarioClass == 'PWLSimulation': 330 self.scenario = PWLSimulation() 331 agentClass = PWLAgent 332 elif scenarioClass == 'GenericSociety': 333 # Whoops, we have a generic society instead 334 return self.loadSociety(filename,True,results) 335 else: 336 # We should also handle other specific types here 337 self.scenario = self.multiagentClass() 338 agentClass = self.agentClass 339 self.scenario.parse(doc.documentElement,agentClass,GenericSociety) 340 self.entities = self.scenario 341 self.scenario.initialize() 342 eList = self.entities.members() 343 while len(eList) > 0: 344 entity = eList.pop() 345 entity.setHierarchy(self.classes) 346 eList += entity.getEntityBeliefs() 347 self.scenarioFile = filename 348 self.initEntities() 349 return 1
351 - def loadSociety(self,filename=None,overwrite=True,results=None):
352 """Loads in a GenericSociety object from the specified file 353 @param overwrite: flag indicating, when C{True} that the existing society should be erased before loading in the new one 354 @type overwrite: boolean 355 """ 356 if not filename: 357 return 'usage: loadgeneric <filename>' 358 if filename[-4:] == '.xml': 359 f = open(filename,'r') 360 else: 361 import bz2 362 f = bz2.BZ2File(filename,'r') 363 data = 364 f.close() 365 doc = parseString(data) 366 newClasses = GenericSociety() 367 newClasses.parse(doc.documentElement) 368 if overwrite: 369 self.classes = newClasses 370 self.societyFile = filename 371 warnings = [] 372 else: 373 warnings = self.classes.merge(newClasses) 374 if not self.societyFile: 375 self.societyFile = filename 376 return warnings
378 - def export(self,filename=None,results=None):
379 """Writes a Web page representation of the current scenario""" 380 if filename: 381 f = open(filename,'w') 382 f.write(self.scenario.toHTML()) 383 f.close() 384 return 1 385 else: 386 return 'usage: export <filename>'
388 - def distill(self,filename=None,results=None):
389 """Writes a lightweight representation of the current scenario""" 390 if filename: 391 lightweight = PWLSimulation(self.scenario) 392 393 return 1 394 else: 395 return 'usage: distill <filename>'
397 - def revert(self):
398 """Reverts the current scenario to the last loaded/saved scenario""" 399 if self.scenarioFile: 400 self.load(self.scenarioFile)
402 - def step(self,length=1,results=None):
403 """Steps the simulation the specified number of micro-steps 404 into the future (default is 1)""" 405 try: 406 length = int(length) 407 except TypeError: 408 results = length 409 length = 1 410 sequence = [] 411 for t in range(int(length)): 412 delta = self.entities.microstep(debug=self.debug) 413 sequence.append(delta) 414 if isinstance(results,list): 415 results.append(dict2str(delta,self.debug.level)) 416 return sequence
418 - def goals(self,results=None):
419 for name in self.entities.agents.keys(): 420 entity = self.entities.agents[name] 421 value = entity.applyGoals(entity,debug=self.debug) 422 if isinstance(results,list): 423 results.append(name + ': ' + `value`)
425 - def send(self,sender,receiver,*content):
426 try: 427 if receiver == '*': 428 # Message sent to all 429 receivers = self.entities.agents.keys() 430 else: 431 receivers = [receiver] 432 if type(content[len(content)-1]) is ListType: 433 results = content[len(content)-1] 434 msg = string.join(content[:len(content)-1]) 435 else: 436 results = [] 437 msg = string.join(content) 438 except IndexError: 439 return 'Usage: message <sender> <receiver> <content>' 440 result = self.entities.performMsg(msg,sender,receivers,[],self.debug) 441 if isinstance(results,list): 442 results.append(dict2str(result))
444 - def applyPolicy(self,name,results=None):
445 """Returns the action that <entity> will perform, following 446 its policy of behavior""" 447 entity = extractEntity(name,self.entities) 448 if entity: 449 action,explanation = entity.applyPolicy(debug=self.debug) 450 if isinstance(results,list): 451 results.append( + ' -> ' + `action`) 452 else: 453 if isinstance(results,list): 454 results.append('No such entity: '+name)
456 - def setDebugLevel(self,level,results=None):
457 """Sets the debug level to the specified integer""" 458 self.debug.level = int(level) 459 if isinstance(results,list): 460 results.append('Debug level: %d' % (self.debug.level)) 461 return self.debug.level
463 - def getEntities(self,results=None):
464 if isinstance(results,list): 465 results.append(`self.entities`)
467 - def help(self,results=None):
468 """Prints descriptions of available commands""" 469 if __DOC__: 470 helpStrings = [] 471 for key,value in self.handlers.items(): 472 doc = inspect.getdoc(value) 473 if doc: 474 doc = doc.replace('\n','\n\t\t') 475 else: 476 doc = '' 477 helpStrings.append('%-12s\t%s' % (key,doc)) 478 helpStrings.sort() 479 if isinstance(results,list): 480 results += helpStrings 481 else: 482 if isinstance(results,list): 483 results.append('Help unavailable under jython')
485 - def test(self,label,results=None):
486 try: 487 cmd = self.tests[label] 488 except KeyError: 489 return 'Valid tests: '+self.tests.keys() 490 if isinstance(results,list): 491 results.append('Executing "'+cmd+'"') 492 return self.execute(cmd,results)
494 - def undo(self,results=None):
495 if self.lastStep: 496 self.entities = copy.deepcopy (self.lastStep) 497 else: 498 if isinstance(results,list): 499 results.append('No previous state stored!')
501 - def getEntity(self,name,results=None):
502 """Returns a string representation of the named entity.""" 503 try: 504 entity = self.entities[name] 505 if isinstance(results,list): 506 results.append(`entity`) 507 except KeyError: 508 if isinstance(results,list): 509 results.append('Unknown entity: '+name)
511 - def getBelief(self,entityName,beliefName,results=None):
512 """Returns a string representation of the belief that the 513 first entity has about the second.""" 514 try: 515 entity = self.entities.agents[entityname] 516 except KeyError: 517 entity = None 518 if isinstance(results,list): 519 results.append('Unknown entity: '+entityName) 520 if entity: 521 if isinstance(results,list): 522 if beliefName in entity.getEntities(): 523 results.append(`entity.getEntity(name)`) 524 else: 525 results.append('Unknown entity: '+beliefName)
527 - def setModel(self,entityName,beliefName,modelName,results=None):
528 """Sets the mental model that 'entityName' holds in regard to 529 'beliefName' to be 'modelName'""" 530 entity = self.entities[entityName] 531 entity.getEntity(beliefName).setModel(modelName) 532 if isinstance(results,list): 533 results.append('%s now models %s as %s' \ 534 % (entityName,beliefName,modelName))
536 - def performAct(self,name,actType,obj,results=None):
537 """Performs the action of the specified type by the named entity on the specified object (use 'nil' if no object)""" 538 # For backward compatibility with previous command format 539 if type(obj) is ListType: 540 results = obj 541 obj = 'nil' 542 # Extract the action 543 if not obj or obj == 'nil': 544 actList = [name,actType] 545 else: 546 actList = [name,actType,obj] 547 return self.__act__(actList,results)
549 - def doActions(self,actions,results=None):
550 """Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form 551 @param actions: dictionary of actions to be performed, indexed by actor, e.g.: 552 - I{agent1}: [I{act11}, I{act12}, ... ] 553 - I{agent2}: [I{act21}, I{act22}, ... ] 554 - ... 555 @type actions: C{dict:strS{->}L{Action}[]} 556 """ 557 turns = [] 558 for actor,actList in actions.items(): 559 turns.append({'name':actor,'choices':[actList]}) 560 delta = self.entities.microstep(turns,hypothetical=False, 561 explain=True, 562 debug=self.debug) 563 if isinstance(results,list): 564 results.append(dict2str(delta)) 565 return delta
567 - def __act__(self,actList,results):
568 action = extractAction(actList,self.entities,self.actionFormat, 569 self.debug) 570 if action: 571 if self.__UNDO__: 572 self.lastStep=copy.deepcopy (self.entities) 573 return self.doActions(actions={action['actor'].name:action}, 574 results=results) 575 else: 576 results.append('Usage: act <entity> <type> <obj>') 577 return {}
579 - def execute(self,cmd,results=None):
580 if not results: 581 results = [] 582 cmd = string.strip(cmd) 583 cmd = string.split(cmd) 584 try: 585 cmd[0] = string.lower(cmd[0]) 586 except IndexError: 587 return '?' 588 if cmd[0] == 'quit': 589 return None 590 else: 591 try: 592 handler = self.handlers[cmd[0]] 593 except KeyError: 594 return 'Unknown command: '+cmd[0] 595 apply(handler,cmd[1:]+[results]) 596 return '\n'+string.join(results,'\n')
598 - def search(self,feature):
599 for entity in self.entities.members(): 600 self.__search__(entity,feature)
602 - def __search__(self,entity,feature):
603 try: 604 value = entity.getState(feature) 605 print entity.ancestry() 606 print '\t',value 607 except KeyError: 608 pass 609 for other in entity.getEntities(): 610 self.__search__(entity.getEntity(other),feature)
612 - def setupSusceptibility(self,addr=None):
613 self.susceptibility = addr
615 - def querySusceptibility(self,entity):
616 if self.susceptibility: 617 if type(entity) is InstanceType: 618 entity = 619 queryStr = 'request %s %d %s Theme' %\ 620 ('', 621 self.router.server_address[1], 622 entity) 623 print queryStr 624 return self.router.send(self.susceptibility,queryStr) 625 else: 626 return None
628 - def handleMsg(self,msgList):
629 for msg in msgList: 630 print msg 631 if self.susceptibility == msg[0]: 632 exp = re.match('(\S+)\s*(\S+)\s*(Accepted):\s+'+\ 633 '(.*)\s+(Rejected):\s+(.*)\s+(Neutral):(.*)', 634 msg[1],re.DOTALL) 635 if exp: 636 themes = {} 637 for index in [3,5,7]: 638 key = 639 themes[key] = [] 640 entries = string.split(,'\n') 641 for entry in entries: 642 items = string.split(entry,', ') 643 try: 644 if len(items[0]) > 0: 645 themes[key].append(items) 646 except IndexError: 647 pass 648 self.handleSusceptibility(,themes) 649 else: 650 print 'Unable to parse susceptibility response'
652 - def handleSusceptibility(self,entity,themes):
653 self.entities[entity].susceptibilities = themes['Accepted']
655 - def iterateModels(self,eList,pIndex,cIndex,modelsUsed):
656 if cIndex == len(eList): 657 print modelsUsed 658 entity = self.entities[eList[pIndex]] 659 action,explanation = entity.applyPolicy() 660 print action,explanation['value'] 661 for step in explanation['breakdown'][1:]: 662 print '\t',step['decision'] 663 print '\t',step['breakdown'][0] 664 print 665 sys.stdout.flush() 666 else: 667 parent = eList[pIndex] 668 child = eList[cIndex] 669 if parent == child: 670 self.iterateModels(eList,pIndex,cIndex+1,modelsUsed) 671 else: 672 parent = self.entities[parent] 673 child = self.entities[child] 674 for model in child.models: 675 parent.getEntity(child).setModel(model) 676 parent.getEntity(parent).getEntity(child).setModel(model) 677 modelsUsed[][] = model 678 self.iterateModels(eList,pIndex,cIndex+1,modelsUsed)
680 - def resetSociety(self):
681 """Clears any classes in the current generic society""" 682 import teamwork.agent.AgentClasses 683 self.classes= GenericSociety() 684 self.classes.importDict(teamwork.agent.AgentClasses.classHierarchy) 685 self.societyFile = None
687 - def mainloop(self):
688 while not self.done: 689 cmd = self.getCommand() 690 self.executeCommand(cmd) 691 self.stop()
693 - def stop(self):
694 self.done = 1 695 if self.__KQML__: 696 self.router.server_close()
697 698 if __name__ == '__main__': 699 700 import getopt 701 import sys 702 703 try: 704 import psyco 705 psyco.full() 706 except ImportError: 707 print 'Unable to find psyco module for maximum speed' 708 709 script = None 710 scenario = None 711 society = None 712 domain = None 713 display = 'tk' 714 debug = 0 715 error = None 716 expert = False 717 dev = False 718 try: 719 optlist,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hf:s:d:vx', 720 ['file=','shell=','domain=','society=', 721 'debug=','help','version','expert', 722 'dev']) 723 except getopt.error: 724 error = 1 725 optlist = [] 726 args = [] 727 728 for option in optlist: 729 if option[0] == '--file' or option[0] == '-f': 730 script = option[1] 731 elif option[0] == '--shell' or option[0] == '-s': 732 display = option[1] 733 elif option[0] == '--domain' or option[0] == '-d': 734 domain = option[1] 735 exec('import teamwork.examples.%s as classModule' % (domain)) 736 # Convert any old-school hierarchies 737 if isinstance(classModule.classHierarchy,dict): 738 society = GenericSociety() 739 society.importDict(classModule.classHierarchy) 740 else: 741 society = classModule.classHierarchy 742 elif option[0] == '--society': 743 society = option[1] 744 elif option[0] == '--help' or option[0] == '-h': 745 error = 1 746 elif option[0] == '--debug': 747 debug = int(option[1]) 748 elif option[0] == '--version' or option[0] == '-v': 749 print 'PsychSim %s' % (PsychShell.__VERSION__) 750 sys.exit(0) 751 elif option[0] == '--expert' or option[0] == '-x': 752 expert = True 753 elif option[0] == '--dev': 754 dev = True 755 else: 756 error = 1 757 758 if len(args) > 0: 759 if len(args) > 1: 760 error = 1 761 else: 762 scenario = args[0] 763 764 if error: 765 print '',\ 766 '[--domain|-d <domain>]',\ 767 '[--file|-f <script filename>]',\ 768 '[--shell|-s tk|terminal]',\ 769 '[--society <filename>]',\ 770 '[--expert|-x]',\ 771 '<scenario filename>' 772 print 773 print '--domain|-d\tIndicates the class path to the generic society definition' 774 print '--society\tIndicates the file name containing the generic society' 775 print '--file|-f\tIndicates the file containing a script of commands to execute' 776 print '--shell|-s\tIf "tk", use GUI; if "terminal", use interactive text (default is "tk")' 777 print '--expert|-x\tTurns on expert mode' 778 print '--version|-v\tPrints out version information' 779 print '--help|-h\tPrints out this message' 780 print 781 sys.exit(-1) 782 783 if display == 'tk': 784 from teamwork.widgets.PsychGUI.Gui import * 785 shell = GuiShell(scenario=scenario, 786 classes=society, 787 expert=expert,dev=dev, 788 debug=debug) 789 else: 790 from import TerminalShell 791 shell = TerminalShell(entities=scenario, 792 classes=society, 793 file=script, 794 debug=debug) 795 shell.mainloop() 796