Package teamwork :: Package test :: Package math :: Module testPWL
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Source Code for Module teamwork.test.math.testPWL

  1  """Utility functions and base testing class for verifying PWL code 
  2  @author: David V. Pynadath <> 
  3  """ 
  4  from teamwork.math.Keys import * 
  5  from teamwork.math.KeyedMatrix import * 
  6  from teamwork.math.KeyedTree import * 
  8  from random import random,uniform 
  9  import unittest 
11 -def makeVector(keys,fillProb=0.5):
12 """Generate a random vector, with random constant field 13 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the vector 14 @type keys: L{Key}[] 15 @param fillProb: the probability that each key will be present in the vector (default is 0.5) 16 @type fillProb: float 17 @rtype: L{KeyedVector}""" 18 row = KeyedVector() 19 for key in keys: 20 if random() <= fillProb: 21 # e.g., 50% chance of this key actually existing 22 row[key] = uniform(-1.,1.) 23 if random() <= fillProb: 24 row[keyConstant] = uniform(-1.,1.) 25 return row
27 -def makeDynamics(keys,fillProb=0.5):
28 """Constructs a random dynamics matrix 29 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the matrix and component vectors 30 @type keys: L{Key}[] 31 @rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} instance""" 32 keyList = keys+[keyConstant] 33 keyList.sort() 34 matrix = KeyedMatrix() 35 for key in keys: 36 if random() <= fillProb: 37 row = makeVector(keys,fillProb) 38 matrix[key] = row 39 matrix[keyConstant] = KeyedVector({keyConstant:1.}) 40 matrix.fill(keyList) 41 return matrix
43 -def makeState(keys,fillProb=0.5):
44 """Generate a random vector, with constant field of 1 45 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the vector 46 @type keys: L{Key}[] 47 @param fillProb: the probability that each key will be present in the vector (default is 0.5) 48 @type fillProb: float 49 @rtype: L{KeyedVector}""" 50 vector = makeVector(keys,fillProb) 51 vector[keyConstant] = 1. 52 vector.fill(keys) 53 return vector
55 -def makePlane(keys,fillProb=0.5):
56 """Generate a random hyperplane 57 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the vector 58 @type keys: L{Key}[] 59 @param fillProb: the probability that a given key will be present in the weights vector (default is 0.5) 60 @type fillProb: float 61 @rtype: L{KeyedPlane}""" 62 weights = makeVector(keys,fillProb) 63 weights[keyConstant] = 0. 64 weights.fill(keys) 65 threshold = random() 66 return KeyedPlane(weights,threshold)
68 -def makeTree(keys,depth=0,fillProb=0.5):
69 """Constructs a random dynamics tree 70 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the vector 71 @type keys: L{Key}[] 72 @param depth: the depth of the tree to return 73 @type depth: int 74 @rtype: L{KeyedTree} instance""" 75 tree = _makeTree(keys,depth,fillProb) 76 tree.freeze() 77 return tree
79 -def _makeTree(keys,depth=0,fillProb=0.5):
80 """Constructs a random dynamics tree 81 @param keys: the keys to consider using in the vector 82 @type keys: L{Key}[] 83 @param depth: the depth of the tree to return 84 @type depth: int 85 @rtype: L{KeyedTree} instance""" 86 tree = KeyedTree() 87 if depth > 0: 88 plane = makePlane(keys,fillProb) 89 falseTree = makeTree(keys,depth-1,fillProb) 90 trueTree = makeTree(keys,depth-1,fillProb) 91 tree.branch(plane,falseTree,trueTree,pruneT=False,pruneF=False) 92 else: 93 dynamics = makeDynamics(keys,fillProb) 94 tree.makeLeaf(dynamics) 95 return tree
97 -class TestPWL(unittest.TestCase):
98 """Base class for testing PWL code. Intended to be abstract class 99 @cvar precision: number of significant digits to check for equality 100 @type precision: int 101 @cvar agents: a list of entity names to use as test cases 102 @type agents: str[] 103 @cvar features: a list of state features to use as test case 104 @type features: str[] 105 """ 106 features = [] 107 agents = [] 108 precision = 8 109
110 - def setUp(self):
111 self.keys = [] 112 for agent in self.agents: 113 self.keys += map(lambda f:makeStateKey(agent,f),self.features)
115 - def verifyVector(self,old,new):
116 """Tests equality of given vectors 117 @type old,new: L{KeyedVector} 118 """ 119 self.assert_(isinstance(old,KeyedVector)) 120 self.assert_(isinstance(new,KeyedVector)) 121 for key in old.keys(): 122 self.assert_(new.has_key(key)) 123 self.assertAlmostEqual(old[key],new[key],self.precision) 124 for key in new.keys(): 125 self.assert_(old.has_key(key))
127 - def verifyMatrix(self,old,new):
128 """Tests equality of given matrices 129 @type old,new: L{KeyedMatrix} 130 """ 131 self.assert_(isinstance(old,KeyedMatrix)) 132 self.assert_(isinstance(new,KeyedMatrix)) 133 for key in old.keys(): 134 self.assert_(new.has_key(key)) 135 self.verifyVector(old[key],new[key]) 136 for key in new.keys(): 137 self.assert_(old.has_key(key))
139 - def verifyPlane(self,old,new):
140 """Tests equality of given planes 141 @type old,new: L{KeyedPlane} 142 """ 143 self.assert_(isinstance(old,KeyedPlane)) 144 self.assert_(isinstance(new,KeyedPlane)) 145 self.assertAlmostEqual(old.threshold,new.threshold,self.precision) 146 self.verifyVector(old.weights,new.weights)
148 - def verifyTree(self,old,new):
149 """Tests equality of given trees 150 @type old,new: L{KeyedTree} 151 """ 152 self.assert_(isinstance(old,KeyedTree)) 153 self.assert_(isinstance(new,KeyedTree)) 154 if old.isLeaf(): 155 self.assert_(new.isLeaf()) 156 if isinstance(old.getValue(),KeyedMatrix): 157 matrix1 = old.getValue() 158 matrix2 = new.getValue() 159 self.verifyMatrix(matrix1,matrix2) 160 else: 161 self.assertEqual(old.getValue(),new.getValue()) 162 else: 163 self.assert_(not new.isLeaf()) 164 self.assertEqual(len(old.split),len(new.split)) 165 for index in range(len(old.split)): 166 self.verifyPlane(old.split[index],new.split[index]) 167 self.verifyTree(old.falseTree,new.falseTree) 168 self.verifyTree(old.trueTree,new.trueTree)