Package teamwork :: Package test :: Package multiagent :: Module testPsychAgents :: Class TestPsychAgents
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class TestPsychAgents

source code

unittest.TestCase --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
Creates the instantiated scenario used for testing
source code
Tests that the instantiated scenario is what it should be
source code
testStateVector(self) source code
testHypotheticalAct(self) source code
verifyActDelta(self, delta, path)
Tests the diff returned by our hypothetical action
source code
Tests the effect of a real action
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verifyActEffect(self, entities)
Verifies the required changes by descending the recursive beliefs
source code
DONTtestMicrostep(self) source code
verifyMsgDelta(self, delta, path) source code
DONTtestRealMsg(self) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  debug = None