Package teamwork :: Package utils :: Module PsychUtils
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Source Code for Module teamwork.utils.PsychUtils

  1  """Various utility methods for use by other PsychSim classes""" 
  3  import copy 
  4  import string 
  5  import time 
  6  import sys 
  7  from types import * 
  9  from teamwork.math.Interval import Interval 
 10  from Debugger import * 
 11  from teamwork.action.PsychActions import * 
13 -def goalDiff(goalList1,goalList2):
14 """Returns the difference in goal weights between two lists of 15 goals of the form [(goal,weight),(goal,weight),...], where 16 goal is either a PsychGoal object or a dictionary that is a 17 suitable input to the PsychGoal constructor, and weight is a 18 (possibly unnormalized) float""" 19 goalDict = {} 20 # First, figure out total weight (for appropriate scaling) 21 normalization1 = 0.0 22 for goal,weight in goalList1: 23 if type(goal) is DictType: 24 goal = PsychGoal(goal) 25 normalization1 = normalization1 + weight 26 goalDict[`goal`] = (weight,0.0) 27 normalization2 = 0.0 28 for goal,weight in goalList2: 29 if type(goal) is DictType: 30 goal = PsychGoal(goal) 31 if goalDict.has_key(`goal`): 32 goalDict[`goal`] = (goalDict[`goal`][0],weight) 33 else: 34 goalDict[`goal`] = (0.0,weight) 35 normalization2 = normalization2 + weight 36 # Add up normalized differences 37 total = 0.0 38 for weight1,weight2 in goalDict.values(): 39 total = total + pow(weight1/normalization1-weight2/normalization2,2) 40 return total
42 -def generateMessages(factorList):
43 """Takes a list of factors and generates all possible messages 44 (i.e., all possible combinations of those factors""" 45 msgList = [{}] 46 for factor in factorList: 47 for msg in msgList[:]: 48 newMsg = copy.copy(msg) 49 newMsg[factor] = 1 50 msgList.append(newMsg) 51 msgList.remove({}) 52 msgList.append(None) 53 return msgList
55 -def noisyOR(probabilities):
56 """Takes a list of probability values and computes a noisy OR""" 57 result = -1 58 for prob in probabilities: 59 result = result * (1.0-prob) 60 return result
62 -def act2dict(action,entities=[]):
63 """Translates an action in string form into a structured 64 dictionary representation of that same action (e.g., 65 'CLF-violence-to-UrbanPoor' becomes 66 {'actor':CLF,'type':'violence','object':UrbanPoor}""" 67 if not action: 68 action = 'wait' 69 if not isinstance(action,str): 70 action = `str` 71 components = string.split(action,'-') 72 if len(components) < 2: 73 # ??? 74 return {'type':action} 75 elif len(components) < 3: 76 # <actor>-<type> 77 return {'actor':components[0],'type':components[1]} 78 elif len(components) < 4: 79 # <type>-to-<object> 80 for obj in entities: 81 try: 82 if == components[2]: 83 break 84 except AttributeError: 85 pass 86 else: 87 obj = components[2] 88 return {'type':components[0],'object':obj} 89 elif len(components) < 5: 90 # <actor>-<type>-to-<object> 91 for obj in entities: 92 if == components[3]: 93 break 94 else: 95 obj = components[3] 96 return {'actor':components[0],'type':components[1], 97 'object':obj} 98 else: 99 # <actor>-<command>-to-<object>-<action> 100 for obj in entities: 101 if == components[3]: 102 break 103 else: 104 obj = components[3] 105 actionStr = string.join(components[4:],'-') 106 subAction = act2dict(actionStr,entities) 107 subAction['string'] = actionStr 108 return {'actor':components[0],'type':components[1], 109 'object':obj,'action':subAction}
111 -def dict2act(action):
112 """Translates a structured dictionary representation of an action 113 into a standardized string format (e.g., 114 {'actor':CLF,'type':'violence','object':UrbanPoor} becomes 115 'CLF-violence-to-UrbanPoor'""" 116 str = action['type'] 117 if action.has_key('object'): 118 obj = action['object'] 119 if not type(obj) is StringType: 120 obj = 121 str = str+'-to-'+obj 122 if action.has_key('actor'): 123 actor = action['actor'] 124 if not type(actor) is StringType: 125 actor = 126 str = actor+'-'+str 127 if action.has_key('action'): 128 if action['action'].has_key('string'): 129 str = str + '-' + action['action']['string'] 130 else: 131 str = str + '-' + dict2act(action['action']) 132 return str
134 -def normalize(value):
135 """Performs a floor and ceiling to keep the provided value within 136 the range specified by the Interval class""" 137 if value < Interval.FLOOR: 138 return Interval.FLOOR 139 elif value > Interval.CEILING: 140 return Interval.CEILING 141 else: 142 return value
144 -def forceFloat(value):
145 """Tries to convert the specified value into a float; if unable, 146 returns 0.0 (avoids nasty exceptions)""" 147 try: 148 return float(value) 149 except ValueError: 150 return 0.0
152 -def createObservation(act):
153 """Translates an action (in either string or dictionary form) into 154 a properly formatted observation dictionary for use by COM-MTDP 155 code""" 156 obs = {'type':'observation','content':{}} 157 if type(act) is StringType: 158 obs['content'][act] = 'yes' 159 else: 160 obs['content'][`act`] = 'yes' 161 return obs
163 -def dict2str(dict,depth=-1):
164 content = '{' 165 for key in dict.keys(): 166 obj = dict[key] 167 if type(obj) is FloatType: 168 content += '\n\t%s: %5.3f' % (str(key),obj) 169 elif type(obj) is StringType: 170 content += '\n\t%s: %s' % (str(key),obj) 171 elif type(obj) is InstanceType: 172 content += '\n\t%s: %s' % (str(key),str(obj)) 173 elif isinstance(obj,Action): 174 content += '\n\t%s: %s' % (str(key),str(obj)) 175 elif not type(obj) in [DictType,ListType,TupleType]: 176 try: 177 content += '\n\t%s: %s' % (str(key),str(obj.keys())) 178 except AttributeError: 179 content += '\n\t%s: %s' % (str(key),str(obj)) 180 if depth: 181 substr = '' 182 for key in dict.keys(): 183 obj = dict[key] 184 if type(obj) is DictType: 185 substr = substr + '\n' + key + ': ' + dict2str(obj,depth-1) 186 elif type(obj) is ListType: 187 substr = substr + '\n' + key + ': ' 188 for index in range(len(obj)): 189 entry = obj[index] 190 if type(entry) is DictType: 191 substr = substr + '\n\t' + `index` + '. ' + \ 192 dict2str(entry,depth-1) 193 else: 194 substr = substr + '\n\t' + `index` + '. ' + `entry` 195 content += substr.replace('\n','\n\t') 196 content += '}' 197 return content
199 -def debugger(level,str,debug):
200 """Generic debugging statement that can handle three types of 201 debug parameters: (1) Integer - prints string if debug >= level, 202 (2) Tuple (debug,result) - appends string to result if debug >= 203 level, and (3) List [debug,result,time] - if debug >= level, adds 204 string to result along with time difference between now and 205 provided time (side efffect: sets time to now)""" 206 if type(debug) is TupleType: 207 if debug[0] >= level: 208 debug[1].append(str) 209 elif type(debug) is ListType: 210 if debug[0] >= level: 211 try: 212 lastTime = debug[2] 213 newTime = time.time() 214 if lastTime: 215 diff = int((newTime-lastTime)*1000.0) 216 if diff > 0: 217 str = str + ' ('+`diff`+' ms)' 218 debug[2] = newTime 219 except IndexError: 220 pass 221 debug[1].append(str) 222 else: 223 if debug >= level: 224 print str
226 -def load(name):
227 """Takes a file name (string) and reads a pickled Python object 228 from the file and returns it""" 229 import pickle 230 231 file = open(name,'rb') 232 try: 233 obj = pickle.load(file) 234 except AttributeError,e: 235 # This is an incredibly bad way of doing this 236 items = string.split(str(e)) 237 module = items[len(items)-1] 238 module = module[1:len(module)-1] 239 raise NameError,'Unknown module: %s' % (module) 240 file.close() 241 return obj
243 -def extractEntity(name,entities):
244 try: 245 entity = entities[name] 246 return entity 247 except KeyError: 248 print 'Unknown entity:',name 249 return None
251 -def extractAction(cmd,entities,format,debug=Debugger(),actClass=None):
252 action = {} 253 for item in format: 254 # Check whether next item is required 255 if item[1]: 256 # If nothing left to parse then fail 257 if len(cmd) == 0: 258 return None 259 # If nothing left to parse, end 260 if len(cmd) == 0: 261 break 262 # We have an item to parse 263 if item[0] in ['actor','object']: 264 entity = extractEntity(cmd[0],entities) 265 if not entity: 266 # Unable to find the specified entity 267 if item[1]: 268 # If this was a required item, then fail 269 return None 270 else: 271 # Otherwise, end 272 break 273 # Stick the found entity into the action slot 274 action[item[0]] = 275 elif item[0] == 'type': 276 # Check for special "policy" symbol 277 if cmd[0] == 'policy': 278 act,explanation = action['actor'].applyPolicy(debug=debug) 279 debug.message(1,'Policy: '+`action`) 280 return act 281 else: 282 action[item[0]] = cmd[0] 283 if cmd[0] == 'command': 284 format += [('type',1),('object',None)] 285 else: 286 action[item[0]] = cmd[0] 287 # Go on to next item in format list 288 cmd = cmd[1:] 289 actClass = entities.members()[0].actionClass 290 return actClass(action)