Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Module MAID
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Source Code for Module teamwork.widgets.PsychGUI.MAID

  1  import tkMessageBox 
  2  from Tkinter import * 
  3  import Pmw 
  4  from teamwork.widgets.bigwidgets import * 
  5  from teamwork.widgets.fsa import * 
  6  from teamwork.math.matrices import epsilon 
8 -class MAIDFrame(Pmw.MegaWidget):
9 """Window that displays a MultiAgent Influence Diagram view of a L{scenario<teamwork.multiagent.PsychAgents.PsychAgents>} 10 """ 11 colors = ['#ffff00','#ff00ff','#00ffff','#ffffff']
12 - def __init__(self,frame,**kw):
13 optiondefs = ( 14 ('entities', {}, self.drawMAID), 15 ) 16 self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) 17 Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self,frame) 18 self.frame = CanvasFrame(self.component('hull'), 19 width=self.winfo_screenwidth(), 20 height=self.winfo_screenheight()) 21 self.frame.pack(expand = 'yes', fill = 'both', side='top') 22 self.dynamics = {} 23 self.initialiseoptions()
25 - def drawMAID(self):
26 self.dynamics.clear() 27 canvas = self.frame.canvas() 28 states = {} 29 actions = {} 30 actionTypes = {} 31 utilities = {} 32 nodes = [] 33 color = 0 34 for name,agent in self['entities'].items(): 35 # Draw state nodes 36 for key in agent.state.domainKeys(): 37 if isinstance(key,StateKey) and key['entity'] == name: 38 label = TextWidget(canvas,str(key)) 39 states[key] = OvalWidget(canvas,label,draggable=True, 40 fill=self.colors[color]) 41 nodes.append(states[key]) 42 # Draw action nodes 43 for option in agent.actions.getOptions(): 44 label = str(option) 45 actions[label] = BoxWidget(canvas,TextWidget(canvas,label), 46 draggable=True, 47 fill=self.colors[color]) 48 nodes.append(actions[label]) 49 # Store action nodes also indexed by type 50 for action in option: 51 if actionTypes.has_key(action['type']): 52 if not option in actionTypes[action['type']]: 53 actionTypes[action['type']].append(actions[label]) 54 else: 55 actionTypes[action['type']] = [actions[label]] 56 # Draw utility nodes 57 utilities[name] = PolygonWidget(canvas,TextWidget(canvas,name), 58 draggable=True, 59 fill=self.colors[color]) 60 nodes.append(utilities[name]) 61 color = (color+1)%(len(self.colors)) 62 edges = {} 63 for name,agent in self['entities'].items(): 64 # Draw dynamics links among state and action nodes 65 for feature,table in agent.dynamics.items(): 66 key = StateKey({'entity','feature':feature}) 67 for action,dynFun in table.items(): 68 if isinstance(action,str): 69 continue 70 # The following assumes serial actions! 71 label = str([action]) 72 origins = [] 73 tree = dynFun.getTree() 74 # Find all the keys that the tree branches on 75 for plane in tree.branches().values(): 76 for other in plane.weights.keys(): 77 if isinstance(other,StateKey) and \ 78 abs(plane.weights[other]) > epsilon and \ 79 not states[other] in origins: 80 origins.append(states[other]) 81 # Find all the keys in the leaf matrices 82 for leaf in tree.leaves(): 83 vector = leaf[key] 84 for other in vector.keys(): 85 if other == key: 86 nochange = 1. 87 else: 88 nochange = 0. 89 if isinstance(other,StateKey) and \ 90 abs(vector[other]-nochange) > epsilon and \ 91 not states[other] in origins: 92 origins.append(states[other]) 93 if len(origins) > 0: 94 origins.append(actions[label]) 95 # Draw the relevant links that we have found 96 for node in origins: 97 edge = GraphEdgeWidget(canvas,0,0,0,0, 98 TextWidget(canvas,' ')) 99 index = str(node)+str(key) 100 if not edges.has_key(index): 101 edges[index] = ((node,states[key],edge)) 102 try: 103 self.dynamics[label].append(edge) 104 except KeyError: 105 self.dynamics[label] = [edge] 106 # Draw goal links to utility nodes 107 for goal in agent.getGoals(): 108 if goal.type == 'state': 109 # Link from state node to utility node 110 if len(goal.entity) == 1: 111 key = StateKey({'entity':goal.entity[0], 112 'feature':goal.key}) 113 origins = [states[key]] 114 else: 115 raise NotImplementedError,'Unable to plot belief goals' 116 elif goal.type == 'action': 117 # Link from action node to utility node 118 try: 119 origins = actionTypes[goal.key] 120 except KeyError: 121 origins = [] 122 else: 123 raise NotImplementedError,'Unable to graph goals of type %s' % (goal.type) 124 # Draw the relevant links that we have found 125 for node in origins: 126 weight = agent.getGoalWeight(goal) 127 label = TextWidget(canvas,' ') 128 edge = GraphEdgeWidget(canvas,0,0,0,0,label) 129 if goal.direction == 'max': 130 color = '#00ff00' 131 else: 132 color = '#ff0000' 133 edge['color'] = color 134 edge['width'] = weight*10. 135 index = str(node)+str(name) 136 if not edges.has_key(index): 137 edges[index] = ((node,utilities[name],edge)) 138 graph = GraphWidget(canvas,nodes,edges.values(),draggable=True) 139 for option,node in actions.items(): 140 node.bind_click(self.viewDynamics) 141 self.frame.add_widget(graph)
143 - def viewDynamics(self,event,widget):
144 label = widget.child().text() 145 for option,edges in self.dynamics.items(): 146 if option == label: 147 for edge in edges: 148 149 else: 150 for edge in edges: 151 edge.hide()