Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Module NetworkView
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Source Code for Module teamwork.widgets.PsychGUI.NetworkView

  1  import math 
  2  import string 
  3  import time 
  4  import tkMessageBox 
  5  from Tkinter import * 
  6  import Pmw 
  7  from teamwork.widgets.MultiWin import InnerWindow 
  8  from teamwork.widgets.bigwidgets import * 
  9  from teamwork.widgets.fsa import GraphEdgeWidget,GraphWidget 
 10  from import Supporter 
 11  from teamwork.agent.Generic import GenericModel 
 12  from teamwork.agent.Entities import PsychEntity 
 13  from teamwork.agent.DefaultBased import GenericEntity 
 14  from teamwork.widgets.images import loadImages 
 15  try: 
 16      from pygraphviz import * 
 17      __GRAPHVIZ__ = True 
 18  except ImportError: 
 19      __GRAPHVIZ__ = False 
21 -class PsymWindow(InnerWindow):
22 """Dual-purpose widget that displays the entities graphically. 23 24 Class Hierarchy View 25 ==================== 26 - When viewing a L{generic society<teamwork.multiagent.GenericSociety>}, the window displays the entities as nodes in a hierarchy. The links among nodes represent the sub/superclass relationships among them. 27 - Left-clicking on a node will bring the corresponding agent's window 28 to the top of the stack. 29 - Right-clicking on a node will pop up a context menu with the 30 following possible operations: 31 - Rename the class 32 - Add a new subclass 33 - Delete this node (and all of its subclasses) 34 - Raise the corresponding agent's window 35 36 Social Network View 37 =================== 38 - When viewing a L{scenario<teamwork.multiagent.Simulation>}, the window displays the entities as nodes in a social network. The links among nodes represent the current social relationships among them. 39 - Left-clicking on a node will bring the corresponding agent's window 40 to the top of the stack. 41 - Right-clicking on a node will pop up a context menu with the 42 following possible operations: 43 - Center the network on this node, using a given relationship 44 - Raise the corresponding agent's window 45 46 @ivar selected: the node currently selected (C{None} if no node is selected) 47 @type selected: L{CanvasWidget} 48 """ 49
50 - def __init__(self,frame,**kw):
51 # Set up images if available 52 self.images = loadImages({'del': 'icons/user--minus.png', 53 'add': 'icons/user--plus.png', 54 'edit': 'icons/user--pencil.png', 55 'prev': 'left_arrow.png', 56 'next': 'right_arrow.png'}) 57 optiondefs = ( 58 ('entities', None, self.setview), 59 ('height', 600, None), 60 ('width', 600, None), 61 ('padx', 150, None), 62 ('pady', 180, None), 63 ('balloon', None, None), 64 # Dimensions of the rectangles for each node icon 65 ('nodeWidth', 100, None), 66 ('nodeHeight', 50, None), 67 # Command invoked when deleting a node 68 ('delete', None, None), 69 # Command invoked when adding a node 70 ('add', None, None), 71 # Command invoked when renaming node 72 ('rename', None, None), 73 # Prefix string for the title of this window 74 ('prefix', "Network", self.setTitle), 75 # Relationship label strings 76 ('likingLabel','Liking', None), 77 ('trustLabel', 'Trust', None), 78 # Agent windows 79 ('showWindow', None, Pmw.INITOPT), 80 ('windows', {}, None), 81 ('clipboard', None, Pmw.INITOPT), 82 ('expert', True, self.redrawSupport), 83 ('layout',None,None), 84 ) 85 self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) 86 self.edgedict = {} 87 self.nodes = {} 88 InnerWindow.__init__(self,frame) 89 toolbar = Frame(self.component('frame'),bd=2,relief='raised') 90 self.createcomponent('Selector',(),None,Pmw.OptionMenu,(toolbar,), 91 command=self.setview).pack(side='right') 92 self.createcomponent('Add',(),None,Button,(toolbar,), 93 command=self.add,state='disabled') 94 try: 95 self.component('Add').configure(image=self.images['add']) 96 except: 97 self.component('Add').configure(text='Add') 98 if self['balloon']: 99 self['balloon'].bind(self.component('Add'), 100 'Create new subclass of entity') 101 self.createcomponent('Remove',(),None,Button,(toolbar,), 102 command=self.remove,state='disabled') 103 try: 104 self.component('Remove').configure(image=self.images['del']) 105 except: 106 self.component('Remove').configure(text='Delete') 107 if self['balloon']: 108 self['balloon'].bind(self.component('Remove'), 109 'Delete selected entity and subclasses') 110 self.createcomponent('Rename',(),None,Button,(toolbar,), 111 command=self.rename,state='disabled') 112 try: 113 self.component('Rename').configure(image=self.images['edit']) 114 except: 115 self.component('Rename').configure(text='Rename') 116 if self['balloon']: 117 self['balloon'].bind(self.component('Rename'),'Rename selected entity') 118 self.createcomponent('Prev',(),None,Button,(toolbar,), 119 command=self.prev) 120 try: 121 self.component('Prev').configure(image=self.images['prev']) 122 except: 123 self.component('Prev').configure(text='Prev') 124 self.createcomponent('Next',(),None,Button,(toolbar,), 125 126 try: 127 self.component('Next').configure(image=self.images['next']) 128 except: 129 self.component('Next').configure(text='Next') 130 if __GRAPHVIZ__: 131 Button(toolbar,text='Layout', 132 command=self.layout).pack(side='right') 133 toolbar.pack(fill='x',side='top') 134 = CanvasFrame(parent = self.component('frame')) 135 self.c = 136 self.c.configure(background='white') 137 self.c.bind("<Key>", self.handle_key) 138 = 'yes', fill = 'both', side='bottom') 139 140 entity = self['entities'].members()[0] 141 self.rel = None 142 self.vname = None 143 self.selected = None 144 self.initialiseoptions()
146 - def clear(self):
147 """Removes any existing network""" 148 if self.selected: 149 self.selectNode(None,self.selected) 150 self.edgedict.clear() 151 self.nodes.clear() 152 self.edges = [] 153 self.c.delete('all')
155 - def setview(self,rel=None,name=None):
156 """Redraws network to center on the named entity 157 @param name: the entity to center on 158 @type name: str 159 @param rel: the relationship to use for link weights (if '_parent', then draws the nodes in a hierarchy) 160 @type rel: str 161 """ 162 assert len(self['entities']) > 0 163 self.clear() 164 coordinates = {} 165 if rel == 'class': 166 rel = '_parent' 167 # Determine the options for network selector 168 linkTypes = {} 169 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 170 for relation in entity.getLinkTypes(): 171 linkTypes[relation] = True 172 linkTypes = linkTypes.keys() 173 if isinstance(self['entities'].members()[0],GenericModel): 174 linkTypes.insert(0,'class') 175 self.component('Selector').setitems(linkTypes) 176 # Save new settings 177 if rel is None: 178 if self.rel in ['_parent',None] and \ 179 not isinstance(self['entities'].members()[0],GenericModel): 180 self.rel = Supporter._supportFeature 181 elif self.rel is None and \ 182 isinstance(self['entities'].members()[0],GenericModel): 183 self.rel = '_parent' 184 else: 185 self.rel = rel 186 if name is None: 187 if self.vname is None or not self['entities'].has_key(self.vname): 188 self.vname = self['entities'].keys()[0] 189 else: 190 name = self.vname 191 else: 192 self.vname = name 193 coords = {} 194 if self.rel == '_parent': 195 self.component('Add').pack(side='left') 196 self.component('Remove').pack(side='left') 197 self.component('Rename').pack(side='left') 198 self.component('Next').pack_forget() 199 self.component('Prev').pack_forget() 200 self['title'] = 'Class %s' % (self['prefix']) 201 self.setTitle() 202 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 203 try: 204 coords[] = entity.attributes['coords'] 205 except KeyError: 206 coords[] = None 207 else: 208 self.component('Add').pack_forget() 209 self.component('Remove').pack_forget() 210 self.component('Rename').pack_forget() 211 self.component('Prev').pack(side='left') 212 self.component('Next').pack(side='left') 213 self['title'] = '%s %s' % (self.rel.capitalize(),self['prefix']) 214 # Set up entity at center 215 entity = self['entities'][self.vname] 216 x = float(self['width']-self['padx'])/2. 217 y = float(self['height']-self['pady'])/2. 218 coords[] = (x,y) 219 # Set up others in a circle around 220 index = 0 221 offset = None 222 linkees = entity.getLinkees(self.rel) 223 for other in linkees: 224 if != other: 225 if offset is None: 226 offset = 2.0*math.pi/float(len(linkees)) 227 xloc, yloc = self.PickXY(other,float(index)*offset) 228 coords[other] = (xloc,yloc) 229 index += 1 230 assert len(coords) > 0 231 # Draw entity widgets 232 for name in coords.keys(): 233 entity = self['entities'][name] 234 self.nodes[name] = self.PickWidget(self.c, entity) 235 # Event bindings for nodes 236 if self.rel == '_parent': 237 # Draw lines as subclass relations 238 links = [] 239 edges = {} 240 for name in self['entities'].keys(): 241 edges[name] = {} 242 for other in filter(lambda n:n!=name,self['entities'].keys()): 243 edges[name][other] = 1. 244 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 245 for parent in entity.getParents(): 246 assert self['entities'].has_key(parent) 247 label = TextWidget(self.c,'') 248 edge = GraphEdgeWidget(self.c,0,0,0,0,label) 249 self.edgedict['%s_%s' % (,parent)] = edge 250 links.append((self.nodes[], 251 self.nodes[parent],edge)) 252 edges[][parent] = 10. 253 else: 254 links = [] 255 entity = self['entities'][self.vname] 256 for other in entity.getLinkees(self.rel): 257 label = TextWidget(self.c,'') 258 edge = GraphEdgeWidget(self.c,0,0,0,0,label) 259 self.edgedict['%s_%s' % (self.vname,other)] = edge 260 links.append((self.nodes[self.vname], 261 self.nodes[other],edge)) 262 # Update line thickness 263 self.redrawSupport() 264 assert len(self.nodes) > 0 265 graph = GraphWidget(self.c,self.nodes.values(),links) 266 267 ## from teamwork.math.forcebased import forcebased 268 ## coords = forcebased(coords,edges,maxIterations=100) 269 for name,node in self.nodes.items(): 270 entity = self['entities'][name] 271 flag = True 272 node.bind_click(self.selectNode,1) 273 node.bind_click(self.context,3) 274 node.bind_click(self.raiseWindow,'double') 275 try: 276 point = coords[name] 277 except KeyError: 278 point = None 279 if point: 280 # Position node according to stored coordinates 281 current = self.c.coords(node.tags()[0]) 282 deltaX = point[0]-current[0] 283 deltaY = point[1]-current[1] 284 node.move(deltaX,deltaY) 285 else: 286 # Move the node to the origin 287 current = self.c.coords(node.tags()[0]) 288 node.move(-current[0],-current[1]) 289 entity.attributes['coords'] = self.c.coords(node.tags()[0])
291 - def PickXY(self,name,angle=0.):
292 x = 0.5+math.cos(angle)/2. 293 y = 0.5+math.sin(angle)/2. 294 return float(self['width']-self['padx'])*x, \ 295 float(self['height']-self['pady'])*y
296 297
298 - def PickWidget(self,parent,entity):
299 """Returns a shaped widget appropriate for the given entity""" 300 palette = Pmw.Color.getdefaultpalette(self.parent.parent) 301 # Find the appropriate shape for this node 302 if isinstance(entity,GenericModel): 303 widget = 'oval' 304 elif isinstance(entity,GenericEntity): 305 try: 306 widget = entity.getDefault('widget') 307 except KeyError: 308 widget = 'oval' 309 if widget is None: 310 widget = 'oval' 311 else: 312 widget = 'oval' 313 # Build the widget of the chosen shape 314 if entity.attributes.has_key('imageName'): 315 image = ImageWidget(parent,entity.attributes['image']) 316 widget = StackWidget(parent,image, 317 TextWidget(self.c, 318 elif widget == 'oval': 319 widget = OvalWidget(self.c,TextWidget(self.c,,), 320 fill=palette['background'], 321 outline=palette['foreground']) 322 elif widget == 'polygon': 323 widget = PolygonWidget(parent,TextWidget(parent,, 324 fill=palette['background'],outline='red',width=2, 325 margin=10) 326 elif widget == 'box': 327 widget = BoxWidget(parent,TextWidget(parent,, 328 fill=palette['background'],width=2, 329 outline=palette['foreground'],margin=10) 330 else: 331 raise NameError,'Unknown widget type %s' % widget 332 if self.rel == '_parent': 333 widget['draggable'] = True 334 widget.bind_drag(self.readCoords) 335 return widget
337 - def layout(self):
338 g = AGraph(strict=False,directed=True) 339 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 340 g.add_node( 341 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 342 for child in self['entities'].network[]: 343 g.add_edge(,child) 344 if self['layout']: 345 g.layout(self['layout']) 346 else: 347 g.layout() 348 for entity in self['entities'].members(): 349 x,y = map(int,g.get_node(['pos'].split(',')) 350 x *= 2 351 y *= 2 352 node = self.nodes[] 353 current = self.c.coords(node.tags()[0]) 354 deltaX = x-current[0] 355 deltaY = y-current[1] 356 node.move(deltaX,deltaY)
358 - def prev(self):
359 entities = map(lambda e:,self['entities'].members()) 360 entities.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(),y.lower())) 361 index = entities.index(self.vname) - 1 362 if index < 0: 363 index += len(entities) 364 self.setview(name=entities[index])
366 - def next(self):
367 entities = map(lambda e:,self['entities'].members()) 368 entities.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(),y.lower())) 369 index = entities.index(self.vname) + 1 370 if index >= len(entities): 371 index = 0 372 self.setview(name=entities[index])
374 - def redrawSupport(self):
375 """Updates thickness and color of any links in network""" 376 for s1 in self['entities'].members(): 377 for s2 in self['entities'].members(): 378 key = + '_' + 379 if self.edgedict.has_key(key): 380 edge = self.edgedict[key] 381 if self.rel == '_parent': 382 # What should the lines look like in the hierarchy? 383 pass 384 else: 385 value = float(s1.getLink(self.rel, 386 if self['expert']: 387 edge._label.set_text(str(value)) 388 else: 389 edge._label.set_text('') 390 if value < 0.: 391 width = int(-10.*value) 392 color = 'red' 393 elif value > 0.: 394 width = int(10.*value) 395 color = 'green' 396 else: 397 width = value 398 color = 'black' 399 edge['color'] = color 400 edge['width'] = max(1,width)
402 - def selectNode(self,event,widget):
403 """Callback when selecting a node (left-click) 404 """ 405 if isinstance(widget,StackWidget): 406 child = widget._children[1] 407 else: 408 child = widget.child() 409 entity = self['entities'][child.text()] 410 palette = Pmw.Color.getdefaultpalette(self.parent.parent) 411 if self.selected: 412 self.selected.child()['color'] = palette['foreground'] 413 self.selected['fill'] = palette['background'] 414 if self.selected == widget: 415 # Deselect node 416 self.selected = None 417 self.component('Add').configure(state='disabled') 418 self.component('Remove').configure(state='disabled') 419 self.component('Rename').configure(state='disabled') 420 else: 421 # Newly selected node 422 widget.child()['color'] = palette['selectForeground'] 423 widget['fill'] = palette['selectBackground'] 424 self.selected = widget 425 self.component('Add').configure(state='normal') 426 self.component('Remove').configure(state='normal') 427 self.component('Rename').configure(state='normal') 428 if self['clipboard'] and isinstance(entity,GenericModel): 429 self['clipboard'](self.selected,self)
431 - def copy(self,node):
432 for name in self.nodes.keys(): 433 if self.nodes[name] is node: 434 break 435 else: 436 raise UserWarning,'Unable to find node to copy' 437 nodes = [self['entities'][name]] 438 next = 0 439 while next < len(nodes): 440 for entity in self['entities'].network[nodes[next].name]: 441 if not entity in nodes: 442 nodes.append(self['entities'][entity]) 443 next += 1 444 return nodes
446 - def cut(self,node):
447 result = self.copy(node) 448 # Save parents for subtree, which will get clobbered upon deletion 449 parents = {} 450 for node in result[1:]: 451 parents[] = node.getParents()[:] 452 # Delete copied nodes as well 453 self.selectNode(None,self.selected) 454 self.remove(result[0],True) 455 # Cut agent no longer has parent links 456 while len(result[0].getParents()): 457 result[0].parentModels.pop() 458 # Descendent agents maintain previous parent links 459 for node in result[1:]: 460 node.parentModels = parents[] 461 return result
463 - def paste(self,nodes):
464 if self.selected is None: 465 # Haven't selected anywhere to paste to 466 return False 467 for parent in self.nodes.keys(): 468 if self.nodes[parent] is self.selected: 469 break 470 else: 471 raise UserWarning,'Unable to find node to paste to' 472 self.add(self['entities'][parent],nodes[0]) 473 for node in nodes[1:]: 474 self.add(self['entities'][node.getParents()[0]],node) 475 return True
477 - def raiseWindow(self,event,widget):
478 if isinstance(widget,StackWidget): 479 child = widget._children[1] 480 else: 481 child = widget.child() 482 entity = self['entities'][child.text()] 483 self['showWindow'](
485 - def context(self,event,widget):
486 """Pops up a context-sensitive menu in the network""" 487 if isinstance(widget,StackWidget): 488 child = widget._children[1] 489 else: 490 child = widget.child() 491 entity = self['entities'][child.text()] 492 menu = Menu(self.component('frame'),tearoff=0) 493 if isinstance(entity,GenericModel): 494 # Menu allows modification of hierarchy 495 if len(entity.getParents()) > 0: 496 # Can't rename root node 497 menu.add_command(label='Rename', 498 command=lambda s=self,e=entity:s.rename(e)) 499 menu.add_command(label='Add subclass', 500 command=lambda s=self,e=entity:s.add(e)) 501 menu.add_command(label='Delete class', 502 command=lambda s=self,e=entity:s.remove(e)) 503 menu.add_separator() 504 if self.rel != '_parent': 505 menu.add_command(label='Show class hierarchy', 506 command=lambda s=self: 507 s.setview(name=None,rel='_parent')) 508 if isinstance(entity,Supporter): 509 # Menu allows re-centering of support graph 510 if != self.vname or \ 511 self.rel != Supporter._supportFeature: 512 menu.add_command(label='Center and show liking', 513 command=lambda s=self, 514 s.setview(name=n, 515 rel=Supporter._supportFeature)) 516 if != self.vname or \ 517 self.rel != Supporter._trustFeature: 518 menu.add_command(label='Center and show trust', 519 command=lambda s=self, 520 s.setview(name=n, 521 rel=Supporter._trustFeature)) 522 if != self.vname and self.rel != '_parent' and \ 523 isinstance(entity,GenericModel): 524 menu.add_command(label='Delete link', 525 command=lambda s=self, 526 s.delLink(n)) 527 menu.add_separator() 528 menu.add_command(label='Show window', 529 command=lambda c=self['showWindow'], 530 531 menu.bind("<Leave>",self.unpost) 532,event.y_root)
534 - def readCoords(self,widget):
535 """Stores the coordinates of the nodes in their corresponding L{Agent<teamwork.agent.Agent.Agent>} objects 536 """ 537 if self.rel == '_parent': 538 if isinstance(widget,StackWidget): 539 name = widget._children[1].text() 540 else: 541 name = widget.child().text() 542 entity = self['entities'][name] 543 node = self.nodes[] 544 entity.attributes['coords'] = self.c.coords(node.tags()[0])
546 - def unpost(self,event):
547 event.widget.unpost()
549 - def add(self,entity=None,agent=None):
550 """Adds a child to the selected entity""" 551 if entity is None: 552 entity = self['entities'][self.selected.child().text()] 553 if self['add']: 554 self['add'](entity,agent) 555 self.setview(name=self.vname)
557 - def remove(self,entity=None,confirm=None):
558 """Removes the selected entity from the group""" 559 if entity is None: 560 entity = self['entities'][self.selected.child().text()] 561 if confirm is None: 562 msg = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the entity %s and all of its descendent classes?' % \ 563 ( 564 confirm = tkMessageBox.askyesno('Confirm Delete',msg) 565 if confirm: 566 if self['delete']: 567 self['delete'](entity) 568 if not self['entities'].has_key( 569 # We've actually deleted the class, so update view 570 if self.vname == 571 self.setview(name=self['entities'].members()[0].name) 572 else: 573 self.setview(name=self.vname)
574 582 593
594 - def rename(self,entity=None):
595 if entity is None: 596 node = self.selected 597 else: 598 node = self.nodes[] 599 tag = node.child().tags()[0] 600 widget = self.c.find_withtag(tag) 601 self.c.focus_set() 602 self.c.focus(widget) 603 self.c.select_from(widget, 0) 604 self.c.select_to(widget,'end')
606 - def has_selection(self):
607 # hack to work around bug in Tkinter 1.101 (Python 1.5.1) 608 return, 'select', 'item')
610 - def highlight(self, item):
611 # mark focused item. note that this code recreates the 612 # rectangle for each update, but that's fast enough for 613 # this case. 614 bbox = self.c.bbox(item) 615 self.c.delete("highlight") 616 if bbox: 617 i = self.c.create_rectangle(bbox, fill="white",tag="highlight") 618 self.c.lower(i, item)
620 - def handle_key(self, event):
621 # widget-wide key dispatcher 622 item = self.c.focus() 623 if not item: 624 return 625 try: 626 insert = self.c.index(item, INSERT) 627 except: 628 # Focus call doesn't work on Mac? 629 return 630 if event.char >= " ": 631 # printable character 632 if self.has_selection(): 633 self.c.dchars(item, SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST) 634 self.c.select_clear() 635 self.c.insert(item, "insert", event.char) 636 self.highlight(item) 637 638 elif event.keysym == "BackSpace": 639 if self.has_selection(): 640 self.c.dchars(item, SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST) 641 self.c.select_clear() 642 else: 643 if insert > 0: 644 self.c.dchars(item, insert-1, insert-1) 645 self.highlight(item) 646 647 # navigation 648 elif event.keysym == "Home": 649 self.c.icursor(item, 0) 650 self.c.select_clear() 651 elif event.keysym == "End": 652 self.c.icursor(item, END) 653 self.c.select_clear() 654 elif event.keysym == "Right": 655 self.c.icursor(item, insert+1) 656 self.c.select_clear() 657 elif event.keysym == "Left": 658 self.c.icursor(item, insert-1) 659 self.c.select_clear() 660 elif event.keysym == 'Return': 661 item = int(item) 662 for node in self.nodes.values(): 663 if item == node.child()._tag: 664 break 665 else: 666 raise UserWarning,'Attempted to rename non-agent object!' 667 # Grab and test new name 668 new = node.child().text() 669 old = node.child()._text 670 if len(new) == 0: 671 tkMessageBox.showerror('Illegal Agent Name','An agent cannot have an empty name.') 672 elif new != old and self.nodes.has_key(new): 673 tkMessageBox.showerror('Illegal Agent Name','Agent names cannot be duplicated.') 674 else: 675 self.c.focus('') 676 if old != new: 677 node.child()._text = new 678 del self.nodes[old] 679 self.nodes[new] = node 680 node.update(node.child()) 681 if self['rename']: 682 # Update agent references 683 self['rename'](old,new) 684 self.c.delete("highlight") 685 else: 686 pass