Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Module ScenarioWizard :: Class ScenarioWizard
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Class ScenarioWizard

source code

_Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype --+        
       _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget --+    
                       WizardShell.WizardShell --+

Setup wizard dialog widget

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, shell, parent=None, **kw) source code
createButtons(self) source code
createInterface(self) source code
createMain(self) source code
createPopulation(self, pane) source code
createFinish(self, pane) source code
Shorthand for importScenario with finish=False
source code
Shorthand for importScenario with finish=True
source code
importScenario(self, finish=False)
Fills out everything using what's present in the current scenario
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Extract the number of each entity type selected from pane 0 of the wizard
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createClassPane(self, pane, className)
Create the pane for the specified index and class
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selectImage(self, className)
Pops up a dialog to allow user to select image for an entity
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createProps(self, parent, className)
Creates all the background tabs for specializing an entity
source code
updateRelationships(self, entity, className) source code
validateName(self, name, **kw)
Validator for name entry field.
source code
updateName(self) source code
rename(self, className, old, new) source code
updateFiller(self, className, relation, other, value)
Updates the relationships of the given entity in response to the click of a single button
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selectEntity(self, label, className, saveOld=1)
Change the view when a new entity is selected for viewing/editing
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getRelationMenus(self, className)
Returns a dictionary of the available relationship menus
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Applies any changes made to the currently selected entity
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next(self, new=None)
Moves the wizard forward to the next applicable pane
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Moves the wizard backward to the next applicable pane
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isClassPane(self, pane=-1)
Returns: True iff the pane (defaults to current) is an entity pane
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legalPane(self, pane=-1)
Returns true iff the pane (defaults to current) is legal, given the current population breakdown
source code
validateCount(self, count, className) source code
__createCounter(self, master, labelText, initialValue, className)
Creates a counter widget for changing the population
source code
finish(self) source code
__finish(self, entities, compile, distill, level) source code
progress(self, msg, inc=1) source code
updateProgress(self, inc) source code
done(self) source code

Inherited from WizardShell.WizardShell: busyEnd, busyStart, buttonAdd, changePicture, initializeTk, interior, main, pInterior, run, wizardInit

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget: after, after_cancel, after_idle, bbox, bell, bind, bind_all, bind_class, bindtags, clipboard_append, clipboard_clear, clipboard_get, colormodel, columnconfigure, config, deletecommand, event_add, event_delete, event_generate, event_info, focus, focus_displayof, focus_force, focus_get, focus_lastfor, focus_set, forget, getboolean, getvar, grab_current, grab_release, grab_set, grab_set_global, grab_status, grid, grid_bbox, grid_columnconfigure, grid_configure, grid_forget, grid_info, grid_location, grid_propagate, grid_remove, grid_rowconfigure, grid_size, grid_slaves, image_names, image_types, info, keys, lift, lower, mainloop, nametowidget, option_add, option_clear, option_get, option_readfile, pack, pack_configure, pack_forget, pack_info, pack_propagate, pack_slaves, place, place_configure, place_forget, place_info, place_slaves, propagate, quit, register, rowconfigure, selection_clear, selection_get, selection_handle, selection_own, selection_own_get, send, setvar, size, slaves, tk_bisque, tk_focusFollowsMouse, tk_focusNext, tk_focusPrev, tk_menuBar, tk_setPalette, tk_strictMotif, tkraise, unbind, unbind_all, unbind_class, update, update_idletasks, wait_variable, wait_visibility, wait_window, waitvar, winfo_atom, winfo_atomname, winfo_cells, winfo_children, winfo_class, winfo_colormapfull, winfo_containing, winfo_depth, winfo_exists, winfo_fpixels, winfo_geometry, winfo_height, winfo_id, winfo_interps, winfo_ismapped, winfo_manager, winfo_name, winfo_parent, winfo_pathname, winfo_pixels, winfo_pointerx, winfo_pointerxy, winfo_pointery, winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth, winfo_rgb, winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty, winfo_screen, winfo_screencells, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_screenmmheight, winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_server, winfo_toplevel, winfo_viewable, winfo_visual, winfo_visualid, winfo_visualsavailable, winfo_vrootheight, winfo_vrootwidth, winfo_vrootx, winfo_vrooty, winfo_width, winfo_x, winfo_y

Inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, addoptions, cget, component, componentaliases, componentgroup, components, configure, createcomponent, createlabel, defineoptions, destroy, destroycomponent, hulldestroyed, initialiseoptions, isinitoption, options

Class Variables [hide private]
  frameWidth = 700
  frameHeight = 600
  defaultImage = '/Users/pynadath/Documents/workspace/PsychSim/s...

Inherited from WizardShell.WizardShell: busyCursor, padx, pady, panes, wizversion

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, shell, parent=None, **kw)

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Overrides: _Pmw.Pmw_1_3.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype.__init__


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Overrides: WizardShell.WizardShell.createInterface

importScenario(self, finish=False)

source code 

Fills out everything using what's present in the current scenario

  • finish (bool) - if True, then jump directly to end without editing any of the current scenario's settings

validateName(self, name, **kw)

source code 

Validator for name entry field. Ensures that names are not zero length and that all names are unique.

next(self, new=None)

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Moves the wizard forward to the next applicable pane



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Moves the wizard backward to the next applicable pane

Overrides: WizardShell.WizardShell.prev

isClassPane(self, pane=-1)

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True iff the pane (defaults to current) is an entity pane


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Overrides: WizardShell.WizardShell.done

Class Variable Details [hide private]

