Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Module TreeWidget :: Class Node
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Class Node

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Tree helper class that's instantiated for each element in the tree.  It
has several useful attributes:
parent_node     - immediate parent node
id              - id assigned at creation
expanded_icon   - image displayed when folder is expanded to display
collapsed_icon  - image displayed when node is not a folder or folder is
parent_widget   - reference to tree widget that contains node.
expandable_flag - is true when node is a folder that may be expanded or
expanded_flag   - true to indicate node is currently expanded.
h_line          - canvas line to left of node image.
v_line          - canvas line below node image that connects children.
indic           - expand/collapse canvas image.
label           - canvas text label
symbol          - current canvas image

Please note that methods prefixed PVT_* are not meant to be used by
client programs.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent_node, id, collapsed_icon, x, y, parent_widget=None, expanded_icon=None, label=None, expandable_flag=0, expanded=0, action=None)
Create node and initialize it.
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invoke(self, event=None) source code
highlight(self, event=None) source code
set_collapsed_icon(self, icon)
Set node's collapsed image
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set_expanded_icon(self, icon)
Set node's expanded image
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Return node's parent node
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Return node's previous sibling (the child immediately above it)
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Return node's next sibling (the child immediately below it)
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Return next lower visible node
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Return next higher visible node
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Return list of node's children
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Return string containing text of current label
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set_label(self, label)
Set current text label
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Returns true if node is currently expanded, false otherwise
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Returns true if node can be expanded (i.e.
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Return list of IDs of all parents and node ID
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Expand node if possible
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Collapse node if possible
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delete(self, me_too=1)
Delete node from tree.
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insert_before(self, nodes)
Insert list of nodes as siblings before this node.
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insert_after(self, nodes)
Insert list of nodes as siblings after this node.
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insert_children(self, nodes)
Insert list of nodes as children of this node.
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Toggle node's state between expanded and collapsed, if possible
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PVT_enter(self, event)
detect mouse hover for drag'n'drop
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dnd_end(self, target, event)
Notification that dnd processing has been ended.
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Return bottom-most node in subtree
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PVT_find(self, search)
Used by searching functions
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PVT_insert(self, nodes, pos, below)
Create and insert new children.
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PVT_set_state(self, state)
Common code forexpanding/collapsing folders.
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Resize connecting lines
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Update scroll region for new size
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Recursively delete subtree & clean up cyclic references to make garbage collection happy
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Unbind callbacks so node gets garbage-collected.
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PVT_tag_move(self, dist)
Move everything below current icon, to make room for subtree using the Disney magic of item tags.
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PVT_click(self, event)
Handle mouse clicks by kicking off possible drag'n'drop processing
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent_node, id, collapsed_icon, x, y, parent_widget=None, expanded_icon=None, label=None, expandable_flag=0, expanded=0, action=None)

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Create node and initialize it. This also displays the node at the given position on the canvas, and binds mouseclicks.


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Returns true if node can be expanded (i.e. if it's a folder)

delete(self, me_too=1)

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Delete node from tree. ("me_too" is a hack not to be used by external code, please!)

insert_before(self, nodes)

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Insert list of nodes as siblings before this node. Call parent node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.

insert_after(self, nodes)

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Insert list of nodes as siblings after this node. Call parent node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.

insert_children(self, nodes)

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Insert list of nodes as children of this node. Call node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.

dnd_end(self, target, event)

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Notification that dnd processing has been ended. It DOES NOT imply that we've been dropped somewhere useful, we could have just been dropped into deep space and nothing happened to any data structures, or it could have been just a plain mouse-click w/o any dragging.

PVT_insert(self, nodes, pos, below)

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Create and insert new children. "nodes" is list previously created via calls to add_list(). "pos" is index in the list of children where the new nodes are inserted. "below" is node which new children should appear immediately below.

PVT_set_state(self, state)

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Common code forexpanding/collapsing folders. It's not re-entrant, and there are certain cases in which we can be called again before we're done, so we use a mutex.


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Unbind callbacks so node gets garbage-collected. This wasn't easy to figure out the proper way to do this. See also tag_bind() for the Tree widget itself.

PVT_tag_move(self, dist)

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Move everything below current icon, to make room for subtree using the Disney magic of item tags. This is the secret of making everything as fast as it is.