Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Module bigwidgets :: Class OvalWidget
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class OvalWidget

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       CanvasWidget --+    
AbstractContainerWidget --+

A canvas widget that places a oval around a child widget.


Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)
Create a new oval widget.
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__setitem__(self, attr, value)
Set the value of the attribute attr to value.
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__getitem__(self, attr)
Returns: the value of the attribute attr.
source code
_update(self, child)
Update this canvas widget in response to a change in one of its children.
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list of int
Returns: a list of canvas tags for all graphical elements managed by this canvas widget, not including graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
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Inherited from AbstractContainerWidget: __repr__, child, set_child

Inherited from AbstractContainerWidget (private): _manage

Inherited from CanvasWidget: bbox, bind_click, bind_drag, canvas, child_widgets, destroy, height, hidden, hide, manage, move, parent, show, tags, unbind_click, unbind_drag, update, width

Class Variables [hide private]
  RATIO = 2.0
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)

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Create a new oval widget.

  • canvas (Tkinter.Canvas) - This canvas widget's canvas.
  • child (CanvasWidget) - The child widget. child must not have a parent.
  • attribs - The new canvas widget's attributes.
Overrides: CanvasWidget.__init__

__setitem__(self, attr, value)
(Index assignment operator)

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Set the value of the attribute attr to value. See the class documentation for a list of attributes supported by this canvas widget.

Returns: None
Overrides: CanvasWidget.__setitem__
(inherited documentation)

__getitem__(self, attr)
(Indexing operator)

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Returns: (any)
the value of the attribute attr. See the class documentation for a list of attributes supported by this canvas widget.
Overrides: CanvasWidget.__getitem__
(inherited documentation)

_update(self, child)

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Update this canvas widget in response to a change in one of its children.

  • child - The child that changed.
Returns: None
Overrides: CanvasWidget._update
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: list of int
a list of canvas tags for all graphical elements managed by this canvas widget, not including graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
Overrides: CanvasWidget._tags
(inherited documentation)