Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Module fsa :: Class GraphEdgeWidget
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class GraphEdgeWidget

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bigwidgets.CanvasWidget --+

Display an edge of a graph.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, label=None, **attribs)
Create a new canvas widget.
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__setitem__(self, attr, value)
Set the value of the attribute attr to value.
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__getitem__(self, attr)
Returns: the value of the attribute attr.
source code
list of int
Returns: a list of canvas tags for all graphical elements managed by this canvas widget, not including graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
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start(self) source code
end(self) source code
set_start(self, x, y) source code
set_end(self, x, y) source code
_update(self, child)
Update this canvas widget in response to a change in one of its children.
source code
Arrange the child widgets of this canvas widget.
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_label_coords(self) source code
_line_coords(self, (startx, starty), (endx, endy)) source code

Inherited from bigwidgets.CanvasWidget: __repr__, bbox, bind_click, bind_drag, canvas, child_widgets, destroy, height, hidden, hide, manage, move, parent, show, tags, unbind_click, unbind_drag, update, width

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, label=None, **attribs)

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Create a new canvas widget. This constructor should only be called by subclass constructors; and it should be called only after the subclass has constructed all graphical canvas objects and registered all child widgets.

  • canvas - This canvas widget's canvas.
  • parent - This canvas widget's hierarchical parent.
  • attribs - The new canvas widget's attributes.
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget.__init__
(inherited documentation)

__setitem__(self, attr, value)
(Index assignment operator)

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Set the value of the attribute attr to value. See the class documentation for a list of attributes supported by this canvas widget.

Returns: None
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget.__setitem__
(inherited documentation)

__getitem__(self, attr)
(Indexing operator)

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Returns: (any)
the value of the attribute attr. See the class documentation for a list of attributes supported by this canvas widget.
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget.__getitem__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: list of int
a list of canvas tags for all graphical elements managed by this canvas widget, not including graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget._tags
(inherited documentation)

_update(self, child)

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Update this canvas widget in response to a change in one of its children.

  • child - The child that changed.
Returns: None
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget._update
(inherited documentation)


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Arrange the child widgets of this canvas widget. This method is called when the canvas widget is initially created. It is also called if the user calls the manage method on this canvas widget or any of its ancestors.

Returns: None
Overrides: bigwidgets.CanvasWidget._manage
(inherited documentation)