Special Topic: Modelling Affect in Dialogue Systems

Systems that exhibit or try to detect and model emotion or other attitudes (e.g. surprise, uncertainty, engagement), are sometimes called "affective". Currently there are lots of varieties of affective aspects that are considered, models of affect, and how they are used in dialogue systems.

Required Readings

  1. Traum, D.R., Marsella, S., Gratch, J. Emotion and Dialogue in the MRE Virtual Humans. Proceedings of the Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (Kloster, Irsee, June 2004).
  2. Etienne de Sevin, Sylwia Julia Hyniewska and Catherine Pelachaud Influence of Personality Traits on Backchannel Selection In proceeding of: Intelligent Virtual Agents, 10th International Conference, IVA 2010

Other Readings
  1. Norbert Reithinger, Patrick Gebhard, Markus Löckelt, Alassane Ndiaye, Norbert Pfleger, Martin Klesen VirtualHuman - Dialogic and Affective Interaction with Virtual Characters In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'06), Banff, Canada, 2006.
  2. Kate Forbes-Riley and Diane Litman Adapting to Multiple Affective States in Spoken Dialogue in Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL), pages 217–226, Seoul, South Korea, 5-6 July 2012.
  3. Colin Matheson, Catherine Pelachaud, Fiorella de Rosis, Thomas Rist, MagiCster: Believable Agents and Dialogue KI 17(4) (2003)
  4. A.Cavalluzzi, B.De Carolis, V.Carofiglio and G.Grassano Emotional Dialogs With an Embodied Agent UM'03 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on User modeling Pages 86-95
  5. Dirk Heylen, Maarten Vissers, Rieks op den Akker, and Anton Nijholt Affective Feedback in a Tutoring System for Procedural Tasks Proceedings of the Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (Kloster, Irsee, June 2004).
  6. Christian Becker, Stefan Kopp, and Ipke Wachsmuth Simulating the emotion dynamics of a multimodal conversational agent Proceedings of the Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (Kloster, Irsee, June 2004).
  7. Antonio Roque and David Traum A Model of Compliance and Emotion for Potentially Adversarial Dialogue Agents Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 35–38, Antwerp, September 2007.
  8. T. Bui, J. Zwiers, M. Poel, and A. Nijholt. Affective dialogue management using factored POMDPs Interactive Collaborative Information Systems, pages 207-236, 2010.
  9. Cavazza et al ‘How was your day?’ An affective companion ECA prototype Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2010: the 11th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 277–280,