Suggested Possible Course Projects
- Participate in one of the tracks of the Twelfth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC 12) (test data results must be submitted in March for official participation)
- Use one of the platforms in Dialport tool repository, (e.g. the ICT VH toolkit) to build a more advanced dialogue system
- Perform a formal evaluation of an existing dialogue system
- Build and evaluate a dialogue act classifier (NLU)
- Build and evaluate an NLG system
- Enter a dialogue challenge
- advance the work in one of the specialty topics
- learning dialogue policies or knowledge from data or simulation
- something with dialogue related to your independent research project
- dialogue system for games
- Culture-specific dialogue system
- Many more possibilities,...
Example Previous Course Projects
- A dialogue system for language preservation
- Offtopic Answer Improvement in
Virtual Human
- Linking Dialogues for Media retreival
- A virtual Merchant dialogue system for World of Warcraft
- Simulating Turn-Taking Behaviors in Multi-Party Conversations
Using Goal Driven Agents
- Anaphora Resolution for Pronouns in the MRE0 domain, a feature based integration approach
- An Unsupervised Learning approach to developing Chatterbots
- Using Abduction to infer degrees of grounding
- statistical chatbot using transcripts from the sitcom - the
- Dialogue Managers for Radio Characters in MRE
- Using AIML in a Computer Aided Language Learning environment
- Statistical Dialogue Management Using Multimodal Cues
- Sarcasm
Recognition for Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Question Answering using Vector Based Information Retrieval Paradigm with Word Sense Disambiguation
challenge Giving Route instructions in Uncertain Virtual
- Creating a customized web page with a voice interface