Special Topic:
Required Readings
- Prosody modeling for automatic speech recognition and understanding in Proc. Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Natural Language Modeling, Elizabeth Shriberg and Andreas Stolcke, 2002
- The prosody of backchannels in American English S. Benus, A. Gravano, J. Hirschberg, in Proceedings of ICPhS 2007, pages 1065-1068. Saarbrücken, Germany, August 2007.
Other Readings
- Is the speaker done yet? Faster and more accurate end-of-utterance detection using prosody Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, in Proc. ICSLP, 2002
- Prosodic features which cue back-channel responses in English and Japanese Nigel Ward and Wataru Tsukahara, Journal of Pragmatics, 32, 2000, 1177-1207.
- Prosody-Based Automatic Detection of Annoyance and Frustration in Human-Computer Dialog Jeremy Ang,Rajdip Dhillon,Ashley Krupski,Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, in Proc. ICSLP 2002
- Pragmatic Functions of Prosodic Features in Non-Lexical Utterances Nigel Ward, Speech Prosody 2004, pp 325-328.