Package teamwork :: Package policy :: Module policyTable :: Class PolicyTable
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Class PolicyTable

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             generic.Policy --+    
LookaheadPolicy.LookaheadPolicy --+
              pwlTable.PWLTable --+

Super-nifty class for representing policies as tables and using policy iteration to optimize them.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, entity, actions=[], horizon=1)
Same arguments used by constructor for LookaheadPolicy superclass
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execute(self, state, observations={}, history=None, choices=[], index=None, debug=False, explain=False, entities={}, cache={})
Applies this policy to the given state and observation history
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default(self, choices, state, observations)
Generates a default RHS, presumably with minimal effort.
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_defaultRandom(self, choices, state, observations)
Default RHS is a random choice
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_defaultGreedy(self, choices, state, observations)
Default RHS is the optimal action over a one-step time horizon
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generateObservations(self, remaining=None, result=None) source code
Returns: the turn sequence used for the forward projection
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Returns: a dictionary of the policies of all of the agents in this entity's lookahed
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solve(self, horizon=None, choices=None, debug=False, policies=None, interrupt=None, search='exhaustive', progress=None) source code
iterate(self, choices, policies, state, recurse=False, debug=False, interrupt=None)
Exhaustive policy search
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perturb(self, policies, interrupt=None, debug=False)
Consider a random perturbation of this policy
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parallelSolve(self, policies, interrupt=None, progress=None, debug=False)
Generates an abstract state space and does value iteration to generate a policy when agents all act in parallel, each with its own LHS
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abstractSolve(self, policies, interrupt=None, progress=None)
Generates an abstract state space (defined by the LHS attributes) and does value iteration to generate a policy
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abstractTransition(self, policies, interrupt=None, progress=None)
Generates a transition probability function over the abstract state state space (defined by the LHS attributes)
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abstractIterate(self, policies, rewards, interrupt)
One pass of value iteration over abstract state space.
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abstractReward(self, intervals, goals, tree, interrupt=None) source code
oldReachable(self, choices, policies, state, observations, debug=False) source code
evaluate(self, policies, state, observations, history=None, debug=False, fixed=True, start=0, details=False)
Computes the expected value of this policy in response to the given policies for the other agents
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localSolve(self, policies, state, observations, update=False, debug=False)
Determines the best action out of the available options, given the current state and observation history, and while holding fixed the expected policies of the other agents.
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expectedValue(self, state, action, goals=None, debug=False) source code
Generates a random state and observation history and finds the rule corresponding to them
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abstract(self, index)
Returns: the abstract state subspace where the given rule is applicable, in the form of a list of intervals, one for each attribute, where each interval is a dictionary with keys weights, index, lo, and hi
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fromIndex(self, index, choices=None)
Fills in the rules using the given number as an n-ary representation of the RHS values (where n is the number of possible RHS values)
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toIndex(self, choices=None)
Returns: the n-ary representation of the RHS values (where n is the number of possible RHS values)
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updateAttributes(self, actor, attributes, diffs, leaves) source code
importTable(self, table)
Takes the given table and uses it to set the LHS and RHS of this policy (making sure that the RHS refers to my entity instead)
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generateLHS(self, horizon=None, choices=None, debug=False) source code
OLDgenerateLHS(self, horizon=None, choices=None, debug=False) source code
__copy__(self) source code
__xml__(self) source code
parse(self, element) source code

Inherited from LookaheadPolicy.LookaheadPolicy: __contains__, __str__, actionValue, evaluateChoices, findBest, setHorizon

Inherited from pwlTable.PWLTable: OLDfactored2index, __add__, __getitem__, __len__, __mul__, addAttribute, consistentp, copy, delAttribute, factorString, factored2index, fromTree, getTable, index, index2factored, initialize, mapIndex, max, mergeZero, prune, pruneAttributes, pruneRules, reset, star, subIndex, valueString

Class Variables [hide private]
str seedMethod = 'greedy'
the method to use to generate the initial RHS values to seed policy iteration.
Instance Variables [hide private]
Action[][] rules
table of RHS, in dictionary form, indexed by row number

Inherited from LookaheadPolicy.LookaheadPolicy: consistentTieBreaking, horizon

Inherited from pwlTable.PWLTable: attributes, values, zeroPlanes

Inherited from pwlTable.PWLTable (private): _attributes, _consistency

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, entity, actions=[], horizon=1)

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Same arguments used by constructor for LookaheadPolicy superclass

  • entity - the entity whose policy this is (not sure whether this is necessary)
  • actions - the options considered by this policy (used by superclass)
  • horizon - the lookahead horizon
Overrides: pwlTable.PWLTable.__init__

execute(self, state, observations={}, history=None, choices=[], index=None, debug=False, explain=False, entities={}, cache={})

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Applies this policy to the given state and observation history

  • state (KeyedVector) - the current state
  • observations (dict:str→Action[]) - the current observation history
  • history (dict) - dictionary of actions that have been performed so far
  • entities - a dictionary of entities to be used as a value tree cache
  • cache - values computed so far
Returns: Action[]
the corresponding action in the table
Overrides: generic.Policy.execute

default(self, choices, state, observations)

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Generates a default RHS, presumably with minimal effort. The exact method is determined by the seedMethod class attribute.

  • state (KeyedVector) - the current state
  • observations (dict:str→Action[]) - the current observation history
Returns: Action[]
the corresponding action in the table


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Returns: str[]
the turn sequence used for the forward projection


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Returns: str→PolicyTable
a dictionary of the policies of all of the agents in this entity's lookahed

perturb(self, policies, interrupt=None, debug=False)

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Consider a random perturbation of this policy

Returns: bool
True iff a better variation was found

abstractSolve(self, policies, interrupt=None, progress=None)

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Generates an abstract state space (defined by the LHS attributes) and does value iteration to generate a policy

Returns: bool

Warning: assumes that all of the agents have the same LHS attribute breakdown! (not hard to overcome this assumption, but annoying to code)

abstractIterate(self, policies, rewards, interrupt)

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One pass of value iteration over abstract state space.

  • rewards (str→(str→float)[]) - rewards[name][state][action] = the reward that agent name gets in state state (index form) derived from the performance of action
Returns: float
the total change to the value function

Warning: Currently works for only two agents (easy, but messy, to generalize)

evaluate(self, policies, state, observations, history=None, debug=False, fixed=True, start=0, details=False)

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Computes the expected value of this policy in response to the given policies for the other agents

  • policies (dict:str→PolicyTable) - the policies that the other agents are expected to follow
  • state (KeyedVector) - the current state
  • observations (dict:str→Action[]) - the current observation history
  • history (dict) - dictionary of actions that have been performed so far (not changed by this method)
  • fixed (bool) - flag, if True, then the other agents follow their given policies; otherwise, they can optimize
  • start (int) - the time offset to use in the lookahead (0 starts with this agent, and is the default)
  • details - flag, if True, then the details of this evaluation are returned in addition to the expected value
Returns: float
expected value of this policy (and sequence of actions if details is True)

localSolve(self, policies, state, observations, update=False, debug=False)

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Determines the best action out of the available options, given the current state and observation history, and while holding fixed the expected policies of the other agents.

  • update (bool) - if True, as a side effect, this policy is modified to have this best action be the RHS of the applicable rule.
Returns: Action[]
the best action


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Generates a random state and observation history and finds the rule corresponding to them

Returns: (KeyedVector,dict:str→Action[],int)
a tuple of the state, observation history, and rule index

abstract(self, index)

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  • index (int) - the rule index of interest
Returns: dict[]
the abstract state subspace where the given rule is applicable, in the form of a list of intervals, one for each attribute, where each interval is a dictionary with keys weights, index, lo, and hi

toIndex(self, choices=None)

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Returns: int
the n-ary representation of the RHS values (where n is the number of possible RHS values)

updateAttributes(self, actor, attributes, diffs, leaves)

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  • actor (str) - the name of the agent whose turn it is
  • attributes (KeyedPlane[]) - the attributes already found

importTable(self, table)

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Takes the given table and uses it to set the LHS and RHS of this policy (making sure that the RHS refers to my entity instead)

  • table (PWLTable) - the PWL table that contains the relevant LHS and RHS

Warning: Does not import value function, just policy itself


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Overrides: pwlTable.PWLTable.__copy__


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Overrides: LookaheadPolicy.LookaheadPolicy.__xml__

parse(self, element)

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Overrides: LookaheadPolicy.LookaheadPolicy.parse

Class Variable Details [hide private]


the method to use to generate the initial RHS values to seed policy iteration. There are currently two types supported:
  • random: the RHS values are randomly generated
  • greedy: the initial RHS value provides the best immediate expected reward (i.e., over a one-step horizon)

The default is greedy.
