Package teamwork :: Package policy :: Module pwlTable :: Class PWLTable
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Class PWLTable

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Known Subclasses:

Tabular representation of a PWL function, as an alternative to KeyedTree

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
Clears all existing contents (including attributes) of the table
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Clears all existing contents (excluding attributes) of the table
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addAttribute(self, obj, value)
Inserts the new attribute/value into the LHS conditions for this policy
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delAttribute(self, index)
Deletes the attribute in the given position and reorganizes the rules accordingly
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index(self, state, observations={})
Returns: the rule index corresponding to the given beliefs
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__getitem__(self, index)
Shortcut method, index is either an int (for directly indexing into the table) or a belief vector.
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subIndex(self, attr, value)
Computes the index corresponding to the given value for the given attribute
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consistentp(self, assignment, subIndex)
Tests whether extending a partial LHS assignment with a given subIndex is self-consistent
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factored2index(self, factors, check=False)
Transforms a list of subindices into a list of matching rule indices
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OLDfactored2index(self, factors)
Transforms a list of subindices into a list of matching rule indices
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index2factored(self, index)
Transforms a rule index into a list of subindices
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fromTree(self, tree)
Extract a tabular representation of the given PWL tree.
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Returns: the base table (stripped of any subclass extras)
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_consistent(self, attr1, great1, attr2, great2=None, debug=False)
Compares an attribute-value pair against another (or others) to determine whether they're potentially consistent
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prune(self, rulesOnly=False, debug=False)
Removes rows and attributes that are irrelevant
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pruneRules(self, debug=False) source code
pruneAttributes(self, rulesOnly=False, debug=False)
Prune irrelevant attributes
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max(self, debug=False)
Computes the rules based on maximizing the values in this table
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Computes the optimal value function, independent of action
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__copy__(self) source code
copy(self, result) source code
__len__(self) source code
__add__(self, other, debug=False) source code
__mul__(self, other, combiner=None, debug=False) source code
mergeZero(self, other, combiner=None, projector=None, debug=False)
Merging when both tables have all of their hyperplanes going through the origin
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mapIndex(self, other, factors, result=None, multiplicand=None, debug=False)
Translates an index in another table into one for this table
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__str__(self) source code
Helper method that returns a string representation of the rules
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Helper method that returns string representation of value function
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_attributeHeader(self, rhsLabel='Action')
Helper method that returns column headings for the attributes
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factorString(self, factors)
Helper method that returns string representation of factor tuple
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Instance Variables [hide private]
KeyedVector→int _attributes
mapping from LHS condition to position in attributes list
int→int→bool _consistency
table of cached consistency checks among attribute values
KeyedVector[] attributes
the list of LHS conditions
table of RHS, in dictionary form, indexed by row number
int→dict values
table of value function, in dictionary form, indexed by row number
bool zeroPlanes
True iff all of the attributes are hyperplanes through the origin
Method Details [hide private]

addAttribute(self, obj, value)

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Inserts the new attribute/value into the LHS conditions for this policy

  • obj - the condition
  • value - the test value
Returns: int
the index of the attribute

delAttribute(self, index)

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Deletes the attribute in the given position and reorganizes the rules accordingly

  • index (int) - the position of the attribute to be deleted within the list of attributes

Warning: it does not do any clever aggregation over multiple rules that may be collapsed because of the deletion of this attribute

index(self, state, observations={})

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  • state - the beliefs to use in identifying the appropriate rule
Returns: int
the rule index corresponding to the given beliefs

__getitem__(self, index)
(Indexing operator)

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Shortcut method, index is either an int (for directly indexing into the table) or a belief vector. Can't incorporate observations.

subIndex(self, attr, value)

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Computes the index corresponding to the given value for the given attribute

  • attr (int) - the index of the attribute
  • value - the actual value to determine the index of
Returns: int

consistentp(self, assignment, subIndex)

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Tests whether extending a partial LHS assignment with a given subIndex is self-consistent

  • assignment (int[])
  • subIndex (int)
Returns: bool
True iff the sub-index is consistent with the current partial assignment

factored2index(self, factors, check=False)

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Transforms a list of subindices into a list of matching rule indices

  • check (bool) - if True, then check consistency before returning indices (default is False)
  • factors (int[])
Returns: int[]

Note: subindex can be a list of subindices

OLDfactored2index(self, factors)

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Transforms a list of subindices into a list of matching rule indices

  • factors (int[])
Returns: int[]

Note: subindex can be a list of subindices

index2factored(self, index)

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Transforms a rule index into a list of subindices

  • index (int)
Returns: int[]

fromTree(self, tree)

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Extract a tabular representation of the given PWL tree. Updates this tree to represent the same PWL function as the given tree.



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Returns: PWLTable
the base table (stripped of any subclass extras)

_consistent(self, attr1, great1, attr2, great2=None, debug=False)

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Compares an attribute-value pair against another (or others) to determine whether they're potentially consistent

False if never consistent, True if always consistent, None otherwise

prune(self, rulesOnly=False, debug=False)

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Removes rows and attributes that are irrelevant

  • rulesOnly (bool) - if True, only the RHS of the rules need to be distinct, not the value function as well (default is False)

max(self, debug=False)

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Computes the rules based on maximizing the values in this table

Returns: PWLTable
the table with the newly generated rules

Warning: assumes that the same option keys exist in every rule in the value function


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Computes the optimal value function, independent of action

Returns: PWLTable
a table with the optimal value as the rules' RHS, and no values

__mul__(self, other, combiner=None, debug=False)

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  • combiner (lambda) - optional binary function for using in combining RHS matrices (default is multiplication, duh)

Warning: like matrix multiplication, not commutative

mergeZero(self, other, combiner=None, projector=None, debug=False)

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Merging when both tables have all of their hyperplanes going through the origin

  • combiner (lambda) - optional binary function for using in combining RHS matrices (default is multiplication)
  • projector (lambda) - optional binary function for using in projecting my LHS attributes based on the RHS of the other

Warning: like matrix multiplication, not commutative

mapIndex(self, other, factors, result=None, multiplicand=None, debug=False)

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Translates an index in another table into one for this table

  • other (PWLTable) - the other table
  • factors (int or int[]) - the index or factors of the rule to map
  • result (int[]) - previously determined factors that should be merged (default is None)
  • multiplicand (KeyedMatrix) - matrix used to scale any attributes (default is identity)
Returns: int[]
a list of attributes subindices, None if no consistent index exists

_attributeHeader(self, rhsLabel='Action')

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Helper method that returns column headings for the attributes

  • rhsLabel (str) - column heading to use for RHS (default is 'Action')
Returns: str

factorString(self, factors)

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Helper method that returns string representation of factor tuple

  • factors (int or int[]) - factors (or rule index)