Package teamwork :: Package shell :: Module PsychShell :: Class PsychShell
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Class PsychShell

source code

Known Subclasses:

The base API for the PsychSim engine

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, scenario=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, debug=0) source code
setupScenario(self, agents, progress=None)
initialize PsychShell with given scenario
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setupEntities(self, entities=None, progress=None, compileDynamics=True, compilePolicies=None, distill=False)
Creates a scenario instance from a list of entities and applies the default values across the board
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initEntities(self, progress=None)
A method, to be overridden by subclass, that is invoked whenever there is a new set of entities
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Abstract method for getting a command from user.
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executeCommand(self, cmd) source code
displayResult(self, cmd, result)
Abstract method for displaying a result to the user
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save(self, filename=None, results=None)
Saves the state of the current simulation to the named file
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saveSociety(self, filename=None, results=None)
Saves the current generic society to the named file
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load(self, filename=None, results=None)
Loads in a scenario object from the specified file
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loadSociety(self, filename=None, overwrite=True, results=None)
Loads in a GenericSociety object from the specified file
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export(self, filename=None, results=None)
Writes a Web page representation of the current scenario
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distill(self, filename=None, results=None)
Writes a lightweight representation of the current scenario
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Reverts the current scenario to the last loaded/saved scenario
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step(self, length=1, results=None)
Steps the simulation the specified number of micro-steps into the future (default is 1)
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goals(self, results=None) source code
send(self, sender, receiver, *content) source code
applyPolicy(self, name, results=None)
Returns the action that <entity> will perform, following its policy of behavior
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setDebugLevel(self, level, results=None)
Sets the debug level to the specified integer
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getEntities(self, results=None) source code
help(self, results=None)
Prints descriptions of available commands
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test(self, label, results=None) source code
undo(self, results=None) source code
getEntity(self, name, results=None)
Returns a string representation of the named entity.
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getBelief(self, entityName, beliefName, results=None)
Returns a string representation of the belief that the first entity has about the second.
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setModel(self, entityName, beliefName, modelName, results=None)
Sets the mental model that 'entityName' holds in regard to 'beliefName' to be 'modelName'
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performAct(self, name, actType, obj, results=None)
Performs the action of the specified type by the named entity on the specified object (use 'nil' if no object)
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doActions(self, actions, results=None)
Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form
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__act__(self, actList, results) source code
execute(self, cmd, results=None) source code
search(self, feature) source code
__search__(self, entity, feature) source code
setupSusceptibility(self, addr=None) source code
querySusceptibility(self, entity) source code
handleMsg(self, msgList) source code
handleSusceptibility(self, entity, themes) source code
iterateModels(self, eList, pIndex, cIndex, modelsUsed) source code
Clears any classes in the current generic society
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mainloop(self) source code
stop(self) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  __VERSION__ = '1.8beta'
the version of this shell
boolean __UNDO__ = False
flag indicating whether UNDO operations are supported
boolean __KQML__ = False
flag indicating whether KQML communication is supported
  actionFormat = [('actor', True), ('type', True), ('object', Fa...
Instance Variables [hide private]
the class of individual agents in the scenario (default is PsychEntity)
the class of the current scenario (default is SequentialAgents)
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, scenario=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, debug=0)

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setupScenario(self, agents, progress=None)

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initialize PsychShell with given scenario

  • agents (MultiagentSimulation) - the scenario to interact with
  • progress (lambda) - optional progress display command

setupEntities(self, entities=None, progress=None, compileDynamics=True, compilePolicies=None, distill=False)

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Creates a scenario instance from a list of entities and applies the default values across the board

  • entities (Agent[]) - the entities to use in populating the scenario
  • progress (Queue) - optional Queue argument is used to give progress updates, in the form of (label,pct), where:
    • label: a string label to display for the current task
    • pct: an integer percentage (1-100) representing the amount of progress made since the last call

    The thread puts None into the queue when it has finished.

  • compileDynamics (boolean) - Flag indicating whether the scenario dynamics should be compiled as well (default is True)
  • compilePolicies (int) - The belief depth at which all agents will have their policies compiled, where 0 is the belief depth of the real agent. If the value of this flag is n, then all agents at belief depth≥n will have their policies compiled, while no agents at belief depth<n will. If omitted, no policies will be compiled
  • distill (bool) - If True, then create a distilled version of these agents (default is False
Returns: multiagentClass
a newly created scenario instance

displayResult(self, cmd, result)

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Abstract method for displaying a result to the user

  • cmd (str) - the command executed
  • result (str[]) - the results of the command

loadSociety(self, filename=None, overwrite=True, results=None)

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Loads in a GenericSociety object from the specified file

  • overwrite (boolean) - flag indicating, when True that the existing society should be erased before loading in the new one

doActions(self, actions, results=None)

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Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form

  • actions (dict:str→Action[]) - dictionary of actions to be performed, indexed by actor, e.g.:
    • agent1: [act11, act12, ... ]
    • agent2: [act21, act22, ... ]
    • ...

Class Variable Details [hide private]


[('actor', True), ('type', True), ('object', False)]