Package teamwork :: Package widgets :: Package PsychGUI :: Module Gui :: Class GuiShell
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Class GuiShell

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shell.PsychShell.PsychShell --+
Known Subclasses:

Subclass for Tk interface to PsychSim

Key components for manipulating Generic Societies:

Key components for manipulating Instantiated Scenarios:

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, scenario=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, expert=False, dev=False, debug=0)
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Updates the simulation time in the toolbar display
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updateEditMenu(self, selection, window) source code
copy(self, event=None, cmd='copy') source code
cut(self, event=None) source code
paste(self, event=None) source code
setupScenario(self, agents, progress=None)
initialize PsychShell with given scenario
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showWindow(self, name)
Pops up an agent window for the named entity (creates the window if it has not already been drawn)
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initEntities(self, progress=None)
A method, to be overridden by subclass, that is invoked whenever there is a new set of entities
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Dialog box for fitting scenario to observed behavior
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viewMAID(self) source code
removeAgent(self, entity)
Removes the given entity from the simulation
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destroyAgentWin(self, window)
Cleans up after removing the window for a given entity
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renameAgent(self, old, new)
Changes the name and references to a given agent
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addAgent(self, entity, agent=None)
Adds an agent as a child of the given entity
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_addAgent(self, button, agent=None)
Callback from name dialog that actually adds the agent
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validateName(self, name)
Checks whether the new name being entered in the agent dialog is valid or not
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Disables the OK button on the agent name dialog if the current text entry is invalid
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Edits the turn order
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_editOrder(self, button)
Callback from name dialog that actually adds the agent
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setState(self, state=None) source code
doFitting(self, actor, action, step)
Fits the agents' goal weights based on behavior in fit window
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__doFitting(self, name, action, step)
Fitting helper method (for running in background)
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doActions(self, actions, results=None)
Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form
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realStep(self, entity=None, choices=None, iterations=1)
Queries and performs the given entity for its hypothetical choice
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hypoStep(self, entity=None, choices=None, iterations=1)
Queries and displays the given entity for its hypothetical choice
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hypothetical(self, entity=None, real=False, choices=None, iterations=1, explain=False, suggest=False) source code
Verifies that all agents in the current turn sequence have at least one action available to perform.
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singleHypothetical(self, entity=None, real=False, choices=None, history=None, explain=False, suggest=False) source code
validate(self) source code
modeSelect(self, but) source code
splash(self, soundFile=None) source code
drawMenubar(self) source code
viewSelect(self, view=None, alreadyLoaded=False)
Toggles between views of generic society and specific scenario
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Toggles visibility of balloon helpIt might not be a good idea to toggle this off right now
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Sets the expert mode for the overall GUI
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createAgentWin(self, entity, x=0, y=0)
Creates an agent window for the given entity at the given point
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addToMenu(self, name, menu, index='end')
Adds a new entry to the given menu for an entity, and any descendents
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clear(self) source code
close(self, event=None, load=False) source code
setupSusceptibility(self, addr=None) source code
selectSusceptibility(self) source code
handleSusceptibility(self, entity, themes) source code
displayActions(self, fullresult, step=-1)
Displays any explanation from the performance of actions in the appropriate AAR windows
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background(self, target, event=None, label='Running', kwargs={})
Runs the target command in a background thread.
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stopBackground(self) source code
Cleans up after a background simulation thread
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expectedValue(self, entity, world=None, description=None, initial=None, background=1, display=1)
Computes and displays the reward expected by the given entity
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__expectedValue(self, entity, world, description, initial, display=1)
Background computation of expected value
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step(self, length=1, results=None)
Step forward by a single round of actions by the entities
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Execution of a step intended for background running
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compilePolicy(self, entity)
Displays the rules of entity's policy in the given widget
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__compilePolicy(self, entity, options)
Displays the decision-tree of entity's policy using the given command
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displayPolicy(self, entity) source code
run(self, num=0) source code
msgSend(self, sender, receiver, subject, msg, force, overhear, evaluateOnly=None) source code
query(self, sender, receiver, subject, msg, force, overhear) source code
evaluateMsg(self, sender, receiver, subject, msg, force, overhear) source code
__msgSend(self, sender, receiver, subject, msg, force, overhear, world, background=1, hypothetical=None) source code
performMsg(self, world, msg, sender, receiver, overhear, subject, background=1, hypothetical=None) source code
Pops up the properties dialog
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popupDynamics(self, key, action, dialog) source code
export(self, filename=None, results=None)
Writes a Web page representation of the current scenario
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distill(self, filename=None, results=None)
Writes a lightweight representation of the current scenario
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_distill(self, filename) source code
createScenario(self, args=None)
Pops up a wizard dialog to instantiate scenario
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saveBoth(self, event=None) source code
saveAs(self, filename=None) source code
saveScenario(self, filename=None) source code
_saveScenario(self, filename) source code
saveSociety(self, filename=None)
Saves the current generic society to the named file
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_saveSociety(self, filename) source code
load(self, event=None, filename=None, results=[])
Loads a scenario in from a file
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Reverts the current scenario back to the last saved version
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incUpdate(self, res=None, actType=None, actor=None) source code
seedMessage(self, name, args) source code
translateReward(self, rew, name) source code
mainloop(self) source code
poll(self) source code
handleCommand(self, args) source code
stop(self, event=None) source code

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: __act__, __search__, applyPolicy, displayResult, execute, executeCommand, getBelief, getCommand, getEntities, getEntity, goals, handleMsg, help, iterateModels, loadSociety, performAct, querySusceptibility, resetSociety, save, search, send, setDebugLevel, setModel, setupEntities, test, undo

Class Variables [hide private]
  titleLabel = 'PsychSim'
  simulationLabel = 'Simulation'
  explanationLabel = 'expcascade'

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: __KQML__, __UNDO__, __VERSION__, actionFormat

Instance Variables [hide private]
bool dev
flag, iff True, then show development features
str→Menu menus
dictionary of all of the individual pulldown menus (indexed by label of menu

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: agentClass, multiagentClass

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, scenario=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, expert=False, dev=False, debug=0)

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  • scenario - initial scenario
  • classes - initial generic society
  • agentClass - object class used to create new agents
  • multiagentClass - object class used to create new scenarios
  • debug - level of detail in debugging messages
Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.__init__

setupScenario(self, agents, progress=None)

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initialize PsychShell with given scenario

  • agents (MultiagentSimulation) - the scenario to interact with
  • progress (lambda) - optional progress display command
Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.setupScenario

initEntities(self, progress=None)

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A method, to be overridden by subclass, that is invoked whenever there is a new set of entities

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.initEntities
(inherited documentation)

renameAgent(self, old, new)

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Changes the name and references to a given agent

  • old,new (str)

doActions(self, actions, results=None)

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Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form

  • actions (str→Action[]) - dictionary of actions to be performed, indexed by actor, e.g.:
    • agent1: [act11, act12, ... ]
    • agent2: [act21, act22, ... ]
    • ...
Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.doActions


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Verifies that all agents in the current turn sequence have at least one action available to perform.

Returns: str[]
any agents who do not have any such actions

setupSusceptibility(self, addr=None)

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Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.setupSusceptibility

handleSusceptibility(self, entity, themes)

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Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.handleSusceptibility

displayActions(self, fullresult, step=-1)

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Displays any explanation from the performance of actions in the appropriate AAR windows

  • fullresult (dict) - an explanation structure, in dictionary form:
    • explanation: a list of 3-tuples of strings, suitable for passing to JiveTalkingAAR.displayAAR
    • agent: explanation substructures for each actor, in dictionary form:
      • decision: the actions chosen by this actor, list format
  • step (int) - the current time step (defaults to the current scenario time

background(self, target, event=None, label='Running', kwargs={})

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Runs the target command in a background thread. This handles the disabling/enabling of the relevant GUI elements.

  • label (str) - optional label that appears in the status bar
  • target (lambda) - the command to run in the background. It should call the finishBackground method when it is done (see __step method for a sample target).

expectedValue(self, entity, world=None, description=None, initial=None, background=1, display=1)

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Computes and displays the reward expected by the given entity

The world defaults to the current scenario. The description is prepended to the AAR. The initial reward value is subtracted from the computed EV (to provide a differential result if desired).

step(self, length=1, results=None)

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Step forward by a single round of actions by the entities

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.step

export(self, filename=None, results=None)

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Writes a Web page representation of the current scenario

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.export

distill(self, filename=None, results=None)

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Writes a lightweight representation of the current scenario

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.distill

saveSociety(self, filename=None)

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Saves the current generic society to the named file

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.saveSociety
(inherited documentation)

load(self, event=None, filename=None, results=[])

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Loads a scenario in from a file

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.load


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Reverts the current scenario back to the last saved version

Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.revert


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Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.mainloop

stop(self, event=None)

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Overrides: shell.PsychShell.PsychShell.stop