Package teamwork :: Package examples :: Package Games :: Module PublicGood :: Class PublicGoodAgent
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Class PublicGoodAgent

source code

              agent.Agent.Agent --+                    
agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+                
         agent.GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent --+            
              agent.stereotypes.Stereotyper --+        
               agent.DefaultBased.GenericEntity --+    
                  agent.Agent.Agent --+           |    
                                      |           |    
    agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+       |    
                                          |       |    
             agent.GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent --+   |    
                                              |   |    
                  agent.Agent.Agent --+           |    
                                      |           |    
    agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+       |    
                                          |       |    
              agent.MemoryAgent.MemoryAgent --+   |    
                                              |   |    
              agent.consistency.ConsistentAgent --+    
                         agent.Entities.PsychEntity --+

Nested Classes [hide private]
Domain-specific class that sets up the game stages
Action subclass (default is action) actionClass
the Python class for this agent's option instances
Instance Methods [hide private]
These agents don't really do any backward projection, so let's shortcut through the annoying copying that is required when freezing the initial version of myself
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preComStateEstimator(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=Debugger())
Updates beliefs in response to observation (Within this model, the agent and its belief state are one and the same)
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initEntities(self, entityList, depth=1)
Sets the entities known to be the list provided, and makes the appropriate updates to goals, policy depth, etc.
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initRelationships(self, entityList)
Instantiates the relationships of this entity regarding the provided list of entities
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updateModels(self, actions, debug)
Updates the mental models in response to the given dictionary of actions
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extractModels(self) source code

Inherited from agent.Entities.PsychEntity: __cmp__, __copy__, __getstate__, __init__, __setstate__, __xml__, acceptMessage, acceptability, extendPolicy, getPolicyDepth, hypotheticalPostCom, parse, postComStateEstimator, setPolicyDepth, stateEstimator

Inherited from agent.DefaultBased.GenericEntity: addActions, applyBeliefs, applyDefaults, getDefault, initActions, initBeliefs, initDynamics, initGoals, initModels, initObservations, initState, instanceof, instantiateGoal, instantiateList, instantiateName, setHierarchy

Inherited from agent.stereotypes.Stereotyper: __str__, clusterSpace, freezeModels, generateSpace, hypotheticalPreCom, reachable, setModel, updateModel, weightEqual

Inherited from agent.GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: actionValue, applyGoals, expectedValue, fit, generateConstraints, getGoalTree, getGoalVector, getGoalWeight, getGoals, getNormalization, normalizeGoals, setGoalWeight, setGoals

Inherited from agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: __deepcopy__, __eq__, __getitem__, __ne__, ancestry, applyChanges, applyPolicy, beliefDepth, findObservation, getActionKeys, getAllBeliefs, getBelief, getBeliefKeys, getDynamics, getEntities, getEntity, getEntityBeliefs, getNestedBelief, getObservation, getObservations, getSelfBelief, getState, getStateFeatures, hasBelief, incorporateMessage, initialStateEstimator, invalidateCache, multistep, observe, resetHistory, saveObservations, setBelief, setEntity, setName, setObservation, setRecursiveBelief, setSelfBelief, setState, step, toHTML, updateStateDict

Inherited from agent.Agent.Agent: generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable

Inherited from getLink, getLinkKey, getLinkTypes, getLinkees, getSupport, getTrust, removeLink, setLink, setSupport, setTrust, updateLinks, updateTrust

Inherited from agent.consistency.ConsistentAgent: __getMessageContentKey__, __getStateIntegratedWithMessage__, __propagateBeliefsBackInTime__, __propagateBeliefsForwardInTime__, __solveForUniqueTreePath__, calculateMessageConsistency, getMemoryConsistency

Inherited from agent.MemoryAgent.MemoryAgent: updateMemory

Class Variables [hide private]
boolean modelChange = 1
Flag that specifies whether this agent will change its mental models or not
  learningRate = 0.2
  valueType = 'final'
  mentalType = 'aggregate'

Inherited from agent.Entities.PsychEntity: beliefWeights, consistencyWeights

Inherited from agent.DefaultBased.GenericEntity: copyCount, factors

Inherited from agent.stereotypes.Stereotyper: defaultModelChange

Inherited from supportLimit, supportWeights

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from agent.stereotypes.Stereotyper: model, models

Inherited from agent.GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: constraints, goals, horizon

Inherited from agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: dynamics, parent, relationships, state

Inherited from agent.Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Inherited from linkDynamics, linkTypes, links

Method Details [hide private]


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These agents don't really do any backward projection, so let's shortcut through the annoying copying that is required when freezing the initial version of myself

Overrides: agent.RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent.freeze

preComStateEstimator(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=Debugger())

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Updates beliefs in response to observation (Within this model, the agent and its belief state are one and the same)

  • beliefs - the beliefs to be updated (traditionally, the result from getAllBeliefs)
  • actions - the actions observed by this agent
  • epoch - the current epoch in which these observations occurred (currently ignored, but potentially important)
Returns: dict
the belief changes that would result from the specified observed actions, in dictionary form:
  • beliefs: results as returned by hypotheticalAct
  • observations: the given actions

initEntities(self, entityList, depth=1)

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Sets the entities known to be the list provided, and makes the appropriate updates to goals, policy depth, etc.

  • maxDepth - the maximum depth of this agent's recursive models

initRelationships(self, entityList)

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Instantiates the relationships of this entity regarding the provided list of entities

Overrides: agent.DefaultBased.GenericEntity.initRelationships

updateModels(self, actions, debug)

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Updates the mental models in response to the given dictionary of actions

Overrides: agent.stereotypes.Stereotyper.updateModels
(inherited documentation)