Package teamwork :: Package examples :: Package Thespian :: Module ThespianShell
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Source Code for Module teamwork.examples.Thespian.ThespianShell

   1  ## branching tree doesn't work
   2  ## specified .8, .6
   3  ## resulted in .36 .64
   4  ## dyn with branch couldn't be fitted, assert domain() ==1
   6  import string 
   7  import sys 
   8  import random 
  11  from import * 
  12  from teamwork.utils.PsychUtils import * 
  14  from teamwork.math.Keys import * 
  15  from teamwork.math.probability import * 
  17  from ThespianAgent import * 
  18  from ThespianAgents import * 
  19  from ThespianUtils import * 
  20  from appraisalDimentions import * 
  22  ## use CVXOPT
  23  from cvxopt.base import matrix 
  24  from cvxopt.blas import dot  
  25  from cvxopt.solvers import qp 
  27  from teamwork.math.probability import Distribution 
  28  from teamwork.math.Keys import StateKey,ConstantKey 
  30  useAppraisalModule = False 
  32  ##partial order of actions
  33  orders = [] 
  34  ## action should happen only after 10 steps
  35  laterThan = {} 
  36  ## at step 20, action should already happened
  37  earlierThan = {} 
  39  orders = [['wolf-eat-granny','anybody-kill-wolf'],
  40              ['red-give-cake-granny','wolf-eat-red'],
  41              ['red-give-cake-granny','wolf-eat-granny'],
  42              ] 
  44  earlierThan = {50:['wolf-eat-red'],80:['wolf-eat-granny']} 
  45  earlierThan2 = [('wolf-eat-granny',30,['anybody-kill-wolf'])] 
  46  NOearlierThan = {60:['wolf-eat-red']} 
  47  laterThan2 = [('wolf-eat-red',10,'wolf-eat-granny')] 
50 -def progress(msg,pct):
51 if pct > 0.: 52 print 'done.' 53 elif len(msg) > 0: 54 print msg,'...'
55 56
57 -class ThespianShell(PsychShell):
58 """Shell subclass enhanced for stories.""" 59 60 agentClass = ThespianAgent ##this is the module 61 multiagentClass = ThespianAgents 62 63 64 entityList={\ 65 ## '3':[('granny','granny'),('hunter','hunter'),('wolf','wolf'),('red','red'),('Entity','fairy')], 66 '3':[('granny','granny'),('hunter','hunter'),('wolf','wolf'),('red','red'),('woodcutter','woodcutter')], 67 ## '3':[('wolf','wolf'),('hunter','hunter')], 68 ## '3':[('wolf','wolf'),('red','red'),('granny','granny')], 69 #'3':[('hunter','hunter'),('wolf','wolf'),('red','red')], 70 '31':[('red','red'),('wolf','wolf')], 71 '4':[('usr','usr'),('cha','cha')], 72 '6':[('usr','usr'),('labrat','labrat1'),('labrat','labrat2'),('streetrat','streetrat'),('otherTeam','otherTeam'),('timer','timer')], 73 ## '6':[('usr','usr'),('labrat','labrat1'),('labrat','labrat2'),('streetrat','streetrat'),], 74 # '6':[('usr','usr'),('labrat','labrat1')], 75 '7':[('usr','usr'),('vc','vc')], 76 } 77 78 # Uncomment the following to support the undo command 79 ## __UNDO__ = 1 80
81 - def __init__(self,entities=None,classes=None,scene='3',debug=10):
82 83 self.scene = scene 84 85 self.loadClasses() 86 PsychShell.__init__(self,None,self.classes,self.agentClass,self.multiagentClass,debug=0) 87 scenario = self.setupEntities(self.createEntities(),None, 88 compileDynamics=True,compilePolicies=None) 89 self.setupScenario(scenario) 90 91 #test func for director agent 92 self.handlers['director'] = self.director 93 self.handlers['path'] = self.printPath 94 self.handlers['locations'] = self.printLocation 95 self.handlers['log'] = self.printLogFileName 96 97 98 self.helpWolf = 0 99 self.wolfMetGranny = False 100 101 self.AP = appraisal() 102 if useAppraisalModule: 103 self.AP.initEntities = copy.deepcopy(self.entities) 104 self.AP.setupEntities(self.AP.initEntities) 105 self.AP.curEntities = copy.deepcopy(self.entities) 106 self.AP.setupEntities(self.AP.curEntities ) 107 108 self.copyEntities = copy.deepcopy(self.entities) 109 110 # for entityName in self.copyEntities: 111 # self.AP.setupDynamics(entities=self.copyEntities,entity=entityName,copyEntities=self.entities) 112 113 self.history = [] 114 115 self.logfile = None 116 self.logfileName = None 117 118 while self.logfile == None: 119 self.logfileName = 'log'+str(int(100*random.random()))+'.txt' 120 try: 121 open(self.logfileName,'r') 122 except: 123 print self.logfileName 124 self.logfile = open(self.logfileName,'w')
125 126 127 128 129 # mei 06/30/04 change the param to indicate which scene we working on
130 - def createEntities(self):
131 entities=[] 132 for newEntity in self.entityList[self.scene]: 133 entity = self.classes.instantiate(newEntity[0],newEntity[1],ThespianAgent) 134 135 if entity: 136 entities.append(entity) 137 138 ## turned off temperately because: 139 ## couldn't use lookup 140 ## will create too manys state features for obligation keys 141 ## createObligations(entities,1, 0) 142 ## ObligationDyns(entities) 143 ## SatisfyObliPolicies(entities) 144 return entities
146 - def executeCommand(self,cmd):
147 start = time.time() 148 result = self.execute(cmd) 149 diff = time.time()-start 150 if result: 151 self.displayResult(cmd,`self.debug`) 152 self.debug.reset() 153 self.displayResult(cmd,result) 154 self.displayResult(cmd,'Time: %7.4f' % (diff)) 155 else: 156 self.done = 1
157 158
159 - def displayResult(self,cmd,result):
160 """Terminal version of the output display method. Uses 161 standard output.""" 162 print result 163 ## print 164 sys.stdout.flush()
165 166
167 - def printPath(self,result=[]):
168 for act in self.history: 169 #if not isinstance(act,Message): 170 # continue 171 print `act`
172 173
174 - def printLocation(self,result=[]):
175 print 'locations of characters' 176 for entity in self.entities: 177 tmp = self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 178 print entity,tmp,' ',
180 - def printLogFileName(self,result=[]):
181 print self.logfileName
183 - def runAppraisal(self, action,lookahead = 1):
184 if useAppraisalModule == False: 185 return 186 try: 187 self.AP.lookaheadTest() 188 except: 189 lookahead = 0 190 ## calculate appraisal dimentions 191 for entity in self.entities: 192 print entity 193 for i in range(lookahead+1): 194 print 'lookahead level ',i 195 print ' novelty: ',self.AP.novelty(entity,action,i) 196 preUtility, curUtility = self.AP.calUtilities(entity,action,i) 197 relevance = self.AP.Relevance(entity,preUtility, curUtility,i) 198 desirability = self.AP.Desirability(entity,preUtility, curUtility,i) 199 print ' Relevance:',relevance, ' Desirability:',desirability 200 print ' causalAttribution ' 201 202 if relevance > 0: 203 agents,attr = self.AP.causalAttribution(entity,action,lookahead=i) 204 for i in range(len(agents)): 205 print ' ',agents[i],attr[i] 206 207 if relevance > .2 and desirability < 0: 208 print ' self agency', self.AP.Agency(entity,entity, action,i) 209 for other in self.entities: 210 if not other == entity: 211 print ' other agency ', other,' ',self.AP.Agency(entity,other, action,i) 212 print 213 214 self.AP.updateHistory(action) 215 print 216 print
217 218
219 - def genObjectives(self, history):
220 lastAct = history[len(history)-1] 221 objectives = [] 222 for order in orders: 223 check_order_result = self.checkOrder(history,order) 224 if check_order_result == -1: 225 tmp = order[1] 226 tmp = tmp.replace('anybody','') 227 tmpAct = `lastAct` 228 if tmpAct.find(tmp)>-1: 229 print 'violate order ',order 230 # we want the first action to happen 231 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[0]) 232 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 233 # we want the second action to not happen 234 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[1]) 235 objectives.append((actor,type,'Minimize',obj)) 236 237 tmpact = `lastAct` 238 for key in laterThan: 239 tmp = key 240 if tmp.find('anybody')>-1: 241 tmp = key.replace('anybody','') 242 if tmpact.find(tmp)>-1: 243 if laterThan[`lastAct`] > len(history): 244 print `lastAct`, ' should happen after ',laterThan[`lastAct`],' steps' 245 objectives.append((lastAct['actor'],lastAct['type'],'Minimize',lastAct['object'])) 246 247 248 for key in earlierThan: 249 if len(history) >= key: 250 for act in earlierThan[key]: 251 if self.searchPath(history,act) == -1: 252 #if the only constaints are certain actions need to happen in the future, i will let it be? 253 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(act) 254 print act, ' should happen before ',key,' steps' 255 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 256 return objectives
258 - def getLastAct(self,history,changeEntity):
259 for act in self.history: 260 if isinstance(act,Message): 261 continue 262 if act['actor'] == changeEntity: 263 return act
264 265 266 #def director2(self, result=[]): 267 # receivers = ['woodcutter','hunter','wolf','red','granny'] 268 # for i in range(4): 269 # next = 270 # delta = self.entities.microstep(next,hypothetical=True,explain=False) 271 # for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 272 # res = delta['decision'][key][0] 273 # #print res 274 # tmp = copy.copy(self.history) 275 # tmp.append(res) 276 # objectives = self.genObjectives(tmp) 277 # if len(objectives)>0: 278 # options = self.entities.__getitem__(next[0]['name']).actions.getOptions() 279 # options = self.entities.__getitem__(next[0]['name']).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 280 # bestAct = options[0] 281 # minObj = 100 282 # for option in options: 283 # tmp = copy.copy(self.history) 284 # tmp.append(option[0]) 285 # obj = self.genObjectives(tmp) 286 # if obj < minObj: 287 # minObj = obj 288 # bestAct = option 289 # next[0]['choices']=[bestAct] 290 # 291 # if minObj>0: 292 # newMsg = self.change_characters_state(next[0]['name'],delta['decision'],objectives) 293 # messages = [] 294 # for msg in newMsg: 295 # if not msg in messages: 296 # messages.append(msg) 297 # 298 # factor = {} 299 # factor['topic'] = 'state' 300 # factor['relation'] = '=' 301 # for msg in messages: 302 # if msg[1] in ['being-enquired']: 303 # factor['lhs'] = ['entities', msg[0], 'state', msg[1]] 304 # factor['value'] = msg[2] 305 # self.entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).setState(msg[1],factor['value']) 306 # msg = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 307 # print msg 308 # self.history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 309 # self.entities.performMsg(msg,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 310 # else: 311 # res, act = self.make_story_false(msg[0],msg[1],msg[2],self.entities,self.history,next[0]['name']) 312 # if res: 313 # next[0]['choices']=[act] 314 # else: 315 # nextLocation = self.entities.__getitem__(next[0]['name']).getState('location').expectation() 316 # msgLocation = self.entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).getState('location').expectation() 317 # if not nextLocation == msgLocation: 318 # factor['lhs'] = ['entities', next[0]['name'], 'state', 'location'] 319 # factor['value'] = msgLocation 320 # msg1 = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 321 # self.entities.performMsg(msg1,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 322 # res, act = self.make_story_false(msg[0],msg[1],msg[2],self.entities,self.history,next[0]['name']) 323 # if res: 324 # next[0]['choices']=[act] 325 # print msg1 326 # self.logfile.write(str(msg1)) 327 # self.logfile.write('\n') 328 # self.history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg1)) 329 # self.entities.__getitem__(next[0]['name']).setState('location',factor['value']) 330 # else: 331 # factor['value'] = nextLocation 332 # msg1 = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 333 # self.entities.performMsg(msg1,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 334 # 335 # 336 # break 337 # 338 # delta = self.entities.microstep(next,hypothetical=False,explain=False) 339 # for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 340 # res = delta['decision'][key][0] 341 # self.history.append(res) 342 # print res 343 # self.logfile.write(str(res)) 344 # self.logfile.write('\n') 345 # 346 # 347 # 348 # 349 350
351 - def director2(self, result=[]):
352 lookaheadstep = 10 353 acturalLookaheadSteps = 4 354 totalTests = 9 355 356 receivers = ['woodcutter','hunter','wolf','red','granny'] 357 changeCharacter = 0 358 characters = ['red','woodcutter','granny','hunter','wolf'] 359 objectives = [] 360 satObjective = [] 361 decision = {} 362 363 # moveToCharacter: 0 relacate changeCharacter to the location of targetEntity before targetEntity act 364 # moveToCharacter: 1 relacate changeCharacter to the location of targetEntity before changeCharacter act 365 # set initial value to 0 because the first test will increase it to 1 while not perform any character realocation 366 moveToCharacter = 0 367 368 #best result among the test 369 bestPath=[] 370 minViolation = 100 371 372 for testNum in range(totalTests): 373 if changeCharacter == 0 and testNum >2: 374 break 375 print 376 print 'test',testNum 377 378 entities = copy.deepcopy(self.entities) 379 history = copy.deepcopy(self.history) 380 wolfMetGranny = self.wolfMetGranny 381 actions = [] 382 nochange = True 383 moveToCharacter = (moveToCharacter+1)%2 384 moveOnce = True 385 386 387 if len(objectives)>0: 388 messages = [] 389 testMessages = [] 390 391 for cha in characters: 392 newMsg = self.change_characters_state(cha,decision,objectives) 393 for msg in newMsg: 394 if not msg in messages: 395 messages.append(msg) 396 397 for msg in messages: 398 if not msg[1] in ['being-enquired']: 399 testMessages.append(msg) 400 continue 401 factor = {} 402 factor['topic'] = 'state' 403 factor['relation'] = '=' 404 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', msg[0], 'state', msg[1]] 405 factor['value'] = msg[2] 406 entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).setState(msg[1],factor['value']) 407 msg = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 408 print msg 409 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 410 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 411 entities.performMsg(msg,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 412 msg = None 413 414 finishedMsg = [] 415 for i in range(lookaheadstep): 416 next = 417 entity = next[0]['name'] 418 searchNextAction = False 419 420 for tmp in satObjective: 421 try: 422 objectives.remove(tmp) 423 except: 424 pass 425 satObjective = [] 426 427 if len(objectives)>0: 428 searchNextAction = True 429 # try fit characters' actions first 430 for objective in objectives: 431 tmpAct =objective[0]+'-'+objective[1]+'-'+objective[3] 432 if self.searchPath(history,tmpAct) > -1: 433 continue 434 if (not entity == 'wolf') and (entity == objective[0] or (objective[0] == 'anybody' and not entity == objective[3])): 435 actorLocation = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 436 objectLocation = entities.__getitem__(objective[3]).getState('location').expectation() 437 if not actorLocation == objectLocation: 438 continue 439 if objective[2] == 'Maximize': 440 actNext = Action({'actor':entity,'type':objective[1],'object':objective[3]}) 441 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 442 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 443 if [actNext] in options: 444 searchNextAction = False 445 # don't need to fit since we don't care about character motivation 446 next[0]['choices'] = [[actNext]] 447 # take care of the 1st objective only 448 break 449 elif objective[2] == 'Minimize': 450 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 451 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 452 453 for option in options: 454 if not option[0]['type'] == objective[1]: 455 searchNextAction = False 456 # don't need to fit since we don't care about character motivation 457 next[0]['choices'] = [option] 458 # take care of the 1st objective only 459 break 460 461 462 if searchNextAction: 463 #only move one chanracter once during each lookahead 464 reLocate = False 465 if moveOnce: 466 objectEntity = objectives[0][0] 467 # change the location of one character at a time 468 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 469 470 # idnore characters whose locations can't be changed 471 if entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('eaten').expectation() >.5: 472 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 473 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 474 475 # anybody-kill-wolf -> hunter-kill-wolf ->move hunter's location 476 if objectEntity == 'anybody': 477 objectEntity = changeEntity 478 #the character is within the sight of wolf, i can't make it disppear 479 if entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('location').expectation() == entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation(): 480 wolfLastAct = self.getLastAct(history,'wolf') 481 changeEntityLastAct = self.getLastAct(history,changeEntity) 482 # I can change their locations if the wolf just moved or the current chracter just moved 483 if not (`wolfLastAct`.find('move') >-1 or not `changeEntityLastAct`.find('move') >-1) : 484 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 485 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 486 487 reLocate = True 488 if changeEntity == objectEntity: 489 if changeEntity == entity: 490 moveToCharacter = 1 491 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 492 else: 493 reLocate = False 494 elif moveToCharacter == 0: 495 if not objectEntity == entity: 496 reLocate = False 497 elif moveToCharacter == 1: 498 if not changeEntity == entity: 499 reLocate = False 500 else: 501 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 502 else: 503 reLocate = False 504 505 if reLocate: 506 moveOnce = False 507 changeEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('location').expectation() 508 if changeEntity == objectEntity: 509 #change my location to affect my own behavior 510 # e.g. hunter kills wolf 511 objobj = objectives[0][3] 512 objectEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(objobj).getState('location').expectation() 513 else: 514 #change my location to affect other characters' behaviors 515 #e.g.woodcutter move to wolf 516 objectEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(objectEntity).getState('location').expectation() 517 518 519 #if not (objectEntityLocation == 0.25 and changeEntity == 'granny'): 520 if changeEntity == 'granny': 521 if objectEntityLocation == 0.25 or wolfMetGranny == True: 522 # we won't move the character and will abonden this test 523 continue 524 525 factor = {} 526 factor['topic'] = 'state' 527 factor['relation'] = '=' 528 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', changeEntity, 'state', 'location'] 529 if objectEntityLocation == changeEntityLocation: 530 #granny moves away from Red to prevent cake being delivered too soon 531 factor['value'] = objectEntityLocation -.2 532 else: 533 factor['value'] = objectEntityLocation 534 msg = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 535 print msg 536 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 537 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 538 entities.performMsg(msg,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 539 entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).setState('location',factor['value']) 540 541 finishedMsg = [] 542 for msg in testMessages: 543 if self.make_story_false(msg[0],msg[1],msg[2],entities,history,next[0]['name']): 544 factor = {} 545 factor['topic'] = 'state' 546 factor['relation'] = '=' 547 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', msg[0], 'state', msg[1]] 548 factor['value'] = msg[2] 549 entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).setState(msg[1],factor['value']) 550 msg1 = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 551 print msg1 552 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg1)) 553 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg1)) 554 entities.performMsg(msg1,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 555 finishedMsg.append(msg) 556 for tmp in finishedMsg: 557 testMessages.remove(tmp) 558 559 for objective in objectives: 560 tmpAct =objective[0]+'-'+objective[1]+'-'+objective[3] 561 if self.searchPath(history,tmpAct) > -1: 562 continue 563 if (not entity == 'wolf') and (entity == objective[0] or (objective[0] == 'anybody' and not entity == objective[3])): 564 actorLocation = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 565 objectLocation = entities.__getitem__(objective[3]).getState('location').expectation() 566 if not actorLocation == objectLocation: 567 continue 568 if objective[2] == 'Maximize': 569 actNext = Action({'actor':entity,'type':objective[1],'object':objective[3]}) 570 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 571 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 572 if [actNext] in options: 573 searchNextAction = False 574 next[0]['choices'] = [[actNext]] 575 # take care of the 1st objective only 576 break 577 578 elif objective[2] == 'Minimize': 579 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 580 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 581 582 for option in options: 583 if not option[0]['type'] == objective[1]: 584 searchNextAction = False 585 next[0]['choices'] = [option] 586 # take care of the 1st objective only 587 break 588 589 if searchNextAction == False: 590 break 591 592 delta = entities.microstep(next,hypothetical=False,explain=False) 593 for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 594 res = delta['decision'][key][0] 595 print `res` 596 actions.append(res) 597 history.append(res) 598 if not decision.has_key(key): 599 decision[key]=delta['decision'][key] 600 601 if abs(entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation()-entities.__getitem__('granny').getState('location').expectation())<=.2\ 602 and entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation()>.5: 603 wolfMetGranny = True 604 605 tmpHistory = copy.deepcopy(self.history) 606 objectives = [] 607 608 # test simulation results 609 actionCount = -1 610 for i in range(len(actions)): 611 tmpHistory.append(actions[i]) 612 613 # don't consider messages when testing 614 if isinstance(actions[i],Message): 615 continue 616 617 actionCount = actionCount+1 618 619 # lookahead 15 steps, but only use the first 5 steps for these two check 620 # the rest are for lookahead to see if certain event will happen 621 if actionCount <= acturalLookaheadSteps: 622 #if i < lookaheadstep: 623 for order in orders: 624 check_order_result = self.checkOrder(tmpHistory,order) 625 if check_order_result == -1: 626 tmp = order[1] 627 tmp = tmp.replace('anybody','') 628 tmpAct = `actions[i]` 629 if tmpAct.find(tmp)>-1: 630 nochange = False 631 print 'violate order ',order 632 # we want the first action to happen 633 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[0]) 634 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 635 # we want the second action to not happen 636 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[1]) 637 objectives.append((actor,type,'Minimize',obj)) 638 639 tmpact = `actions[i]` 640 for key in laterThan: 641 tmp = key 642 if tmp.find('anybody')>-1: 643 tmp = key.replace('anybody','') 644 if tmpact.find(tmp)>-1: 645 if laterThan[`actions[i]`] > len(tmpHistory): 646 nochange = False 647 print `actions[i]`, ' should happen after ',laterThan[`actions[i]`],' steps' 648 objectives.append((actions[i]['actor'],actions[i]['type'],'Minimize',actions[i]['object'])) 649 650 651 # only add the constraints once 652 if i == len(actions)-1: 653 for key in earlierThan: 654 if len(history) >= key: 655 for act in earlierThan[key]: 656 if self.searchPath(tmpHistory,act) == -1: 657 for key in NOearlierThan: 658 if not act in NOearlierThan[key]: 659 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(act) 660 print act, ' should happen before ',key,' steps' 661 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 662 663 664 if len(objectives)-len(finishedMsg)< minViolation: 665 minViolation = len(objectives) 666 bestPath=[] 667 bestPath=copy.deepcopy(actions) 668 669 if nochange and len(objectives) == 0: 670 break 671 672 673 print 674 print 'real steps' 675 resolvedE = [] 676 resolvedL = [] 677 i = 0 678 for desired in bestPath: 679 if i < acturalLookaheadSteps: 680 print desired 681 self.logfile.write(str(desired)) 682 self.logfile.write('\n') 683 self.history.append(desired) 684 if isinstance(desired,Message): 685 self.entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 686 self.entities.__getitem__(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][1]).setState(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][3],desired['factors'][0]['value']) 687 else: 688 self.entities.microstep([{'name':desired['actor'],'choices':[[desired]]}],hypothetical=False,explain=False) 689 i = i+1 690 for unresolved in earlierThan2: 691 if unresolved[0] == `desired`: 692 resolvedE.append(unresolved) 693 earlierThan[len(self.history)+unresolved[1]] = unresolved[2] 694 for unresolved in laterThan2: 695 if unresolved[0] == `desired`: 696 resolvedL.append(unresolved) 697 laterThan[unresolved[2]] = len(self.history)+unresolved[1] 698 699 if i == acturalLookaheadSteps and isinstance(desired,Message): 700 print desired 701 self.logfile.write(str(desired)) 702 self.logfile.write('\n') 703 self.history.append(desired) 704 self.entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 705 self.entities.__getitem__(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][1]).setState(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][3],desired['factors'][0]['value']) 706 707 if abs(self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation()-self.entities.__getitem__('granny').getState('location').expectation())<=.2\ 708 and self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation()>.5: 709 self.wolfMetGranny = True 710 711 if i == acturalLookaheadSteps and isinstance(desired,Message): 712 break 713 714 for tmp in resolvedE: 715 earlierThan2.remove(tmp) 716 for tmp in resolvedL: 717 laterThan2.remove(tmp)
718 719 720 721 722 723 724
725 - def director(self, result=[]):
726 lookaheadstep = 10 727 acturalLookaheadSteps = 4 728 totalTests = 9 729 730 receivers = ['woodcutter','hunter','wolf','red','granny'] 731 changeCharacter = 0 732 characters = ['red','woodcutter','granny','hunter'] 733 objectives = [] 734 satObjective = [] 735 decision = {} 736 737 # moveToCharacter: 0 relacate changeCharacter to the location of targetEntity before targetEntity act 738 # moveToCharacter: 1 relacate changeCharacter to the location of targetEntity before changeCharacter act 739 # set initial value to 0 because the first test will increase it to 1 while not perform any character realocation 740 moveToCharacter = 0 741 742 #best result among the test 743 bestPath=[] 744 minViolation = 100 745 746 for testNum in range(totalTests): 747 if changeCharacter == 0 and testNum >2: 748 break 749 750 print 751 print 'test',testNum 752 753 entities = copy.deepcopy(self.entities) 754 history = copy.deepcopy(self.history) 755 wolfMetGranny = self.wolfMetGranny 756 actions = [] 757 nochange = True 758 moveToCharacter = (moveToCharacter+1)%2 759 moveOnce = True 760 761 762 if len(objectives)>0: 763 messages = [] 764 testMessages = [] 765 766 for cha in characters: 767 newMsg = self.change_characters_state(cha,decision,objectives) 768 for msg in newMsg: 769 if not msg in messages: 770 messages.append(msg) 771 772 for msg in messages: 773 if not msg[1] in ['being-enquired']: 774 testMessages.append(msg) 775 continue 776 factor = {} 777 factor['topic'] = 'state' 778 factor['relation'] = '=' 779 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', msg[0], 'state', msg[1]] 780 factor['value'] = msg[2] 781 entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).setState(msg[1],factor['value']) 782 msg = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 783 print msg 784 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 785 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 786 entities.performMsg(msg,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 787 msg = None 788 789 finishedMsg = [] 790 for i in range(lookaheadstep): 791 next = 792 entity = next[0]['name'] 793 searchNextAction = False 794 795 for tmp in satObjective: 796 try: 797 objectives.remove(tmp) 798 except: 799 pass 800 satObjective = [] 801 802 if len(objectives)>0: 803 searchNextAction = True 804 # try fit characters' actions first 805 for objective in objectives: 806 tmpAct =objective[0]+'-'+objective[1]+'-'+objective[3] 807 if self.searchPath(history,tmpAct) > -1: 808 continue 809 if (not entity == 'wolf') and (entity == objective[0] or (objective[0] == 'anybody' and not entity == objective[3])): 810 actorLocation = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 811 objectLocation = entities.__getitem__(objective[3]).getState('location').expectation() 812 if not actorLocation == objectLocation: 813 continue 814 if objective[2] == 'Maximize': 815 actNext = Action({'actor':entity,'type':objective[1],'object':objective[3]}) 816 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 817 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 818 if [actNext] in options: 819 fitPath = history+[actNext] 820 newGoals = self.easyFit(entity, fitPath) 821 if newGoals: 822 print 'fit succeed ',fitPath 823 searchNextAction = False 824 satObjective.append(objective) 825 entities.__getitem__(entity).setGoals(newGoals) 826 next[0]['choices'] = [[actNext]] 827 # take care of the 1st objective only 828 break 829 elif objective[2] == 'Minimize': 830 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 831 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 832 833 for option in options: 834 if not option[0]['type'] == objective[1]: 835 fitPath = history+option 836 newGoals = self.easyFit(entity, fitPath) 837 if newGoals: 838 print 'fit succeed ',fitPath 839 searchNextAction = False 840 satObjective.append(objective) 841 entities.__getitem__(entity).setGoals(newGoals) 842 next[0]['choices'] = [option] 843 # take care of the 1st objective only 844 break 845 846 847 if searchNextAction: 848 #only move one chanracter once during each lookahead 849 reLocate = False 850 if moveOnce: 851 objectEntity = objectives[0][0] 852 # change the location of one character at a time 853 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 854 855 # idnore characters whose locations can't be changed 856 if entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('eaten').expectation() >.5: 857 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 858 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 859 860 # anybody-kill-wolf -> hunter-kill-wolf ->move hunter's location 861 if objectEntity == 'anybody': 862 objectEntity = changeEntity 863 #the character is within the sight of wolf, i can't make it disppear 864 if entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('location').expectation() == entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation(): 865 wolfLastAct = self.getLastAct(history,'wolf') 866 changeEntityLastAct = self.getLastAct(history,changeEntity) 867 # I can change their locations if the wolf just moved or the current chracter just moved 868 if not (`wolfLastAct`.find('move') >-1 or not `changeEntityLastAct`.find('move') >-1) : 869 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 870 changeEntity = characters[changeCharacter] 871 872 reLocate = True 873 if changeEntity == objectEntity: 874 if changeEntity == entity: 875 moveToCharacter = 1 876 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 877 else: 878 reLocate = False 879 elif moveToCharacter == 0: 880 if not objectEntity == entity: 881 reLocate = False 882 elif moveToCharacter == 1: 883 if not changeEntity == entity: 884 reLocate = False 885 else: 886 changeCharacter = (changeCharacter+1)%len(characters) 887 else: 888 reLocate = False 889 890 if reLocate: 891 moveOnce = False 892 changeEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).getState('location').expectation() 893 if changeEntity == objectEntity: 894 #change my location to affect my own behavior 895 # e.g. hunter kills wolf 896 objobj = objectives[0][3] 897 objectEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(objobj).getState('location').expectation() 898 else: 899 #change my location to affect other characters' behaviors 900 #e.g.woodcutter move to wolf 901 objectEntityLocation = entities.__getitem__(objectEntity).getState('location').expectation() 902 903 904 #if not (objectEntityLocation == 0.25 and changeEntity == 'granny'): 905 if changeEntity == 'granny': 906 if objectEntityLocation == 0.25 or wolfMetGranny == True: 907 # we won't move the character and will abonden this test 908 continue 909 910 factor = {} 911 factor['topic'] = 'state' 912 factor['relation'] = '=' 913 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', changeEntity, 'state', 'location'] 914 if abs(objectEntityLocation - changeEntityLocation)<.01: 915 #granny moves away from Red to prevent cake being delivered too soon 916 factor['value'] = objectEntityLocation -.2 917 else: 918 factor['value'] = objectEntityLocation 919 msg = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 920 print msg 921 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 922 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) 923 entities.performMsg(msg,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 924 entities.__getitem__(changeEntity).setState('location',factor['value']) 925 926 finishedMsg = [] 927 for msg in testMessages: 928 if self.make_story(msg[0],msg[1],msg[2],entities,history): 929 factor = {} 930 factor['topic'] = 'state' 931 factor['relation'] = '=' 932 factor['lhs'] = ['entities', msg[0], 'state', msg[1]] 933 factor['value'] = msg[2] 934 entities.__getitem__(msg[0]).setState(msg[1],factor['value']) 935 msg1 = Message({'factors':[factor]}) 936 print msg1 937 actions.append(copy.deepcopy(msg1)) 938 history.append(copy.deepcopy(msg1)) 939 entities.performMsg(msg1,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 940 finishedMsg.append(msg) 941 for tmp in finishedMsg: 942 testMessages.remove(tmp) 943 944 for objective in objectives: 945 tmpAct =objective[0]+'-'+objective[1]+'-'+objective[3] 946 if self.searchPath(history,tmpAct) > -1: 947 continue 948 if (not entity == 'wolf') and (entity == objective[0] or (objective[0] == 'anybody' and not entity == objective[3])): 949 actorLocation = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 950 objectLocation = entities.__getitem__(objective[3]).getState('location').expectation() 951 if not actorLocation == objectLocation: 952 continue 953 if objective[2] == 'Maximize': 954 actNext = Action({'actor':entity,'type':objective[1],'object':objective[3]}) 955 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 956 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 957 if [actNext] in options: 958 fitPath = history+[actNext] 959 newGoals = self.easyFit(entity, fitPath) 960 if newGoals: 961 print 'fit succeed ',fitPath 962 searchNextAction = False 963 satObjective.append(objective) 964 entities.__getitem__(entity).setGoals(newGoals) 965 next[0]['choices'] = [[actNext]] 966 # take care of the 1st objective only 967 break 968 969 elif objective[2] == 'Minimize': 970 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).actions.getOptions() 971 options = entities.__getitem__(entity).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 972 973 for option in options: 974 if not option[0]['type'] == objective[1]: 975 fitPath = history+option 976 #print 'easyFit ',fitPath 977 newGoals = self.easyFit(entity, fitPath) 978 if newGoals: 979 print 'fit succeed ',fitPath 980 searchNextAction = False 981 satObjective.append(objective) 982 entities.__getitem__(entity).setGoals(newGoals) 983 next[0]['choices'] = [option] 984 # take care of the 1st objective only 985 break 986 #else: 987 # print 'fit failed ' 988 if searchNextAction == False: 989 break 990 991 delta = entities.microstep(next,hypothetical=False,explain=False) 992 for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 993 res = delta['decision'][key][0] 994 print `res` 995 actions.append(res) 996 history.append(res) 997 if not decision.has_key(key): 998 decision[key]=delta['decision'][key] 999 1000 if abs(entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation()-entities.__getitem__('granny').getState('location').expectation())<=.2\ 1001 and entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation()>.5: 1002 wolfMetGranny = True 1003 1004 tmpHistory = copy.deepcopy(self.history) 1005 objectives = [] 1006 1007 # test simulation results 1008 actionCount = -1 1009 for i in range(len(actions)): 1010 tmpHistory.append(actions[i]) 1011 1012 # don't consider messages when testing 1013 if isinstance(actions[i],Message): 1014 continue 1015 1016 actionCount = actionCount+1 1017 1018 # lookahead 15 steps, but only use the first 5 steps for these two check 1019 # the rest are for lookahead to see if certain event will happen 1020 if actionCount <= acturalLookaheadSteps: 1021 #if i < lookaheadstep: 1022 for order in orders: 1023 check_order_result = self.checkOrder(tmpHistory,order) 1024 if check_order_result == -1: 1025 tmp = order[1] 1026 tmp = tmp.replace('anybody','') 1027 tmpAct = `actions[i]` 1028 if tmpAct.find(tmp)>-1: 1029 nochange = False 1030 print 'violate order ',order 1031 # we want the first action to happen 1032 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[0]) 1033 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 1034 # we want the second action to not happen 1035 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(order[1]) 1036 objectives.append((actor,type,'Minimize',obj)) 1037 1038 tmpact = `actions[i]` 1039 for key in laterThan: 1040 tmp = key 1041 if tmp.find('anybody')>-1: 1042 tmp = key.replace('anybody','') 1043 if tmpact.find(tmp)>-1: 1044 if laterThan[`actions[i]`] > len(tmpHistory): 1045 nochange = False 1046 print `actions[i]`, ' should happen after ',laterThan[`actions[i]`],' steps' 1047 objectives.append((actions[i]['actor'],actions[i]['type'],'Minimize',actions[i]['object'])) 1048 1049 1050 # only add the constraints once 1051 if i == len(actions)-1: 1052 for key in earlierThan: 1053 if len(history) >= key: 1054 for act in earlierThan[key]: 1055 if self.searchPath(tmpHistory,act) == -1: 1056 for key in NOearlierThan: 1057 if not act in NOearlierThan[key]: 1058 actor,type,obj = stringToAct(act) 1059 print act, ' should happen before ',key,' steps' 1060 objectives.append((actor,type,'Maximize',obj)) 1061 1062 1063 if len(objectives)-len(finishedMsg)< minViolation: 1064 minViolation = len(objectives) 1065 bestPath=[] 1066 bestPath=copy.deepcopy(actions) 1067 1068 if nochange and len(objectives) == 0: 1069 break 1070 1071 1072 print 1073 print 'real steps' 1074 resolvedE = [] 1075 resolvedL = [] 1076 i = 0 1077 for desired in bestPath: 1078 if i < acturalLookaheadSteps: 1079 print desired 1080 self.logfile.write(str(desired)) 1081 self.logfile.write('\n') 1082 self.history.append(desired) 1083 if isinstance(desired,Message): 1084 self.entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 1085 self.entities.__getitem__(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][1]).setState(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][3],desired['factors'][0]['value']) 1086 else: 1087 self.entities.microstep([{'name':desired['actor'],'choices':[[desired]]}],hypothetical=False,explain=False) 1088 i = i+1 1089 for unresolved in earlierThan2: 1090 if unresolved[0] == `desired`: 1091 resolvedE.append(unresolved) 1092 earlierThan[len(self.history)+unresolved[1]] = unresolved[2] 1093 for unresolved in laterThan2: 1094 if unresolved[0] == `desired`: 1095 resolvedL.append(unresolved) 1096 laterThan[unresolved[2]] = len(self.history)+unresolved[1] 1097 1098 if i == acturalLookaheadSteps and isinstance(desired,Message): 1099 print desired 1100 self.logfile.write(str(desired)) 1101 self.logfile.write('\n') 1102 self.history.append(desired) 1103 self.entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 1104 self.entities.__getitem__(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][1]).setState(desired['factors'][0]['lhs'][3],desired['factors'][0]['value']) 1105 1106 if abs(self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation()-self.entities.__getitem__('granny').getState('location').expectation())<=.2\ 1107 and self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation()>.5: 1108 self.wolfMetGranny = True 1109 1110 if i == acturalLookaheadSteps and isinstance(desired,Message): 1111 break 1112 1113 for tmp in resolvedE: 1114 earlierThan2.remove(tmp) 1115 for tmp in resolvedL: 1116 laterThan2.remove(tmp) 1117 1118 1119
1120 - def make_story(self,entity, state, target,entities,history):
1121 curValue = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState(state).expectation() 1122 diff = target-curValue 1123 for actor in ['woodcutter','hunter','red','wolf']: 1124 options = entities.__getitem__(actor).actions.getOptions() 1125 options = entities.__getitem__(actor).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 1126 for option in options: 1127 if actor == 'wolf': 1128 if not option[0]['type']=='help': 1129 continue 1130 actionDict = {} 1131 actionDict[actor] = option 1132 result = entities.hypotheticalAct(actionDict) 1133 for value,prob in result['state'].items(): 1134 for key in value: 1135 try: 1136 if key['entity'] == entity and key['feature']== state: 1137 if abs(diff-value[key][keyConstant]) <=.2 : 1138 path = history+option 1139 #print 'make story fit ',path 1140 if self.easyFit(actor,path): 1141 print 'make story',option,entity,state 1142 if option[0]['type']=='help' and actor == 'wolf': 1143 print 'show option for helpping the wolf' 1144 self.helpWolf = 1 1145 return 1 1146 except: 1147 pass 1148 return 0
1149 1150
1151 - def make_story_false(self,entity, state, target,entities,history,actor):
1152 res = False 1153 act = None 1154 curValue = entities.__getitem__(entity).getState(state).expectation() 1155 diff = target-curValue 1156 1157 options = entities.__getitem__(actor).actions.getOptions() 1158 options = entities.__getitem__(actor).updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 1159 for option in options: 1160 actionDict = {} 1161 actionDict[actor] = option 1162 result = entities.hypotheticalAct(actionDict) 1163 for value,prob in result['state'].items(): 1164 for key in value: 1165 try: 1166 if key['entity'] == entity and key['feature']== state: 1167 if abs(diff-value[key][keyConstant]) <=.2 : 1168 return True,option 1169 except: 1170 pass 1171 return 0,act
1172 1173
1174 - def change_characters_state(self,character,choices,objectives):
1175 messages = [] 1176 topics = [] 1177 1178 for objective in objectives: 1179 if character == 'red' and objective[0]=='wolf' and objective[1] == 'eat': 1180 continue 1181 if objective[0]=='wolf' and objective[1] == 'enquiry': 1182 continue 1183 if character == 'wolf' and not objective[0]=='wolf': 1184 continue 1185 1186 #print objective[0],objective[1] 1187 #replace suggest function 1188 if (objective[0] in ['red','granny']) and (objective[1] == 'kill'): 1189 topic = [objective[0]+'power'] 1190 returnRes = [(objective[0],'power',1.0)] 1191 elif (objective[0] == 'anybody') and (objective[1] == 'kill'): 1192 topic = [] 1193 returnRes = [] 1194 elif (objective[3] == 'anybody') and (objective[1] == 'eat'): 1195 topic = [] 1196 returnRes = [] 1197 elif (objective[0] in ['red']) and (objective[1] == 'give-cake')and (objective[2] == 'Minimize'): 1198 topic = [] 1199 returnRes = [] 1200 elif (objective[0] in ['red']) and (objective[1] == 'give-cake')and (objective[2] == 'Maximize'): 1201 topic = [objective[0]+'eaten',objective[0]+'has-cake'] 1202 returnRes = [(objective[0],'eaten',0.0),(objective[0],'has-cake',1.0)] 1203 elif (objective[0] in ['wolf']) and (objective[1] == 'give-cake'): 1204 topic = [objective[0]+'has-cake'] 1205 returnRes = [(objective[0],'has-cake',1.0)] 1206 elif (objective[0] in ['wolf']) and (objective[1] == 'eat') and (objective[2] == 'Minimize')and (objective[3] == 'granny'): 1207 topic = [objective[0]+'know-granny'] 1208 returnRes = [(objective[0],'know-granny',0.0)] 1209 elif (objective[0] in ['wolf']) and (objective[1] == 'eat') and (objective[2] == 'Minimize')and (objective[3] == 'red'): 1210 topic = [] 1211 returnRes = [] 1212 elif (not character == 'wolf') and (objective[0] in ['wolf']) and (objective[1] == 'eat') and (objective[2] == 'Maximize')and (objective[3] == 'granny'): 1213 topic = [objective[0]+'know-granny',character+'being-enquired','wolfSD','wolfhas-cake'] 1214 returnRes = [(objective[0],'know-granny',1.0),(character,'being-enquired',1.0),('wolf','SD',1.0),('wolf','has-cake',1.0)] 1215 elif (objective[3] == 'wolf') and (objective[1] == 'talkabout-granny') and (objective[2] == 'Maximize'): 1216 topic = ['wolfSD','wolfhas-cake'] 1217 returnRes = [('wolf','SD',1.0),('wolf','has-cake',1.0)] 1218 else: 1219 res = self.entities.suggest(character,choices[character][0],objective[:3]) 1220 topic,returnRes = self.formMessage(res) 1221 1222 for i in range(len(topic)): 1223 if topic[i] in topics: 1224 continue 1225 topics.append(topic[i]) 1226 messages.append(returnRes[i]) 1227 1228 #print messages 1229 return messages 1230 1231 1232
1233 - def formMessage(self,res):
1234 returnRes = [] 1235 topic = [] 1236 for choice in res: 1237 if choice == {}: 1238 continue 1239 for item in choice: 1240 entity = item['entity'] 1241 state = item['feature'] 1242 1243 if state == 'location': 1244 continue 1245 else: 1246 content = choice[item] 1247 for item1 in content: 1248 if item1 == 'max': 1249 value = content[item1] 1250 #elif item1 == 'min': 1251 # value = -content[item1]+self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState(state).expectation() 1252 1253 if not entity+state in topic: 1254 topic.append(entity+state) 1255 returnRes.append((entity,state,value)) 1256 1257 return topic,returnRes 1258 1259 1260 1261
1262 - def step(self,length='100',results=[]):
1263 try: 1264 length = int(length) 1265 except TypeError: 1266 results = length 1267 length = 1 1268 1269 sequence, res = self._step(length) 1270 return sequence
1271 1272
1273 - def _step(self,length=100,results=[]):
1274 """Steps the simulation the specified number of micro-steps 1275 into the future (default is 1)""" 1276 1277 sequence = [] 1278 for t in range(length): 1279 sequence = [] 1280 res=None 1281 ## self.director(result=[]) 1282 self.director2(result=[]) 1283 #nextturn = 1284 ##actor = nextturn[0]['name'] 1285 ##entity = self.entities.__getitem__(actor) 1286 ##print entity.updateActionChoices(entity.actions.getOptions(),entity.getAllBeliefs()) 1287 # 1288 #delta = self.entities.microstep(turns=nextturn,explain=False, debug=self.debug) 1289 # 1290 #if delta['decision']: 1291 # for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 1292 # res = delta['decision'][key][0] 1293 # print `res` 1294 # sequence.append(delta['decision'][key][0]) 1295 # 1296 # # appraisal 1297 # self.runAppraisal(res) 1298 # self.history.append(res) 1299 1300 return sequence, res
1301 1302
1303 - def send(self,sender,receiver,*content):
1304 print content 1305 try: 1306 if receiver == '*': 1307 # Message sent to all 1308 receivers = ['wolf','red','hunter','woodcutter','granny'] 1309 else: 1310 receivers = [receiver] 1311 if type(content[len(content)-1]) is ListType: 1312 results = content[len(content)-1] 1313 msg = string.join(content[:len(content)-1]) 1314 elif type(content[0]) is StringType: 1315 results = [] 1316 msg = content[0] 1317 else: 1318 results = [] 1319 msg = string.join(content) 1320 except IndexError: 1321 return 'Usage: message <sender> <receiver> <content>' 1322 1323 msg = Message(msg) 1324 msg['type'] = '_message' 1325 1326 self.history.append(msg) 1327 1328 result = self.entities.performMsg(msg,sender,receivers,[],self.debug)
1329 1330 1331
1332 - def __act__(self,actList,results):
1333 action = extractAction(actList,self.entities,self.actionFormat, 1334 self.debug) 1335 resolved = [] 1336 for unresolved in earlierThan2: 1337 if unresolved[0] == `action`: 1338 resolved.append(unresolved) 1339 earlierThan[len(self.history)+unresolved[1]] = unresolved[2] 1340 for tmp in resolved: 1341 earlierThan2.remove(tmp) 1342 1343 resolved = [] 1344 for unresolved in laterThan2: 1345 if unresolved[0] == `action`: 1346 resolved.append(unresolved) 1347 laterThan[unresolved[2]] = len(self.history)+unresolved[1] 1348 for tmp in resolved: 1349 laterThan2.remove(tmp) 1350 1351 1352 if action: 1353 if self.__UNDO__: 1354 self.lastStep=copy.deepcopy (self.entities) 1355 return self.doActions(actions={action['actor']:[action]}, 1356 detailLevel=0, 1357 results=results) 1358 else: 1359 results.append('Usage: act <entity> <type> <obj>') 1360 return {}
1362 - def doActions(self,actions,detailLevel=10,results=[],entities=None,isRealStep = 1):
1363 1364 """Performs the actions, provided in dictionary form 1365 @param actions: dictionary of actions to be performed, indexed by actor, e.g.: 1366 - I{agent1}: [I{act11}, I{act12}, ... ] 1367 - I{agent2}: [I{act21}, I{act22}, ... ] 1368 - ... 1369 @type actions: C{dict:strS{->}L{Action}[]} 1370 @param detailLevel: the level of detail requested for the explanation, where higher numbers mean more detail. The default level is 10 (the maximum level of detail) 1371 @type detailLevel: C{int} 1372 """ 1373 1374 if entities == None: 1375 entities = self.entities 1376 1377 1378 turns = [] 1379 for actor,actList in actions.items(): 1380 turns.append({'name':actor,'choices':[actList]}) 1381 1382 ##appraisal 1383 #isRealStep = 0 1384 if isRealStep == 1: 1385 self.runAppraisal(actList[0]) 1386 self.history.append(actList[0]) 1387 1388 delta = entities.microstep(turns,hypothetical=False, 1389 explain=False, 1390 debug=self.debug) 1391 1392 return {}
1393 1394 1395
1396 - def loadClasses(self):
1397 if self.scene == '3': 1398 import RedRidingHoodClasses_director 1399 self.classes = RedRidingHoodClasses_director.classHierarchy 1400 1401 elif self.scene == '31': 1402 import RedRidingHoodClasses_test 1403 self.classes = RedRidingHoodClasses_test.classHierarchy 1404 1405 ## import RedRidingHoodClassesStage 1406 ## self.classes = RedRidingHoodClassesStage.classHierarchy 1407 1408 elif self.scene == '4': 1409 import ChatClasses 1410 self.classes = ChatClasses.classHierarchy 1411 elif self.scene == '6': 1412 import RatClasses 1413 self.classes = RatClasses.classHierarchy 1414 elif self.scene == '7': 1415 import UAIClasses 1416 self.classes = UAIClasses.classHierarchy 1417 else: 1418 raise "wrong scene ID" 1419 1420 ## mei 07/12/05 1421 if isinstance(self.classes,GenericSociety): 1422 pass 1423 elif isinstance(self.classes,dict): 1424 society = GenericSociety() 1425 ## society.importDict(self.classes,ThespianGenericModel) 1426 society.importDict(self.classes) 1427 self.classes = society
1428 1429 1430
1431 - def setScene(self,scene,results=[]):
1432 self.scene = scene 1433 ThespianAgents.sceneID = scene 1434 1435 self.loadClasses() 1436 1437 scenario = self.setupEntities(self.createEntities(),None, 1438 compileDynamics=True,compilePolicies=None) 1439 self.setupScenario(scenario)
1440 1441 1442
1443 - def reSetScene(self,results=[],entities=None,copyEntities=None):
1444 if entities == None: 1445 entities = self.entities 1446 if copyEntities == None: 1447 copyEntities = self.copyEntities 1448 entities = copy.deepcopy(copyEntities) 1449 #for entityName in entities: 1450 # self.AP.setupDynamics(entities,entityName,self.copyEntities) 1451 self.history=[]
1452 1453
1454 - def reSetSceneWithGoals(self,goals={},entities=None,copyEntities=None):
1455 if entities == None: 1456 entities = self.entities 1457 if copyEntities == None: 1458 copyEntities = self.copyEntities 1459 self.reSetScene([],entities,copyEntities) 1460 for entity in entities: 1461 if goals.has_key(entity): 1462 entities.__getitem__(entity).setGoals(goals[entity])
1463 1464 1465
1466 - def getCommand(self):
1467 """Terminal version of command entry. Prints a prompt 1468 (currently assumes turn-based execution) and reads the command 1469 entry from the input file.""" 1470 if self.phase == 'setup': 1471 prompt = '?' 1472 else: 1473 next = 1474 if next[0]['name'] == 'wolf': 1475 indoor = self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('indoor').expectation() 1476 wolfLocation = self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation() 1477 1478 print 'wolf SD ',self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('SD').expectation(),' ', 1479 self.logfile.write('wolf SD '+str(self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('SD').expectation())+' \n') 1480 print 1481 1482 if not indoor >0.5: 1483 print 'characters closeby: ', 1484 self.logfile.write('characters closeby: ') 1485 for entity in self.entities: 1486 if entity == 'wolf': 1487 continue 1488 tmp = self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('location').expectation() 1489 if abs(tmp-wolfLocation)<=.01: 1490 if entity == 'granny': 1491 if self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation() <.5: 1492 continue 1493 if entity in ['granny','red']: 1494 if self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('eaten').expectation() >.5: 1495 continue 1496 print entity,tmp-wolfLocation,' ', 1497 self.logfile.write(entity+str(0)+' ') 1498 1499 if entity in ['red','granny']: 1500 print '(power ',self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('power').expectation(),') ', 1501 self.logfile.write('(power '+str(self.entities.__getitem__(entity).getState('power').expectation())+') ') 1502 #can detect hunter in a distance 1503 elif abs(tmp-wolfLocation)<=.2: 1504 if entity == 'hunter': 1505 print entity,tmp-wolfLocation,' ', 1506 self.logfile.write(entity+str(tmp-wolfLocation)+' ') 1507 1508 print 'available actions' 1509 self.logfile.write('available actions') 1510 entity = self.entities.__getitem__(next[0]['name']) 1511 options = entity.actions.getOptions() 1512 options = entity.updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 1513 for option in options: 1514 # unless the wolf already know where granny is, there may randomly appear houses on side of the road for the wolf to enter 1515 if option[0]['type'] == 'enter-house': 1516 if self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('location').expectation() == self.entities.__getitem__('granny').getState('location').expectation() \ 1517 and self.entities.__getitem__('wolf').getState('know-granny').expectation() >.5: 1518 pass 1519 else: 1520 continue 1521 1522 # only occationally the woodcutter needs help 1523 if option[0]['type'] == 'help': 1524 # if decided by the director agent to help wolf, show this option 1525 if self.helpWolf: 1526 pass 1527 elif random.random() < .8: 1528 continue 1529 1530 if option[0].has_key('object'): 1531 if indoor > 0.5: 1532 if not option[0]['object'] in ['granny','red']: 1533 continue 1534 1535 print option 1536 self.logfile.write(str(option)) 1537 self.logfile.write('\n') 1538 1539 1540 prompt = '%s (%d)> ' % (next[0]['name'], 1541 self.entities.time) 1542 print prompt, 1543 1544 try: 1545 cmd = string.strip(sys.stdin.readline()) 1546 self.logfile.write(cmd) 1547 self.logfile.write('\n') 1548 except KeyboardInterrupt: 1549 cmd = 'quit' 1550 return cmd
1551 1552 1553 ## the exclude list contains list of agents whose model WILLNOT be adjusted in this function
1554 - def varyModel(self,actor,exclude=[],models=[],entities=None):
1555 1556 if entities == None: 1557 entities = self.entities 1558 1559 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 1560 fixedgoals = ['sameLocation','actAlive','resp-norm','specialRule'] 1561 1562 origoals = entity.getGoals() 1563 adjgoals = copy.deepcopy(origoals) 1564 removeList = [] 1565 for goal in adjgoals: 1566 if goal.key in fixedgoals: 1567 removeList.append(goal) 1568 for goal in removeList: 1569 adjgoals.remove(goal) 1570 1571 adjgoalKeys = [] 1572 for goal in adjgoals: 1573 adjgoalKeys.append(goal.toKey()) 1574 1575 n = len(adjgoals) 1576 ## construct the P matrix 1577 P = matrix (0.0,(n,n),tc = 'd') 1578 P [::n+1]+=2 1579 1580 for other in entities: 1581 if other in exclude: 1582 continue 1583 beliefAboutOther = entity.getEntity(other) 1584 for model in models: 1585 beliefAboutOther.setModel(model) 1586 print actor,"'s belief about ",other," is set to ",model 1587 self.generateAllPosPath(actor,['sameLocation','actAlive','resp-norm','specialRule'],5, 1588 adjgoals=adjgoals, adjgoalKeys=adjgoalKeys, P=P, entities=entities) 1589 self.reSetScene(entities) 1590 print 1591 print
1592 1593 1594
1595 - def varyInitialState(self,actor,varyList={},entities=None):
1596 1597 if entities == None: 1598 entities = self.entities 1599 1600 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 1601 fixedgoals = ['sameLocation','actAlive','resp-norm','specialRule'] 1602 1603 origoals = entity.getGoals() 1604 adjgoals = copy.deepcopy(origoals) 1605 removeList = [] 1606 for goal in adjgoals: 1607 if goal.key in fixedgoals: 1608 removeList.append(goal) 1609 for goal in removeList: 1610 adjgoals.remove(goal) 1611 1612 adjgoalKeys = [] 1613 for goal in adjgoals: 1614 adjgoalKeys.append(goal.toKey()) 1615 1616 n = len(adjgoals) 1617 ## construct the P matrix 1618 P = matrix (0.0,(n,n),tc = 'd') 1619 P [::n+1]+=2 1620 1621 1622 for other in varyList: 1623 state = varyList[other] 1624 for value in [-1,0,1]: 1625 entity.setBelief(other,state,value) 1626 print actor,"'s belief about ",other,"\'s ",state," is set to ",value 1627 self.generateAllPosPath(actor,['sameLocation','actAlive','resp-norm','specialRule'],5, 1628 adjgoals=adjgoals, adjgoalKeys=adjgoalKeys, P=P, entities=entities) 1629 self.reSetScene(entities) 1630 print 1631 print
1632 1633
1634 - def varyGoal(self,actor,fixedgoals=[],entities=None):
1635 1636 if entities == None: 1637 entities = self.entities 1638 1639 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 1640 origoals = copy.deepcopy(entity.goals) 1641 1642 allGoalNames = [] 1643 for goal in origoals: 1644 allGoalNames.append(goal.key) 1645 1646 ## the goals we will play with 1647 adjgoals = copy.deepcopy(origoals) 1648 1649 for goal in adjgoals: 1650 if goal.key in fixedgoals: 1651 adjgoals.remove(goal) 1652 1653 for i in range(min(5,len(adjgoals))): 1654 for value in [-5,5]: 1655 entity.setGoalWeight(adjgoals[i],value,None) 1656 for j in range(len(fixedgoals)): 1657 for fullGoal in origoals: 1658 ## find out the corresponding goal 1659 if fixedgoals[j] == fullGoal.key: 1660 entity.setGoalWeight(fullGoal,1000,None) 1661 break 1662 entity.normalizeGoals() 1663 print actor,' goal ',adjgoals[i].name,' weight set to ',value 1664 ## self.executeCommand('step 20') 1665 self.generateAllPosPath(actor,allGoalNames,5,entities) 1666 self.reSetSceneWithGoals(entities,{actor:copy.deepcopy(origoals)}) 1667 print 1668 print
1669 1670
1671 - def searchPath(self, path, act):
1672 index = -1 1673 1674 if not isinstance((path[0]),str): 1675 newPath = [] 1676 for tmp in path: 1677 newPath.append(`tmp`) 1678 else: 1679 newPath = copy.copy(path) 1680 1681 try: 1682 index = newPath.index(act) 1683 except: 1684 if act.find('anybody')>-1: 1685 tmp = act.replace('anybody','') 1686 for tact in newPath: 1687 if tact.find(tmp)>-1: 1688 return newPath.index(tact) 1689 1690 if act.find('talk')>-1: 1691 tmp = act.replace('talk','inform') 1692 try: 1693 index = newPath.index(tmp) 1694 except: 1695 tmp = act.replace('talk','enquiry') 1696 try: 1697 index = newPath.index(tmp) 1698 except: 1699 pass 1700 return index
1701 1702
1703 - def checkOrder(self,path,order):
1704 index1 = self.searchPath(path, order[0]) 1705 index2 = self.searchPath(path, order[1]) 1706 1707 if index2 > -1 and index2 < index1: 1708 return -1 1709 1710 if index2 > -1 and index1 == -1: 1711 return -1 1712 1713 if index2 == -1 and index1 == -1: 1714 return 0 1715 1716 return 1
1717 1718
1719 - def checkComplete(self,path,complete):
1720 actPath = [] 1721 for action in path: 1722 if not isinstance(action,Message): 1723 actPath.append(action) 1724 1725 for act in complete: 1726 if act in actPath: 1727 pass 1728 else: 1729 ## print act,'(',type(act),') is not in ',actList 1730 return False 1731 1732 return True
1733 1734 1735
1736 - def FitToPlotPoint(self,storyPath,fixedgoals=[],delta=0,entities=None):
1737 1738 if entities == None: 1739 entities = self.entities 1740 1741 newStoryPath = copy.copy(storyPath) 1742 ## only loop once for now 1743 for i in range(0,1): 1744 for actor in entities.members(): 1745 ## print newStoryPath 1746 name = 1747 self.reSetScene(entities) 1748 res = self.fitSequence(newStoryPath,name,fixedgoals,delta,entities) 1749 if not res == 1: 1750 pathWithGap = self.incrementalFitSequence(newStoryPath,fixedgoals,delta,entities) 1751 break 1752 else: 1753 print "result" ,newStoryPath 1754 return True 1755 1756 if len(pathWithGap)>=2: 1757 islands = [pathWithGap[len(pathWithGap)-2],pathWithGap[len(pathWithGap)-1]] 1758 actors = [0]*2 1759 actors [0] = string.split(`islands[0]`,'-') 1760 actors [0] = actors [0][0] 1761 actors [1] = string.split(`islands[1]`,'-') 1762 actors [1] = actors [1][0] 1763 path = pathWithGap[0:len(pathWithGap)-2] 1764 else: 1765 islands = [pathWithGap[0]] 1766 path = [] 1767 actors = [] 1768 for actor in self.entities.members(): 1769 actors.append( 1770 1771 print 'filling in Gap ',islands 1772 print 'path is ',path 1773 res = self.fillGap(fixedgoals,4,path,islands,actors,entities) 1774 1775 if res == None: 1776 print 'can not use social normative actions to fill in the gap between: ',islands 1777 if len(islands) == 1: 1778 res = self.findSuggestion(path,islands[0],exclude=[{'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}, 1779 {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}],entities=entities) 1780 else: 1781 res = self.findSuggestion(path+[islands[0]],islands[1],exclude=[ 1782 {'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}, 1783 {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}],entities=entities) 1784 1785 if not res == None and len(res)>0: 1786 res = self.formMessage(res) 1787 print 'suggestion for actor\'s believe change: ',res 1788 else: 1789 print 'can not use msg to actor\'s own beliefs to fill in the gap between: ',islands 1790 if len(islands) == 1: 1791 res = self.findSuggestion2(path,islands[0],exclude=[{'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}, 1792 {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}],entities=entities) 1793 else: 1794 res = self.findSuggestion2(path+[islands[0]],islands[1],exclude=[{'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}, 1795 {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}],entities=entities) 1796 1797 if not res == None and len(res)>0: 1798 res = self.formMessage(res) 1799 print 'suggestion for actor\'s believe change: ',res 1800 else: 1801 print 'cannot fill the gap' 1802 1803 1804 if not res == None: 1805 index = storyPath.index(islands[0]) 1806 path1 = storyPath[0:index] 1807 if index+1 > len(storyPath)-1: 1808 path2 = [] 1809 else: 1810 path2 = storyPath[index+1:len(storyPath)] 1811 1812 if type(res) == list: 1813 ## by default, we use the first result 1814 res = res[0] 1815 if isinstance(res,Message): 1816 res = [res,storyPath[index]] 1817 newStoryPath = path1+res+path2 1818 1819 1820 return False
1821 1822 ##{{'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}: {'max': 1.0, 'key': {'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}, 'min': 0.9}, {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}: {'max': 1.0, 'key': {'feature': 'alive', 'entity': 'red'}, 'min': 0.001}}
1823 - def searchResult(self,res,exclude):
1824 if exclude == []: 1825 return res 1826 1827 for choice in res: 1828 delList = [] 1829 for msg in choice: 1830 for key in exclude: 1831 if msg == key or msg == {}: 1832 delList.append(msg) 1833 1834 for delItem in delList: 1835 try: 1836 del choice[delItem] 1837 except: 1838 print choice 1839 1840 while 1: 1841 try: 1842 res.remove({}) 1843 except: 1844 break 1845 1846 return res
1847 1848
1849 - def findSuggestion(self,path,obj,exclude=[{'feature': 'location', 'entity': 'red'}],entities=None):
1850 1851 if entities == None: 1852 entities = self.entities 1853 1854 self.reSetScene(entities) 1855 1856 if len(path)>0: 1857 for action in path: 1858 if not isinstance(action,Message): 1859 res = self.doActions(actions={action['actor']:[action]}, 1860 detailLevel=0,entities=entities) 1861 1862 actorName = obj['actor'] 1863 try: 1864 actorName = 1865 except: 1866 pass 1867 print 'actorName ',actorName 1868 entities.objectives = [(actorName,obj['type'],'Maximize')] 1869 turn = [{'name':actorName}] 1870 1871 result = entities.microstep(turn,hypothetical=True,explain=False) 1872 for key,observed in result.items(): 1873 if key != 'explanation': 1874 try: 1875 actor = self.entities.__getitem__(key) 1876 except KeyError: 1877 continue 1878 print 'actor ',actor 1879 res = entities.suggest(,observed['decision'],entities.objectives,entities) 1880 print res 1881 res = self.searchResult(res,exclude) 1882 if not res == {}: 1883 return res 1884 else: 1885 return None
1886 1887 1888
1889 - def findSuggestion2(self,path,obj,exclude,entities=None):
1890 1891 if entities == None: 1892 entities = self.entities 1893 1894 self.reSetScene(entities) 1895 1896 if len(path)>0: 1897 for action in path: 1898 if not isinstance(action,Message): 1899 res = self.doActions(actions={action['actor']:[action]}, 1900 detailLevel=0,entities=entities) 1901 1902 actorName = obj['actor'] 1903 1904 nextturn = 1905 1906 try: 1907 actorName = 1908 except: 1909 pass 1910 1911 actor = entities.__getitem__(actorName) 1912 1913 otherObj = None 1914 1915 for other in entities: 1916 if other == actorName: 1917 continue 1918 1919 otherEntity = entities.__getitem__(other) 1920 1921 for option in otherEntity.actions.getOptions(): 1922 ## [{'red-move2':[Action({'actor':'wolf','type':'wait'})]}] 1923 if option[0]['object']: 1924 actor.fixedActions=[{`obj`:[Action({'actor':other,'type':option[0]['type'], 1925 'object':option[0]['object']})]}] 1926 else: 1927 actor.fixedActions=[{`obj`:[Action({'actor':other,'type':option[0]['type']})]}] 1928 1929 result = entities.microstep(nextturn,hypothetical=True,explain=False) 1930 1931 for key in result['decision'].keys(): 1932 if obj == result['decision'][key][0]: 1933 otherObj = option[0] 1934 break 1935 1936 actor.fixedActions = [] 1937 if not otherObj == None: 1938 break 1939 1940 1941 #actor.entities.objectives = [(otherObj['actor'],otherObj['type'],'Maximize')] 1942 actor.entities.objectives = [('wolf','move2','Maximize')] 1943 #turn = [{'name':otherObj['actor']}] 1944 turn = [{'name':'wolf'}] 1945 1946 #self.execute('act '+actorName+' '+obj['type']) 1947 self.execute('act red move2 wolf') 1948 1949 result = actor.entities.microstep(turn,hypothetical=True,explain=False) 1950 1951 for key,observed in result.items(): 1952 if key != 'explanation': 1953 #try: 1954 # actorSuggest = entities.__getitem__(key] 1955 #except KeyError: 1956 # continue 1957 1958 #res = entities.suggest(,observed['decision'],entities.objectives) 1959 res = actor.entities.suggest('wolf',result['decision'],actor.entities.objectives) 1960 print res 1961 res = self.searchResult(res,exclude) 1962 if not res == {}: 1963 return res 1964 else: 1965 return None
1966 1967
1968 - def incrementalFitSequence(self,storyPath,fixedgoals=[],delta=0,entities=None):
1969 if entities == None: 1970 entities = self.entities 1971 1972 self.reSetScene(entities) 1973 for i in range(-1,len(storyPath)): 1974 path = storyPath[0:i+1] 1975 for actor in entities.members(): 1976 name = 1977 self.reSetScene(entities) 1978 res = self.fitSequence(path,name,fixedgoals,delta,entities) 1979 if not res == 1: 1980 return path 1981 return []
1982 1983 1984 1985
1986 - def fillGap(self,fixedgoals=[],maxstep=4,path=[], 1987 islands = [],actors = ['wolf','red'],entities=None):
1988 1989 if entities == None: 1990 entities = self.entities 1991 1992 entityname = '' 1993 1994 self.reSetScene(entities) 1995 1996 if len(path)>0: 1997 for action in path: 1998 if action['actor']== actors[0]: 1999 entityname = actors[1] 2000 else: 2001 entityname = actors[0] 2002 else: 2003 nextturn = 2004 for turn in nextturn: 2005 entityname = turn['name'] 2006 2007 entity = entities.__getitem__(entityname) 2008 options = entity.actions.getOptions() 2009 options = entity.updateActionChoices(options,includeLocation = True) 2010 for action in options: 2011 ## if action[0]['type']in['move2'] and path ==[]: 2012 #if action[0]['type']in['move2']: 2013 # continue 2014 pathnew = copy.copy(path) 2015 pathnew.append(action[0]) 2016 if self.checkOrder(pathnew,islands): 2017 if self.checkComplete(pathnew,islands): 2018 for actor in actors: 2019 self.reSetScene(entities) 2020 print 'fillGap, try: ',pathnew 2021 res = self.fitSequence(pathnew,actor,fixedgoals,delta=-.000001,entities=entities) 2022 if not res == 1: 2023 break 2024 else: 2025 return pathnew 2026 else: 2027 maxstepnew = maxstep-1 2028 if maxstepnew >= 0: 2029 res = self.fillGap(fixedgoals,maxstepnew,pathnew,islands,actors,entities) 2030 if (not res == None): 2031 return res 2032 2033 return None
2034 2035 2036 2037 2038
2039 - def generateAllPosPath(self,actor,fixedgoals=[],maxstep=20,path=[],delta=-.000001, 2040 constraints=[],adjgoals=None, adjgoalKeys=None, P=None, start=[],entities=None):
2041 2042 if entities == None: 2043 entities = self.entities 2044 2045 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 2046 2047 ## bring the simulation to the state as specified in path 2048 self.reSetScene(entities) 2049 if len(path)>0: 2050 for action in path: 2051 res = self.doActions(actions={action['actor']:[action]}, 2052 detailLevel=0,entities=entities) 2053 2054 2055 ## now start generating process 2056 allConstraints = entity.fitAllAction() 2057 2058 allActionString = [] 2059 for action in entity.actions.getOptions(): 2060 allActionString.append(`action[0]`) 2061 2062 i = 0 2063 if start == []: 2064 finiedIndex = -1 2065 else: 2066 finiedIndex = allActionString.index(start[5-maxstep]) 2067 for action in entity.actions.getOptions(): 2068 if i < finiedIndex: 2069 i += 1 2070 continue 2071 i += 1 2072 2073 pathnew = copy.copy(path) 2074 pathnew.append(action[0]) 2075 2076 myConstraints = copy.copy(constraints) 2077 for newConstraints in allConstraints[str(action)]: 2078 myConstraints.append(newConstraints) 2079 2080 ## note myConstraints will be updated in this step 2081 res = self.adjustGoalWeights(myConstraints,actor,fixedgoals,delta,entities) 2082 if res == 1: 2083 res1 = self.doActions(actions={action[0]['actor']:[action[0]]}, 2084 detailLevel=0,entities=entities) 2085 while (1): 2086 actorHasTurn = 0 2087 nextturn = 2088 for turn in nextturn: 2089 if turn['name'] == actor: 2090 actorHasTurn = 1 2091 break 2092 if actorHasTurn == 1: 2093 break 2094 else: 2095 res2 = self.step() 2096 pathnew.append(copy.deepcopy(res2[0])) 2097 2098 2099 maxstepnew = maxstep-1 2100 if maxstepnew >= 0: 2101 self.generateAllPosPath(actor,fixedgoals,maxstepnew,pathnew,delta,myConstraints,adjgoals, adjgoalKeys, P, start,entities) 2102 else: 2103 print pathnew
2104 2105
2106 - def easyFit(self,actor,storyPath):
2107 #print 'fit path: ',storyPath 2108 entities = copy.deepcopy(self.copyEntities) 2109 # delta -0.01 allows wolf to help woodcutter, but also granny to kill wolf 2110 # delta -0.001 can fit woodcutter to not kill wolf 2111 if self.fitSequence(storyPath,actor,fixedgoals=['alive','eaten'],delta=0,entities=entities) == 1: 2112 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 2113 return entity.goals 2114 #receivers = ['woodcutter','hunter','wolf','red','granny'] 2115 #entity = self.entities.__getitem__(actor) 2116 # 2117 #for feature in ['likeTalk','likeMove','has-cake','full','redEaten','wolfAlive']: 2118 # for goal,weight in entity.goals.items(): 2119 # key = goal.toKey() 2120 # if key['feature'] == feature: 2121 # break 2122 # 2123 # for weight in [0.00000000000000000001,0.001,0.01]: 2124 # success = 1 2125 # entities = copy.deepcopy(self.copyEntities) 2126 # entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 2127 # entity.setGoalWeight(goal,weight,False) 2128 # 2129 # for desired in storyPath: 2130 # #next = 2131 # #print next[0]['name'] 2132 # if not isinstance(desired,Message): 2133 # if desired['actor']==actor: 2134 # try: 2135 # #delta = entities.microstep(hypothetical=False,explain=False) 2136 # #for key in delta['decision'].keys(): 2137 # # res = delta['decision'][key][0] 2138 # # print res 2139 # # if not res == desired: 2140 # # # except may be generated when try to fit an action that is not possible, e.g. not at the same places 2141 # # constraints = entity.generateConstraints([desired]) 2142 # # 2143 # # for constraint in constraints: 2144 # # #break the tie 2145 # # if constraint['delta'] <0: 2146 # # print res,constraint['delta'] 2147 # # if constraint['delta'] <= -0.01: 2148 # # success = 0 2149 # # break 2150 # constraints = entity.generateConstraints([desired]) 2151 # for constraint in constraints: 2152 # #break the tie 2153 # #if constraint['delta'] <0: 2154 # # print constraint['delta'] 2155 # if constraint['delta'] <= -0.01: 2156 # success = 0 2157 # break 2158 # if success: 2159 # #print desired 2160 # entities.microstep([{'name':desired['actor'],'choices':[[desired]]}],hypothetical=False,explain=False) 2161 # 2162 # except: 2163 # #print 'generateConstraints error' 2164 # success = 0 2165 # 2166 # if success == 0: 2167 # break 2168 # 2169 # 2170 # if isinstance(desired,Message): 2171 # #print 'message' 2172 # entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 2173 # else: 2174 # #print desired 2175 # entities.microstep([{'name':desired['actor'],'choices':[[desired]]}],hypothetical=False,explain=False) 2176 # 2177 # if success == 1: 2178 # #print entity.goals 2179 # return entity.goals 2180 return None
2181 2182
2183 - def fitSequence(self,storyPath,actor,fixedgoals=[],delta=0,entities=None):
2184 receivers = ['woodcutter','hunter','wolf','red','granny'] 2185 if entities == None: 2186 entities = self.entities 2187 2188 constraints = [] 2189 entity = entities.__getitem__(actor) 2190 for desired in storyPath: 2191 if not isinstance(desired,Message): 2192 if desired['actor']==actor: 2193 try: 2194 # except may be generated when try to fit an action that is not possible, e.g. not at the same places 2195 newConstraints = entity.generateConstraints([desired]) 2196 except: 2197 return -1 2198 for new in newConstraints: 2199 constraints.append(new) 2200 2201 if isinstance(desired,Message): 2202 entities.performMsg(desired,'granny',receivers,[],self.debug) 2203 else: 2204 entities.microstep([{'name':desired['actor'],'choices':[[desired]]}],hypothetical=False,explain=False) 2205 res = self.adjustGoalWeights(constraints,entity,fixedgoals,delta) 2206 #print 'adjustGoalWeights result',res 2207 2208 #if res == -1 or res == 0: 2209 # return -1 2210 #else: 2211 # return 1 2212 return res
2213 2214
2215 - def adjustGoalWeights(self,constraints,entity,fixedgoals=[],delta=0):
2216 origoals = copy.deepcopy(entity.goals) 2217 2218 initViolation = 0 2219 for constraint in constraints: 2220 # break the tie here, only fit if action acturally gets a lower utility 2221 # don't need delta anymore 2222 if constraint['delta'] < 0: 2223 initViolation +=1 2224 2225 if initViolation == 0: 2226 return 1 2227 2228 2229 if len(fixedgoals) >= len(origoals): 2230 return 0 2231 2232 Violation = self.satisfyConstraints(constraints,entity,fixedgoals,delta) 2233 2234 if Violation > initViolation: 2235 entity.setGoals(origoals) 2236 2237 2238 if Violation > initViolation or Violation == -1: 2239 return -1 2240 elif Violation == 0: 2241 return 1 2242 else: 2243 print Violation 2244 return 0
2245 2246 2247 2248 ## fixedgoals: a list of goals whose weights will not be adjusted 2249 ## delta: threshold for constraint, default to be 0 in fitting, e.g., the value of the selected action 2250 ## must be bigger than all other actions 2251 ## when generating possible path, delta is set to -.00000001, so that actions with equal utility are all 2252 ## possible actions for the character 2253 ## returns the number of violated constraints afer fitting
2254 - def satisfyConstraints(self,constraints,entity,fixedgoals=[], delta = 0,):
2255 origoals = entity.getGoals() 2256 2257 ## the goals we will play with, if not success in fitting, will set back to original setting 2258 adjgoals = copy.deepcopy(origoals) 2259 2260 removeList = [] 2261 for goal in adjgoals: 2262 if goal.key in fixedgoals: 2263 #if goal.entity[0] == 'wolf': 2264 # continue 2265 removeList.append(goal) 2266 for goal in removeList: 2267 adjgoals.remove(goal) 2268 2269 adjgoalKeys = [] 2270 for goal in adjgoals: 2271 adjgoalKeys.append(goal.toKey()) 2272 2273 n = len(adjgoals) 2274 ## construct the P matrix 2275 P = matrix (0.0,(n,n),tc = 'd') 2276 P [::n+1]+=2 2277 2278 ## construct the Q matrix 2279 Q = matrix (0.0, (n,1),tc = 'd') 2280 for i in range(n): 2281 Q[i] = entity.getGoalWeight(adjgoals[i])*(-2) 2282 2283 ## construct G,h 2284 h = [delta]*(len(constraints)+2*n) 2285 g = [[]]*n 2286 j = 0 2287 for constraint in constraints: 2288 for goal in constraint['slope']: 2289 if goal in adjgoalKeys: 2290 ## if goal['feature'] == 'alive': 2291 ## print 'alive is adjustable',goal 2292 i = adjgoalKeys.index(goal) 2293 if g[i] == []: 2294 g[i] = [-constraint['slope'][goal]] 2295 else: 2296 g[i].append(-constraint['slope'][goal]) 2297 else: 2298 for fullGoal in origoals: 2299 ## find out the corresponding goal 2300 if goal == fullGoal.toKey(): 2301 ## assume goals not entering the fitting process have high weight 2302 if goal['feature'] == 'alive': 2303 ## print 'alive set to 10',goal 2304 value = constraint['slope'][goal]*1000 2305 else: 2306 value = constraint['slope'][goal]*1000 2307 if fullGoal.direction == 'min': 2308 value = -1*value 2309 h[j]+= value 2310 #print goal,value 2311 break 2312 j=j+1 2313 2314 ## add inequations that each of the goal weight is in [-5 5] 2315 for i in range(n): 2316 for j in range(n): 2317 if j == i: 2318 g[j].append(1) 2319 else: 2320 g[j].append(0) 2321 2322 for i in range(n): 2323 for j in range(n): 2324 if j == i: 2325 g[j].append(-1) 2326 else: 2327 g[j].append(0) 2328 2329 for i in range (len(constraints),len(h)): 2330 index = i - len(constraints) -n 2331 if index >= 0: 2332 if string.find(adjgoals[index].key,'norm')>-1: 2333 ## all the norm related goals should have weight >=0 2334 h[i] = 0.0000001 2335 else: 2336 h[i] = 5 2337 else: 2338 h[i] = 5 2339 2340 G = matrix(g,tc='d') 2341 2342 h = matrix(h,tc='d') 2343 2344 res = None 2345 ## there is no solution 2346 try: 2347 res = qp(P,Q,G,h) 2348 except StandardError: 2349 print 'fitting result: StandardError' 2350 return -1 2351 2352 if not res['status']=='optimal': 2353 print 'fitting result: not optimal' 2354 return -1 2355 2356 2357 for i in range(len(adjgoals)): 2358 entity.setGoalWeight(adjgoals[i],res['x'][i],None) 2359 2360 for fullGoal in origoals: 2361 for i in range(len(fixedgoals)): 2362 ## find out the corresponding goal 2363 if fixedgoals[i] == fullGoal.key: 2364 if fixedgoals[i] == 'alive': 2365 entity.setGoalWeight(fullGoal,5,None) 2366 else: 2367 entity.setGoalWeight(fullGoal,5,None) 2368 break 2369 2370 2371 entity.normalizeGoals() 2372 print 2373 print entity.goals 2374 2375 Violation=0 2376 excludeList = [] 2377 notfitted = [] 2378 #for constraint in constraints: 2379 # actgoals = entity.getGoalVector()['total'].domain()[0] 2380 # actgoals.fill(constraint['plane'].keys()) 2381 # if actgoals*constraint['plane'] > delta: 2382 # ## if constraint is satisfied 2383 # continue 2384 # Violation += 1 2385 ## 2386 ## for goal in adjgoals: 2387 ## if constraint['slope'][goal.toKey()] == 0.0: 2388 ## excludeList.append( 2389 ## 2390 ## if len(excludeList) == len(adjgoals): 2391 ## notfitted.append(constraint) 2392 ## continue 2393 2394 ## print 'number of violations that could not be fitted: ',len(notfitted) 2395 ## print 'number of violations after fitting: ',Violation 2396 2397 2398 #return Violation 2399 return 0
2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 if __name__ == '__main__': 2406 import getopt 2407 import sys 2408 2409 try: 2410 import psyco 2411 psyco.full() 2412 except ImportError: 2413 print 'Unable to find psyco module for maximum speed' 2414 2415 script = None 2416 scenario = None 2417 society = None 2418 domain = None 2419 display = 'tk' 2420 debug = 0 2421 error = None 2422 agentClass = ThespianAgent ##this is the module 2423 multiagentClass = ThespianAgents 2424 2425 ThespianAgents.sceneID = '3' 2426 2427 try: 2428 optlist,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hf:s:d:v', 2429 ['file=','shell=','domain=','society=', 2430 'debug=','help','version']) 2431 except getopt.error: 2432 error = 1 2433 optlist = [] 2434 args = [] 2435 2436 for option in optlist: 2437 if option[0] == '--file' or option[0] == '-f': 2438 script = option[1] 2439 elif option[0] == '--shell' or option[0] == '-s': 2440 display = option[1] 2441 elif option[0] == '--domain' or option[0] == '-d': 2442 domain = option[1] 2443 exec('import teamwork.examples.%s as classModule' % (domain)) 2444 # Convert any old-school hierarchies 2445 if isinstance(classModule.classHierarchy,dict): 2446 society = GenericSociety() 2447 society.importDict(classModule.classHierarchy) 2448 else: 2449 society = classModule.classHierarchy 2450 elif option[0] == '--society': 2451 society = option[1] 2452 elif option[0] == '--help' or option[0] == '-h': 2453 error = 1 2454 elif option[0] == '--debug': 2455 debug = int(option[1]) 2456 elif option[0] == '--version' or option[0] == '-v': 2457 print 'PsychSim %s' % (PsychShell.__VERSION__) 2458 sys.exit(0) 2459 else: 2460 error = 1 2461 2462 if len(args) > 0: 2463 if len(args) > 1: 2464 error = 1 2465 else: 2466 scenario = args[0] 2467 2468 if error: 2469 print '',\ 2470 '[--domain|-d <domain>]',\ 2471 '[--file|-f <script filename>]',\ 2472 '[--shell|-s tk|terminal]',\ 2473 '[--society <filename>]',\ 2474 '<scenario filename>' 2475 print 2476 print '--domain|-d\tIndicates the class path to the generic society definition' 2477 print '--society\tIndicates the file name containing the generic society' 2478 print '--file|-f\tIndicates the file containing a script of commands to execute' 2479 print '--shell|-s\tIf "tk", use GUI; if "terminal", use interactive text (default is "tk")' 2480 print '--version|-v\tPrints out version information' 2481 print '--help|-h\tPrints out this message' 2482 print 2483 sys.exit(-1) 2484 2485 if domain: 2486 pass 2487 else: 2488 domain = 'Thespian.RedRidingHoodClasses' 2489 exec('import teamwork.examples.%s as classModule' % (domain)) 2490 # Convert any old-school hierarchies 2491 if isinstance(classModule.classHierarchy,dict): 2492 society = GenericSociety() 2493 society.importDict(classModule.classHierarchy) 2494 else: 2495 society = classModule.classHierarchy 2496 2497 2498 2499 if display == 'tk': 2500 from teamwork.widgets.PsychGUI.Gui import * 2501 shell = GuiShell(scenario=scenario, 2502 classes=society, 2503 agentClass=agentClass, 2504 multiagentClass=multiagentClass, 2505 debug=debug) 2506 2507 2508 else: 2509 from import TerminalShell 2510 shell = TerminalShell(entities=scenario, 2511 classes=society, 2512 file=script, 2513 agentClass=agentClass, 2514 multiagentClass=multiagentClass, 2515 debug=debug) 2516 2517 if society and not domain: 2518 shell.loadSociety(society,overwrite=True) 2519 shell.mainloop() 2520