Package teamwork :: Package examples :: Package school :: Module SchoolAgent :: Class SchoolShell
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Class SchoolShell

source code

  shell.PsychShell.PsychShell --+    
shell.TerminalShell.TerminalShell --+

Nested Classes [hide private]
the class of individual agents in the scenario (default is PsychEntity)
Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from shell.TerminalShell.TerminalShell: __init__, createEntities, displayResult, getCommand

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: __act__, __search__, applyPolicy, distill, doActions, execute, executeCommand, export, getBelief, getEntities, getEntity, goals, handleMsg, handleSusceptibility, help, initEntities, iterateModels, load, loadSociety, mainloop, performAct, querySusceptibility, resetSociety, revert, save, saveSociety, search, send, setDebugLevel, setModel, setupEntities, setupScenario, setupSusceptibility, step, stop, test, undo

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: __KQML__, __UNDO__, __VERSION__, actionFormat

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from shell.PsychShell.PsychShell: multiagentClass