Package teamwork :: Package shell :: Module TerminalShell :: Class TerminalShell
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Class TerminalShell

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PsychShell.PsychShell --+
Known Subclasses:

An interactive terminal version of the base PsychShell class.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, entities=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, file=None, progress=None, debug=0, compileDynamics=True, compilePolicies=None)
Almost identical to the base PsychShell constructor
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Interactive creation of entities for initial scenario
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Terminal version of command entry.
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displayResult(self, cmd, result)
Terminal version of the output display method.
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Inherited from PsychShell.PsychShell: __act__, __search__, applyPolicy, distill, doActions, execute, executeCommand, export, getBelief, getEntities, getEntity, goals, handleMsg, handleSusceptibility, help, initEntities, iterateModels, load, loadSociety, mainloop, performAct, querySusceptibility, resetSociety, revert, save, saveSociety, search, send, setDebugLevel, setModel, setupEntities, setupScenario, setupSusceptibility, step, stop, test, undo

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from PsychShell.PsychShell: __KQML__, __UNDO__, __VERSION__, actionFormat

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from PsychShell.PsychShell: agentClass, multiagentClass

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, entities=None, classes=None, agentClass=None, multiagentClass=None, file=None, progress=None, debug=0, compileDynamics=True, compilePolicies=None)

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Almost identical to the base PsychShell constructor

  • file (str) - an input stream for reading commands. If none is provided, this stream defaults to standard input.
Overrides: PsychShell.PsychShell.__init__


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Terminal version of command entry. Prints a prompt (currently assumes turn-based execution) and reads the command entry from the input file.

Returns: str
Overrides: PsychShell.PsychShell.getCommand

displayResult(self, cmd, result)

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Terminal version of the output display method. Uses standard output.

  • cmd - the command executed
  • result - the results of the command
Overrides: PsychShell.PsychShell.displayResult