Package teamwork :: Package agent :: Module GoalBased :: Class GoalBasedAgent
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Class GoalBasedAgent

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              Agent.Agent --+    
RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+
Known Subclasses:

An entity mix-in class that has a reward function based on maximization/minimization of features/actions

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actionClass

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name='') source code
setGoals(self, goals)
Sets the goals to the provided list, after normalizing weights
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Scales all goal weights to sum to 1.
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setGoalWeight(self, goal, value, normalize=True)
Assigns the weight of the specified goal
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Distribution over float
applyGoals(self, entity=None, world=None, debug=None)
Returns: expected reward of the entity in current world
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getGoals(self) source code
getGoalWeight(self, goal)
Returns: the weight of the specified goal
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KeyedVector instance
Returns a vector representing the goal weights
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Returns: the decision tree representing this entity's goal weights
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actionValue(self, actions, horizon=1, state=None, debug=None)
Compute the expected value of performing the given action
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expectedValue(self, horizon=1, start={}, goals=None, state=None, debug=None)
Returns: the expected reward from the current state
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getNormalization(self, constant=False)
Returns: the vector expressing the constraint that the goal weights sum to 1
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generateConstraints(self, desired, horizon=-1, state=None)
Computes a set of constraints on possible goal weights for this agent that, if satisfied, will cause the agent to prefer the desired action in the given state.
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KeyedVector (str)
fit(self, desired, horizon=-1, state=None, granularity=0.01, label=None)
Computes a new set of goal weights for this agent that will cause the agent to prefer the desired action in the given state.
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Returns a string representation of this entity
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__copy__(self, new=None) source code
__xml__(self) source code
parse(self, element)
Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element
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Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: __deepcopy__, __eq__, __getitem__, __ne__, ancestry, applyChanges, applyPolicy, beliefDepth, findObservation, freeze, getActionKeys, getAllBeliefs, getBelief, getBeliefKeys, getDynamics, getEntities, getEntity, getEntityBeliefs, getNestedBelief, getObservation, getObservations, getSelfBelief, getState, getStateFeatures, hasBelief, incorporateMessage, initialStateEstimator, invalidateCache, multistep, observe, preComStateEstimator, resetHistory, saveObservations, setBelief, setEntity, setName, setObservation, setRecursiveBelief, setSelfBelief, setState, stateEstimator, step, toHTML, updateStateDict

Inherited from Agent.Agent: __cmp__, generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable, postComStateEstimator

Class Variables [hide private]
  valueType = 'average'
Instance Variables [hide private]
dict:str->KeyedPlane constraints
the constraints on the goal weights already imposed.
MinMaxGoal→float goals
the goals of this agent
int horizon
the horizon of this agent's lookahead

Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: dynamics, parent, relationships, state

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name='')

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  • name - label for this instance
Overrides: Agent.Agent.__init__
(inherited documentation)

setGoals(self, goals)

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Sets the goals to the provided list, after normalizing weights


Warning: Replaces any existing goals.

setGoalWeight(self, goal, value, normalize=True)

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Assigns the weight of the specified goal

  • normalize (bool) - if True, renormalizes weights across all goals to sum to 1
  • goal (MinMaxGoal)
  • value (float)

applyGoals(self, entity=None, world=None, debug=None)

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Returns: Distribution over float
expected reward of the entity in current world

getGoalWeight(self, goal)

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Returns: float
the weight of the specified goal


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Returns: teamwork.math.ProbabilityTree
the decision tree representing this entity's goal weights

actionValue(self, actions, horizon=1, state=None, debug=None)

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Compute the expected value of performing the given action

  • actions (Action[]) - the actions whose effect we want to evaluate
  • horizon (int) - the length of the forward projection
  • state (teamwork.math.probability.Distribution) - the world state to evaluate the actions in (defaults to current world state)

expectedValue(self, horizon=1, start={}, goals=None, state=None, debug=None)

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  • horizon (int) - the horizon for the lookahead when computing the expected value
  • start (dict:str→Action[]) - a dictionary of actions to be specified in the first time step
  • goals (GoalBasedAgent[]) - the agent(s) whose reward function should be used to compute the expectation (defaults to self)
  • state (teamwork.math.probability.Distribution) - the world state to evaluate the actions in (defaults to current world state)
  • debug (Debugger)
the expected reward from the current state

getNormalization(self, constant=False)

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  • constant (bool) - if True, include a column for the constant factor (which will be 1)
Returns: KeyedVector
the vector expressing the constraint that the goal weights sum to 1

generateConstraints(self, desired, horizon=-1, state=None)

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Computes a set of constraints on possible goal weights for this agent that, if satisfied, will cause the agent to prefer the desired action in the given state. Each constraint is dictionary with the following elements:

  • delta: the total difference that must be made up
  • slope: dictionary of coefficients for each goal weight in the sum that must make up that difference
  • plane: the vector of weights, such that the product of this vector and the goal weight vector must exceed 0 for the desired action to be preferred
  • desired (Action[]) - the action that the agent should prefer
  • horizon (int) - the horizon of lookahead to use (if not provided, the agent's default horizon is used)
  • state (dict) - the current state of this agent's beliefs (if not provided, defaults to the result of getAllBeliefs
Returns: dict[]
a list of constraints

fit(self, desired, horizon=-1, state=None, granularity=0.01, label=None)

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Computes a new set of goal weights for this agent that will cause the agent to prefer the desired action in the given state.

  • desired (Action[]) - the action that the agent should prefer
  • horizon (int) - the horizon of lookahead to use (if not provided, the agent's default horizon is used)
  • state (dict) - the current state of this agent's beliefs (if not provided, defaults to the result of getAllBeliefs
  • granularity (float) - the minimum movement of a goal weight (default is 0.01)
  • label (str) - the label to store the generated constraints under, overwriting any previous constraints using the same label (by default, None)
Returns: KeyedVector (str)
a goal vector (error message if no such vector exists)

(Informal representation operator)

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Returns a string representation of this entity

Overrides: RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent.__str__
(inherited documentation)

__copy__(self, new=None)

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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__copy__


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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__xml__

parse(self, element)

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Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element

Overrides: Agent.Agent.parse

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


the constraints on the goal weights already imposed. Each constraint is a dictionary, with the key element being the 'plane' expressing the constraint