Package teamwork :: Package agent :: Module stereotypes :: Class Stereotyper
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Class Stereotyper

source code

              Agent.Agent --+        
RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+    
         GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent --+
Known Subclasses:

Mix-in class that supports stereotypical mental models

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actionClass

Instance Methods [hide private]
__copy__(self, new=None) source code
__init__(self, name) source code
Returns a string representation of this entity
source code
__xml__(self) source code
clusterSpace(self, granularity, weightList=None, debug=None, finish=None, interrupt=None) source code
Lock the model of this agent and all mental models it may have
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generateSpace(self, granularity=10, goals=None, weightList=None, availableWeight=1.0)
Generates a space of possible goal weights for this agent
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hypotheticalPreCom(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=Debugger (0))
Returns the hypothetical model changes
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parse(self, element)
Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element
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reachable(self, weightList, granularity, neighbors=None) source code
setModel(self, model, fixed=False)
Applies the named mental model to this entity
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updateModel(self, actual, debug=Debugger (0))
Updates the mental model in response to the single action
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updateModels(self, actions, debug)
Updates the mental models in response to the given dictionary of actions
source code
weightEqual(self, weight1, weight2) source code

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: actionValue, applyGoals, expectedValue, fit, generateConstraints, getGoalTree, getGoalVector, getGoalWeight, getGoals, getNormalization, normalizeGoals, setGoalWeight, setGoals

Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: __deepcopy__, __eq__, __getitem__, __ne__, ancestry, applyChanges, applyPolicy, beliefDepth, findObservation, freeze, getActionKeys, getAllBeliefs, getBelief, getBeliefKeys, getDynamics, getEntities, getEntity, getEntityBeliefs, getNestedBelief, getObservation, getObservations, getSelfBelief, getState, getStateFeatures, hasBelief, incorporateMessage, initialStateEstimator, invalidateCache, multistep, observe, preComStateEstimator, resetHistory, saveObservations, setBelief, setEntity, setName, setObservation, setRecursiveBelief, setSelfBelief, setState, stateEstimator, step, toHTML, updateStateDict

Inherited from Agent.Agent: __cmp__, generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable, postComStateEstimator

Class Variables [hide private]
boolean defaultModelChange = None
Class-wide default for modelChange attribute

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: valueType

Instance Variables [hide private]
dictionary model
the current stereotype that this agent is following
boolean modelChange
Flag that specifies whether this agent will change its mental models or not
dictionary of name: model pairs models
the space of possible stereotypes that can be applied to this agent

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: constraints, goals, horizon

Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: dynamics, parent, relationships, state

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Method Details [hide private]

__copy__(self, new=None)

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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__copy__

__init__(self, name)

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  • name - label for this instance
Overrides: Agent.Agent.__init__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Returns a string representation of this entity

Overrides: RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent.__str__
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__xml__

generateSpace(self, granularity=10, goals=None, weightList=None, availableWeight=1.0)

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Generates a space of possible goal weights for this agent

  • granularity (dict) - the number of positive goal weights to consider for each goal (i.e., a granularity of n will generate values of [0,1/n,2/n, ..., 1]. This is a dictionary of numbers, indexed by individual goals.
  • goals (teamwork.reward.MinMaxGoal.MinMaxGoal[]) - the list of goals left to consider (typically omitted, the default is the current set of goals for this agent)
  • weightList (dict) - the initial list of possible goal weightings, to be extended in combination with the newly generated goal weightings (typically omitted)
  • availableWeight (float) - the weight to be distributed across the possible goals (typically omitted, the default is 1)
Returns: (dict:teamwork.reward.MinMaxGoal.MinMaxGoal→float)[]
all possible combinations of goal weights that sum to the availableWeight

hypotheticalPreCom(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=Debugger (0))

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Returns the hypothetical model changes

Returns the mental model changes that would result from the specified observed actions.

parse(self, element)

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Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element

Overrides: Agent.Agent.parse

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


the current stereotype that this agent is following
  • name: the name of the current stereotype
  • fixed: a flag indicating whether this model is subject to change