Package teamwork :: Package agent :: Module RecursiveAgent :: Class RecursiveAgent
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Class RecursiveAgent

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Agent.Agent --+
Known Subclasses:

Base class for an agent that keeps recursive models of the other agents in its world.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actionClass

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name='') source code
setName(self, name)
Sets the name of this agent
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getState(self, feature)
Returns the current Distribution over the specified feature
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setState(self, feature, value)
Sets this entity's state value for the specified feature
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getObservation(self, name)
Returns the current Distribution over the specified observation flag
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setObservation(self, name, value)
Sets this entity's observation flag for the observation type
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Returns: names of the valid state features
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getEntity(self, name)
Returns: the agent representing the beliefs about the given entity
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__getitem__(self, index)
Allows indexing into entity beliefs (i.e., entity['Bill'])
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hasBelief(self, entity)
Returns: True iff I have a belief about the named entity
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Returns: the names of entities that I have beliefs about
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Returns: the subjective entity views that I have
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Returns: the state features across all beliefs that this agent has
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getBelief(self, entity, feature)
Shortcut for self.getEntity(entity).getState(feature)
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getNestedBelief(self, keys)
Accesses a nested belief by following the branches specified by keys (a list of strings).
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getSelfBelief(self, feature)
Shortcut for self.getEntity(
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setBelief(self, name, feature, value)
Shortcut for self.getEntity(entity).{setState}(feature,value)
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setSelfBelief(self, feature, value)
Shortcut for self.setBelief(self,feature,value)
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setEntity(self, entity)
Sets my belief about the given entity to be the provided entity object.
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setRecursiveBelief(self, name, feature, value)
Helper method for setting the beliefs of a feature
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Packages up all of this agent's beliefs into a handy dictionary
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applyPolicy(self, state=None, actions=[], history=None, debug=None, explain=False)
Generates a decision chosen according to the agent's current policy
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Removes any cached policy value, as well as any cached policy values of my parents
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Initializes beliefs
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stateEstimator(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=None)
Trying to unify preComStateEstimator and postComStateEstimator
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preComStateEstimator(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=None)
Computes the hypothetical changes to the given beliefs in response to the given actions
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incorporateMessage(self, msg, log=None)
Update an entity's beliefs in response to set of messages
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__incorporateMessage(self, factor)
Update an entity's beliefs in response to a received message
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Returns: the sequence of events that this entity has witnessed
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saveObservations(self, obs)
Adds the given observation to the history
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a tuple (boolean,int)
findObservation(self, action, depth=0)
Returns true iff the agent has observed the given action
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resetHistory(self, beliefs=None)
Resets the observation history of the specified beliefs (defaults to this entity's beliefs if none provided)
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observe(self, actionDict={})
Returns: observations this entity would make of the given actions, in the same format as the provided action dictionary
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Returns: the minimal set of observations relevant to this agent
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multistep(self, horizon=1, start={}, state=None, debug=None)
Steps this entity the specified number of steps into the future (where a step is one entity performing its policy-specified action)
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updateStateDict(self, original, delta) source code
step(self, actDict, state=None, debug=None)
Modifies the current entity in response to the policy-driven actions selected by the provided dictionary of entities.
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getDynamics(self, act, feature)
Returns: this entity's dynamics model for the given action
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applyChanges(self, beliefs, delta, descend=1, rewind=0)
Takes changes and modifies the given beliefs accordingly
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Takes the current state of beliefs and marks it as the initial, beginning-of-the-world state of beliefs.
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Returns: a string representation of this entity's position in the recursive belief tree.
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Returns: the recursive depth of the current entity (0 is the depth of a root entity)
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__copy__(self) source code
__deepcopy__(self, memo) source code
Returns a string representation of this entity
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toHTML(self) source code
__ne__(self, entity) source code
__eq__(self, entity)
Equality test between agents
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__xml__(self) source code
parse(self, element)
Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element
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Inherited from Agent.Agent: __cmp__, generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable, postComStateEstimator

Instance Variables [hide private]
dict dynamics
the dynamics by which this agent's state evolves
RecursiveAgent parent
the agent whose subjective view this agent represents (None, if this is an objective view)
inter-agent relationships from this agent.
Distribution state
the probability distribution over the state of this agent's world

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name='')

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  • name (string) - label for this instance
Overrides: Agent.Agent.__init__

setName(self, name)

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Sets the name of this agent

  • name (str) - the unique ID for this agent
Overrides: Agent.Agent.setName

getState(self, feature)

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Returns the current Distribution over the specified feature

  • feature (string)
Returns: Distribution

setState(self, feature, value)

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Sets this entity's state value for the specified feature

  • feature (string)
  • value (either a float or a Distribution. If the value is a float, it is first converted into a point distribution.)

getObservation(self, name)

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Returns the current Distribution over the specified observation flag

  • name (string)
Returns: Distribution

setObservation(self, name, value)

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Sets this entity's observation flag for the observation type

  • name (string)
  • value (either a float or a Distribution. If the value is a float, it is first converted into a point distribution.)


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Returns: str[]
names of the valid state features

getEntity(self, name)

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  • name (string)
Returns: RecursiveAgent
the agent representing the beliefs about the given entity

hasBelief(self, entity)

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  • entity (str) - the name of the entity being queried about
Returns: boolean
True iff I have a belief about the named entity


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Returns: str[]
the names of entities that I have beliefs about


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Returns: Agent[]
the subjective entity views that I have


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Returns: StateKey[]
the state features across all beliefs that this agent has

getNestedBelief(self, keys)

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Accesses a nested belief by following the branches specified by keys (a list of strings).

Warning: may not actually work anymore!

setEntity(self, entity)

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Sets my belief about the given entity to be the provided entity object. Basically equivalent to self.entities[] = entity.


setRecursiveBelief(self, name, feature, value)

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Helper method for setting the beliefs of a feature

  • name (str) - the name of the other entity about whom our belief is is subject to change.
  • feature (str) - the state feature to change
  • value - the new value for the named state feature

Note: this will change all of the subjective beliefs that this entityd holds. Thus, not only will my beliefs about name, but also my beliefs about X's beliefs about name.


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Packages up all of this agent's beliefs into a handy dictionary

Returns: dict
the dictionary has the following indices:
  • state: what this agent believes about the state of the world
  • name: what this agent think agent, name, believes (i.e., a recursive call to getAllBeliefs)

applyPolicy(self, state=None, actions=[], history=None, debug=None, explain=False)

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Generates a decision chosen according to the agent's current policy

  • state (Distribution(KeyedVector)) - the current state vector
  • actions (Action[]) - the possible actions the agent can consider (defaults to all available actions)
  • history (Action[]:bool) - a dictionary of actions that have already been performed (and which should not be performed again if they are labeled as not repeatable)
  • explain (bool) - flag indicating whether an explanation should be generated
Returns: (Action[],Element)
a list of actions and an explanation, the latter provided by execute


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Initializes beliefs

Overrides: Agent.Agent.initialStateEstimator

preComStateEstimator(self, beliefs, actions, epoch=-1, debug=None)

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Computes the hypothetical changes to the given beliefs in response to the given actions

  • beliefs (dict) - the beliefs to be updated (traditionally, the result from getAllBeliefs)
  • actions (dict:str→Action) - the actions observed by this agent
  • epoch (int) - the current epoch in which these observations occurred (currently ignored, but potentially important)
  • debug (Debugger)
Returns: dict
the belief changes that would result from the specified observed actions, in dictionary form:
Overrides: Agent.Agent.preComStateEstimator

incorporateMessage(self, msg, log=None)

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Update an entity's beliefs in response to set of messages

  • msg (Message) - the message whose dynamics we wish to compute
  • log - not sure what this is for, probably auditing at some point, but nothing happens to it right now, so it's not very useful
Returns: KeyedMatrix
the dynamics matrix corresponding to the desired change of beliefs implied by the given message

__incorporateMessage(self, factor)

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Update an entity's beliefs in response to a received message

  • factor (dict) - the individual message factor
Returns: KeyedMatrix
the dynamics corresponding to an individual factor


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Returns: list
the sequence of events that this entity has witnessed

findObservation(self, action, depth=0)

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Returns true iff the agent has observed the given action

  • action (Action) - the observation to look for
  • depth (int) - the maximum number of steps to look into the past (by default, look arbitrarily far)
Returns: a tuple (boolean,int)
the first return value is true iff the agent has observed the given action within the past depth time steps. The second return value is the number of steps in the past that the observation occurs. This value is negative if no such observation is found within the specified depth.

observe(self, actionDict={})

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  • actionDict (dict:str→Action[]) - the performed actions, indexed by actor name
Returns: dict
observations this entity would make of the given actions, in the same format as the provided action dictionary


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Returns: teamwork.math.Keys.ActionKey[]
the minimal set of observations relevant to this agent

multistep(self, horizon=1, start={}, state=None, debug=None)

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Steps this entity the specified number of steps into the future (where a step is one entity performing its policy-specified action)


Warning: This method still needs to be handed an updated turn vector

step(self, actDict, state=None, debug=None)

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Modifies the current entity in response to the policy-driven actions selected by the provided dictionary of entities.


getDynamics(self, act, feature)

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  • act (Action) - the action whose effect we are interested in
  • feature (str) - if the optional feature argument is provided, then this method returns the dynamics for only the given feature; otherwise, returns the effect over all state features (but this latter capability is now deprecated)
Returns: PWLDynamics
this entity's dynamics model for the given action

applyChanges(self, beliefs, delta, descend=1, rewind=0)

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Takes changes and modifies the given beliefs accordingly

  • descend (boolean) - If the descend flag is set, then the recursive changes in the delta will also be applied.
  • rewind (boolean) - If the rewind flag is set, then the changes will be undone, instead of applied.


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Takes the current state of beliefs and marks it as the initial, beginning-of-the-world state of beliefs.

Note: as a side effect, it resets the observation history


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Returns: str
a string representation of this entity's position in the recursive belief tree.
  • If self.parent == None, then returns
  • Otherwise, returns self.parent.ancestry()+'->'


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Returns: int
the recursive depth of the current entity (0 is the depth of a root entity)


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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__copy__

Warning: the dynamics are not copied, but simply linked

__eq__(self, entity)
(Equality operator)

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Equality test between agents

Returns: boolean

Warning: only partially implemented


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Overrides: Agent.Agent.__xml__

parse(self, element)

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Extracts this agent's recursive belief structure from the given XML Element

  • element (Element)
Overrides: Agent.Agent.parse

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


inter-agent relationships from this agent. In dictionary form:
  • relationship name: list of agent names