Package teamwork :: Package agent :: Module Generic :: Class GenericModel
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Class GenericModel

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              Agent.Agent --+            
RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+        
         GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent --+    
                    support.Supporter --+
              Agent.Agent --+           |
                            |           |
RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent --+       |
                                |       |
         GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent --+   |
                                    |   |
              stereotypes.Stereotyper --+
Known Subclasses:

A container of default values for an Agent

  1. Creating a new generic model: model = GenericModel(name)
  2. Society-specific methods
  3. Picking a specific stereotypical mental model
  4. Manipulating the space of stereotypical mental models:
  5. Manipulating the goals
  6. Manipulating the recursive belief structure
  7. Manipulating the state
  8. Manipulating the actions
  9. Manipulating the dynamics
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actionClass

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name='') source code
setHierarchy(self, classes)
Sets the hierarchy of GenericModel instances that this agent uses for its default values
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merge(self, entity)
Merge the contents of another GenericModel into this one
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renameEntity(self, old, new) source code
Move up through the generic model hierarchy
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isSubclass(self, cls)
Returns: True iff this class is a subclass (inclusive) of the named class
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getAllFillers(self, attribute)
Returns: all fillers of a slot (e.g, 'state', 'action', 'goal') on this model and all superclasses
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getInheritor(self, attribute, value, includeSelf=True)
Returns: the lowest class (either this one or some ancestory) that defines the given value in the given agent attributes
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getCumulativeState(self, feature) source code
deleteState(self, feature)
Removes the given feature from the state
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ancestors(self, order=False)
Returns: all ancestor classes of this class, including itself
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Returns: all the relationships available to this generic model (including those to its superclasses
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__xml__(self, doc=None)
Returns an XML Document representing this model
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parse(self, element)
Extracts model elements from the provided XML element
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importDict(self, generic)
Updates generic model from dictionary-style spec
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Inherited from support.Supporter: getAllBeliefs, getLink, getLinkKey, getLinkTypes, getLinkees, getSupport, getTrust, initEntities, preComStateEstimator, removeLink, setLink, setSupport, setTrust, updateLinks, updateTrust

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: __copy__, __str__, actionValue, applyGoals, expectedValue, fit, generateConstraints, getGoalTree, getGoalVector, getGoalWeight, getGoals, getNormalization, normalizeGoals, setGoalWeight, setGoals

Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: __deepcopy__, __eq__, __getitem__, __ne__, ancestry, applyChanges, applyPolicy, beliefDepth, findObservation, freeze, getActionKeys, getBelief, getBeliefKeys, getDynamics, getEntities, getEntity, getEntityBeliefs, getNestedBelief, getObservation, getObservations, getSelfBelief, getState, getStateFeatures, hasBelief, incorporateMessage, initialStateEstimator, invalidateCache, multistep, observe, resetHistory, saveObservations, setBelief, setEntity, setName, setObservation, setRecursiveBelief, setSelfBelief, setState, stateEstimator, step, toHTML, updateStateDict

Inherited from Agent.Agent: __cmp__, generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable, postComStateEstimator

Inherited from stereotypes.Stereotyper: clusterSpace, freezeModels, generateSpace, hypotheticalPreCom, reachable, setModel, updateModel, updateModels, weightEqual

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from support.Supporter: supportLimit, supportWeights

Inherited from support.Supporter (private): _supportFeature, _trustFeature

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: valueType

Inherited from stereotypes.Stereotyper: defaultModelChange

Instance Variables [hide private]
int depth
maximum depth of nesting of recursive beliefs

Inherited from support.Supporter: linkDynamics, linkTypes, links

Inherited from GoalBased.GoalBasedAgent: constraints, goals, horizon

Inherited from RecursiveAgent.RecursiveAgent: dynamics, parent, relationships, state

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Inherited from stereotypes.Stereotyper: model, modelChange, models

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name='')

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  • name (string) - the unique ID for this model
Overrides: stereotypes.Stereotyper.__init__

setHierarchy(self, classes)

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Sets the hierarchy of GenericModel instances that this agent uses for its default values


renameEntity(self, old, new)

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  • old - the current name of the member
  • new - the new name of the member
  • old,new (str)


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Move up through the generic model hierarchy

Returns: str[]
the immediate parent models of this generic model

isSubclass(self, cls)

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  • cls (str) - The class name to test on
Returns: boolean
True iff this class is a subclass (inclusive) of the named class

getAllFillers(self, attribute)

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Returns: str[]
all fillers of a slot (e.g, 'state', 'action', 'goal') on this model and all superclasses

getInheritor(self, attribute, value, includeSelf=True)

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  • attribute - the agent model slot to look for (e.g., 'state', 'action', 'goal')
  • value - the slot filler to look for (e.g., state feature)
  • includeSelf (bool) - if True, then include self in search (default is True)
  • attribute,value (str)
Returns: str
the lowest class (either this one or some ancestory) that defines the given value in the given agent attributes

deleteState(self, feature)

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Removes the given feature from the state

  • feature (str)

ancestors(self, order=False)

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  • order (bool) - if True, then order the results from general to specific (default is False)
Returns: str[]
all ancestor classes of this class, including itself


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Returns: str[]
all the relationships available to this generic model (including those to its superclasses

__xml__(self, doc=None)

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Returns an XML Document representing this model

Overrides: stereotypes.Stereotyper.__xml__

parse(self, element)

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Extracts model elements from the provided XML element

  • element (Element)
Overrides: stereotypes.Stereotyper.parse