Package teamwork :: Package agent :: Module lightweight :: Class PWLAgent
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Class PWLAgent

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Agent.Agent --+

Lightweight version of a PsychSim agent with only the barest essentials for generating behaviors

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actionClass

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, agent=None)
Constructor that creates a lightweight version of a given PsychSim agent
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setHierarchy(self, classes)
We don't need no stinking defaults
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Returns: a string representation of this entity's position in the recursive belief tree.
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instanceof(self, className)
Returns: True iff this entity is a member of the specified class
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Returns: names of the valid state features
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getState(self, feature)
Returns the current Distribution over the specified feature
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setState(self, feature, value)
Sets this entity's state value for the specified feature
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getEntities(self) source code
getEntity(self, name) source code
getEntityBeliefs(self) source code
Returns: the state features across all beliefs that this agent has
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Returns: all of the available dynamics relationship types that his entity has
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getLinkees(self, relationship)
Returns: the others to which this entity has explicit relationships of the specified type
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getLinkKey(self, relation, entity)
Returns: the vector index for this entity's relation to the given entity
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getLink(self, relationship, entity)
Returns: the current value of the link
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setLink(self, relationship, entity, value) source code
Generates the initial belief state for the specified agent
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getBelief(self, entity, feature)
Returns: the agent's current belief about the given entity's value for the given state feature
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setBelief(self, entity, feature, value)
Sets this entity's belief value for the specified entity's state feature value
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getGoals(self) source code
getGoalVector(self) source code
applyPolicy(self, state=None, actions=[], history=None, debug=None, explain=False, entities={}, cache={})
Generates a decision chosen according to the agent's current policy
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actionValue(self, actions, horizon=1, state=None, debug=False)
Compute the expected value of performing the given action
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stateEstimator(self, beliefs=None, actions=[], observation=None)
Updates the agent's beliefs in response to the given agents
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setEstimator(self, trans, obs)
Compute state estimator
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getDynamics(self, act, feature, cache=False, debug=False)
Returns: this entity's dynamics model for the given action
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__xml__(self, dynamics=False) source code
parse(self, element) source code

Inherited from Agent.Agent: __cmp__, __copy__, generateAllObservations, generateHistories, legalActions, legalMessages, observable, postComStateEstimator, preComStateEstimator, setName

Class Variables [hide private]
  _supportFeature = 'likes'
the label for the liking relationship
  _trustFeature = 'trusts'
the label for the trust relationship
Instance Variables [hide private]
bool compiled
if True, the value function is compiled (default is False
str→(str→PWLDynamics) dynamics
a dictionary of dictionaries of PWLDynamics objects.
KeyedVector goals
this agent's goal weights
KeyedVector liking
the liking this agent has for others
the parent of this agent, included for compatibility with RecursiveAgent instances.
PolicyTable policy
this agent's policy of behavior
an empty dictionary of inter-agent relationships from this agent
KeyedVector trust
the trust this agent has in others

Inherited from Agent.Agent: actions, name, omega

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, agent=None)

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Constructor that creates a lightweight version of a given PsychSim agent

  • agent - the RecursiveAgent to be distilled (if omitted, an empty agent is created)
Overrides: Agent.Agent.__init__


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Returns: str
a string representation of this entity's position in the recursive belief tree.
  • If self.parent == None, then returns
  • Otherwise, returns self.parent.ancestry()+'->'

instanceof(self, className)

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  • className (str) - name of class to test against
Returns: boolean
True iff this entity is a member of the specified class


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Returns: str[]
names of the valid state features

getState(self, feature)

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Returns the current Distribution over the specified feature

  • feature (string)
Returns: Distribution

setState(self, feature, value)

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Sets this entity's state value for the specified feature

  • feature (string)
  • value (either a float or a Distribution. If the value is a float, it is first converted into a point distribution.)


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Returns: StateKey[]
the state features across all beliefs that this agent has


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Returns: str[]
all of the available dynamics relationship types that his entity has

getLinkees(self, relationship)

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  • relationship (str) - the dynamic relationship (e.g., 'likes', 'trusts') to evaluate
Returns: str[]
the others to which this entity has explicit relationships of the specified type

getLinkKey(self, relation, entity)

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Returns: LinkKey
the vector index for this entity's relation to the given entity

getLink(self, relationship, entity)

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  • relationship - the dynamic relationship (e.g., 'likes', 'trusts') to evaluate
  • entity - the entity who is the object of the relationship (e.g., the entity being liked or trusted)
  • relationship,entity (str)
Returns: float
the current value of the link

setLink(self, relationship, entity, value)

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  • relationship - the dynamic relationship (e.g., 'likes', 'trusts') to evaluate
  • entity - the entity who is the object of the relationship (e.g., the entity being liked or trusted)
  • value (float) - the new value for my trust level
  • relationship,entity (str)


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Generates the initial belief state for the specified agent

Overrides: Agent.Agent.initialStateEstimator

getBelief(self, entity, feature)

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  • entity (str) - the name of the relevant entity
  • feature (str) - the state feature of interest
Returns: Distribution
the agent's current belief about the given entity's value for the given state feature

setBelief(self, entity, feature, value)

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Sets this entity's belief value for the specified entity's state feature value

  • entity (str) - the name of the relevant entity
  • feature (string) - the state feature of interest
  • value (either a float or a Distribution. If the value is a float, it is first converted into a point distribution.)

applyPolicy(self, state=None, actions=[], history=None, debug=None, explain=False, entities={}, cache={})

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Generates a decision chosen according to the agent's current policy

  • state (Distribution(KeyedVector)) - the current state vector
  • actions (Action[]) - the possible actions the agent can consider (defaults to all available actions)
  • history (Action[]:bool) - a dictionary of actions that have already been performed (and which should not be performed again if they are labeled as not repeatable)
  • explain (bool) - flag indicating whether an explanation should be generated
  • entities - a dictionary of entities to be used as a value tree cache
  • cache - values computed so far
Returns: (Action[],Element)
a list of actions and an explanation, the latter provided by execute

actionValue(self, actions, horizon=1, state=None, debug=False)

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Compute the expected value of performing the given action

  • actions (Action[]) - the actions whose effect we want to evaluate
  • horizon (int) - the length of the forward projection
  • state (Distribution) - the world state to evaluate the actions in (defaults to current world state)

Warning: Computation assumes that dynamics for instantiated actions are already stored. Missing dynamics are taken to imply no effect.

stateEstimator(self, beliefs=None, actions=[], observation=None)

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Updates the agent's beliefs in response to the given agents

  • beliefs (Distribution(KeyedVector)) - the agent's current beliefs (typically self.beliefs)
  • actions (Action[]) - the observed actions
  • obersvation - if in a partially observable domain, this is the observation received (default is None)
  • observation (str)
Returns: Distribution(KeyedVector)
the new beliefs (updates the agent's beliefs as a side effect)

getDynamics(self, act, feature, cache=False, debug=False)

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  • act (Action) - the action whose effect we are interested in
  • feature (str) - the feature whose effect we want to get the dynamics for
  • cache (bool) - if True, then save the instantiated dynamics for future recall (default is False)
  • debug (bool) - if True, prints out some debugging statements (default is False
Returns: PWLDynamics
this entity's dynamics model for the given action

__xml__(self, dynamics=False)

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  • dynamcis - if True, instantiated dynamics are stored as well (default is False
  • dynamics (bool)
Overrides: Agent.Agent.__xml__

parse(self, element)

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Overrides: Agent.Agent.parse

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


a dictionary of dictionaries of PWLDynamics objects. The top-level key is the state feature the dynamics affect. The keys at the level below are Action types.


the parent of this agent, included for compatibility with RecursiveAgent instances. Always None.