Publications by David Traum
Publications by David Traum
This file contains bibliographic citations and links to most of my
papers. Most citations are stored as pdf or compressed (or gzipped)
postscript files. Some citations also have on-line abstracts and FTP addresses.
(Last change: August 2025. Entries marked
have been added since August 2024)
Bonial, Claire and
Lukin, Stephanie M. and Abrams, Mitchell and Baker, Anthony and
Donatelli, Lucia and Foots, Ashley and Hayes, Cory J. and Henry,
Cassidy and Hudson, Taylor and Marge, Matthew and Pollard, Kimberly
A. and Artstein, Ron and Traum, David and Voss, Clare R. 2024. Human–robot dialogue annotation for multi-modal common ground. Language Resources and Evaluation.
Kallirroi Georgila,
Carla Gordon, Anton Leuski, Ron Artstein, and David Traum. Studying Team Effectiveness via Dialogue Analysis. In Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2024.
- Stephanie Lukin, Claire
Bonial, Matthew Marge, Taylor A Hudson, Cory Hayes, Kimberly
Pollard, Anthony Baker, Ashley N Foots, Ron Artstein, Felix Gervits,
Mitchell Abrams, Cassidy Henry, Lucia Donatelli, Anton Leuski, Susan
G Hill, David Traum, Clare Voss SCOUT: A
Situated and Multi-Modal Human-Robot Dialogue CorpusIn
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on
Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation
(LREC-COLING 2024), pages 14445–14458, Torino, Italia. ELRA and
- Vera Harris, Robert
Braggs, David Traum I’m not sure I heard you right, but I think I know what you mean – investigations into the impact of speech recognition errors on response selection for a virtual human. IWSDS 2024, Sapporo Japan, March, 2024.
- Jacqueline Brixey, David
Traum Why should a dialogue system speak more than one language? IWSDS 2024, Sapporo Japan, March, 2024.
- Kallirroi Georgila, David
Traum Evaluation of Off-the-shelf
Whisper Models for Speech Recognition Across Diverse Dialogue
Domains at The 14th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue
Systems Technology, March 2024 (best paper nomination)
- Singh, Ishika, David
Traum, and Jesse Thomason. TwoStep: Multi-agent Task
Planning using Classical Planners and Large Language Models.
arXiv e-prints (2024): arXiv-2403.
- Chulaka Gunasekara,
Seokhwan Kim, Luis Fernando D'Haro, Abhinav Rastogi, Yun-Nung Chen,
Mihail Eric, Behnam Hedayatnia, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Yang Liu,
Chao-Wei Huang, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Jinchao Li, Qi Zhu, Lingxiao Luo,
Lars Liden, Kaili Huang, Shahin Shayandeh, Runze Liang, Baolin Peng,
Zheng Zhang, Swadheen Shukla, Minlie Huang, Jianfeng Gao, Shikib
Mehri, Yulan Feng, Carla Gordon, Seyed Hossein Alavi, David Traum,
Maxine Eskenazi, Ahmad Beirami, Eunjoon (EJ)Cho, Paul A. Crook,
Ankita De, Alborz Geramifard, Satwik Kottur, Seungwhan Moon, Shivani
Poddar, Rajen Subba, Overview of the ninth dialog system technology challenge: Dstc9. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (2024).
- Setareh Nasihati
Gilani, Kimberly Pollard, David Traum, Multimodal Prediction of User's Performance in High-Stress Dialogue Interactions, ICMI ’23 Late Breaking Results, Paris, October 2023.
- Alesia Gainer, Allison
Aptaker, Ron Artstein, David Cobbins, Mark Core, Carla Gordon, Anton
Leuski, Zongjian Li, Chirag Merchant, David Nelson, Mohammad
Soleymani, David Traum, DIVIS: Digital Interactive Victim Intake Simulator Demo, in Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 2023
- Stephanie M Lukin,
Kimberly A Pollard, Claire Bonial, Taylor Hudson, Ron Artstein,
Clare Voss, David Traum, Navigating
to Success in Multi-Modal Human-Robot Collaboration: Analysis and
Corpus Release, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and
Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2023.
- Claire To, Setareh
Nasihati Gilani, David Traum, Common Strategy
Patterns of Persuasion in a Mission Critical and Time Sensitive
Task, The 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2023 Marilogue), August 2023.
- Debaditya Pal, Anton
Leuski, David Traum Comparing
Statistical Models for Retrieval based Question-answering Dialogue:
BERT vs Relevance Models, The International FLAIRS Conference
Proceedings. 36, 1 (May 2023).
- Setareh Nasihati
Gilani, David Traum Analyzing User’s Mental
State and Facial Expressions in Interaction with Different
Personalities in a Critical Situation. 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023), Barcelona, April 2023.
- Seiya Kawano, Koichiro
Yoshino, David Traum, and Satoshi Nakamura (2023). End-to-end
dialogue structure parsing on multi-floor dialogue based on
multi-task learning. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10.
- Jacqueline Brixey and
David Traum Developing a spoken dialogue system for the Choctaw language The 13th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2023), February 2023, Los Angeles.
- Claire Bonial, Taylor Hudson, Lucia Donatelli, David Traum,
Clare Voss, Mitchell Abrams, and Austin Blodgett, Dialogue-AMR Annotation Guidelines
- Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachuad, David Traum,
Eds The
Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents Volume 2, ACM, 2022.
- David Traum Socially Interactive Agent Dialogue, Chapter 15
of The
Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents (Volume 2) 2022.
- Jacqueline Brixey, David
Traum, Towards an Automatic Speech Recognizer for the Choctaw language, Speech for Social Good Workshop, September 2022.
Claire Bonial, Taylor Hudson, Stephanie Lukin, Anthony L. Baker and
David Traum Making
Sense of Stop to be presented at the Workshop
on Annotation, Recognition, and Evaluation of Actions (AREA II), 2022.
- Marge, Matthew
and Espy-Wilson, Carol and Ward, Nigel G. and Alwan, Abeer and
Artzi, Yoav and Bansal, Mohit and Blankenship, Gil and Chai, Joyce
and Daume, Hal and Dey, Debadeepta and Harper, Mary and Howard,
Thomas and Kennington, Casey and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and
Manocha, Dinesh and Matuszek, Cynthia and Mead, Ross and Mooney,
Raymond and Moore, Roger K. and Ostendorf, Mari and Pon-Barry,
Heather and Rudnicky, Alexander I. and Scheutz, Matthias and Amant,
Robert St. and Sun, Tong and Tellex, Stefanie and Traum, David and
Yu, Zhou. Spoken
language interaction with robots: Recommendations for future
research. Computer Speech & Language. 71.
- Shikib Mehri, Jinho Choi,
Luis Fernando D'Haro, Jan Deriu, Maxine Eskenazi, Milica Gasic,
Kallirroi Georgila, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Zekang Li, Verena Rieser,
Samira Shaikh, David Traum, Yi-Ting Yeh, Zhou Yu, Yizhe Zhang, Chen
Zhang Report from the
NSF Future Directions Workshop on Automatic Evaluation of Dialog:
Research Directions and Challenges
- Divya Tadimeti,
Kallirroi Georgila and David Traum Evaluation of Off-the-shelf Speech Recognizers on Different Accents in a Dialogue Domain In Proceedings of the
13th Conference on Langauge Resources and
Evaluation (LREC 2022), pp. 6001--6008, 2022.
- Ada Tur and David Traum
Comparing Approaches to Language Understanding for Human-Robot Dialogue: An Error Taxonomy and AnalysisIn Proceedings of the
13th Conference on Langauge Resources and
Evaluation (LREC 2022), pp. 5813-5820, 2022.
- Shikib Mehri, Yulan
Feng, Carla Gordon, Seyed Hossein Alavi, David Traum and Maxine
Eskenazi Interactive
Evaluation of Dialog Track at DSTC9 In Proceedings of the
13th Conference on Langauge Resources and
Evaluation (LREC 2022), pp. 5731-5738, 2022.
- Birgit Lugrin,
Catherine Pelachuad, David Traum, Eds The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents Volume 1, ACM, 2021.
- Seiya Kawano, Koichiro Yoshino , David Traum, Satoshi Nakamura Dialogue Structure Parsing on Multi-Floor
Dialogue Based on Multi-Task Learning presented at Robotdial
2020 January 2021.
- Bonial,
Claire, Mitchell Abrams, David Traum, and Clare Voss. Builder, we have done it: Evaluating & extending dialogue-AMR NLU pipeline for two collaborative domains. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), pp. 173-183. 2021.
- Chaffey, P., &
Traum, D.. Identity Models for Role-Play Dialogue Characters. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (2021, September).
- Bonial,
Claire, Mitchell Abrams, Anthony L. Baker, Taylor Hudson, Stephanie
M. Lukin, David Traum, and Clare R. Voss. Context Is Key: Annotating Situated Dialogue Relations in Multi-floor Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. 2021.
- Divya
Tadimeti, Kallirroi Georgila, and David Traum. How Well Can an Agent Understand Different Accents? In 5th Widening NLP (WiNLP) Workshop - Co-located with EMNLP, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 2021.
- Gervits,
Felix, Anton Leuski, Claire Bonial, Carla Gordon, and David Traum. A Classification-Based Approach to Automating Human-Robot Dialogue. In Increasing Naturalness and Flexibility in Spoken Dialogue Interaction: 10th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, pp. 115-127. Springer Singapore, 2021.
- Brixey, J., &
Traum, D. (2021). Masheli: A Choctaw-English Bilingual Chatbot. In Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade (pp. 41-50). Springer, Singapore.
- Gordon, Carla,
Kallirroi Georgila, Volodymyr Yanov, and David Traum. Towards Personalization of Spoken Dialogue System Communication Strategies. In Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade, pp. 145-160. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
- S Kawano, K Yoshino,
D Traum, S Nakamura マルチタスク学習に基づいた複数フロアの対話構造の自動解析. SIG-SLUD 5.03 (2021): 110-115.
Seitaro Shinagawa, Koichiro Yoshino, Seyed Hossein Alavi,
Kallirroi Georgila, David Traum, Sakriani Sakti, and Satoshi
Nakamura. An Interactive Image Editing System using an
Uncertainty-based Confirmation Strategy. IEEE Access, Vol. 8
pp. 98471-98480, 2020.
- Carla Gordon, Kallirroi Georgila, Volodymyr Yanov, and David Traum.
Towards Personalization of Spoken Dialogue System Communication Strategies.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS), Barcelona, Spain, 2020.
- Brixey, D Traum Masheli: A Choctaw-English Bilingual Chatbot
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS), Barcelona, Spain, 2020.
- Kallirroi Georgila, Anton Leuski, Volodymyr Yanov, and David Traum.
Evaluation of Off-the-shelf Speech Recognizers Across Diverse Dialogue Domains.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 6469-6476, Marseille, France, 2020.
- Kallirroi Georgila, Carla Gordon, Volodymyr Yanov, and David Traum.
Predicting Ratings of Real Dialogue Participants from Artificial Data and Ratings of Human Dialogue Observers.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 726-734, Marseille, France, 2020.
- Claire Bonial, Lucia Donatelli, Mitchell Abrams, Stephanie Lukin, Stephen Tratz, Matthew Marge, Ron Artstein, David Traum, Clare Voss.
Dialogue-AMR: Abstract Meaning Representation for Dialogue.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 684-695, Marseille, France, 2020.
- Seyed Hossein Alavi, Anton Leuski, David Traum.
Which Model Should We Use for a Real-World Conversational Dialogue System? a Cross-Language Relevance Model or a Deep Neural Net?
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 735-742, Marseille, France, 2020.
- Jacqueline Brixey, David Sides, Timothy Vizthum, David Traum, Khalil Iskarous.
Exploring a Choctaw Language Corpus with Word Vectors and Minimum Distance Length
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 2746-2753, Marseille, France, 2020.
- Skanda Vaidyanath, Kallirroi Georgila, and David Traum.
Using Reinforcement Learning to Manage Communications Between Humans and Artificial Agents in an Evacuation Scenario.
In Proceedings of the 33rd International FLAIRS Conference, Special Track on Autonomous Robots and Agents, pp. 396-399, online, originally to be held in North Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 2020.
- Patricia Chaffey, Ron Artstein, Kallirroi Georgila, Kimberly A. Pollard, Setareh Nasihati Gilani, David M. Krum, David Nelson, Kevin Huynh, Alesia Gainer, Seyed Hossein Alavi, Rhys Yahata, Anton Leuski, Volodymyr Yanov, and David Traum.
Human Swarm Interaction using Plays, Audibles, and a Virtual Spokesperson.
In Proceedings of SPIE 11413, Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations
Applications II, 114130V, SPIE Defense + Commercial
Sensing Conference, Online Only, California, USA,
- Chulaka Gunasekara,
Seokhwan Kim, Luis Fernando D'Haro, Abhinav Rastogi, Yun-Nung
Chen, Mihail Eric, Behnam Hedayatnia, Karthik Gopalakrishnan,
Yang Liu, Chao-Wei Huang, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Jinchao Li, Qi
Zhu, Lingxiao Luo, Lars Liden, Kaili Huang, Shahin Shayandeh,
Runze Liang, Baolin Peng, Zheng Zhang, Swadheen Shukla,
Minlie Huang, Jianfeng Gao, Shikib Mehri, Yulan Feng, Carla
Gordon, Seyed Hossein Alavi, David Traum, Maxine Eskenazi,
Ahmad Beirami, Eunjoon (EJ)Cho, Paul A. Crook, Ankita De,
Alborz Geramifard, Satwik Kottur, Seungwhan Moon, Shivani
Poddar, Rajen Subba, 2020.
Overview of the
Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge: DSTC9
- L Tavabi, K Stefanov, S
Nasihati Gilani, D Traum, M Soleymani, Multimodal
Learning for Identifying Opportunities for Empathetic Responses
in proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Multimodal
Interaction, (ICMI) pp. 95-104.
- Seyed Hossein Alavi,
Jacqueline Brixey and David Traum, Can
we use a spoken dialogue system to document endangered languages?
presented at Dialog for Good (DiGo) Workshop on
Speech and Language Technology Serving Society, September 2019.
Carla Gordon, David Traum, Ron Artstein and Anton Leuski Demo: DS2A: A Dialogue System for Sexual Assault and Harassment Education Dialog for Good (DiGo) Workshop on Speech and Language Technology Serving Society, September 2019.
- Usman Sohail, Carla
Gordon, Ron Artstein and David Traum Character Initiative in Dialogue Increases User Engagement and Rapport In proceedings of SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (LondonLogue), 2019.
- Carla Gordon, Volodymyr
Yanov, David Traum and Kallirroi Georgila A Wizard of Oz Data Collection Framework for Internet of Things Dialogues In proceedings of SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (LondonLogue), 2019.
- Seyed Hossein Alavi,
Anton Leuski and David Traum, Comparing Cross Language Relevance vs Deep Neural Network Approaches to Corpus-based End- to-end Dialogue Systems In proceedings of SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (LondonLogue), 2019.
- Georgila, Kallirroi, Carla Gordon, Hyungtak Choi, Jill Boberg,
Heesik Jeon, and David Traum. Toward low-cost automated evaluation
metrics for Internet of Things dialogues. In 9th International
Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System Technology, pp. 161-175. Springer,
Singapore, 2019.
- Allen, James,
Elisabeth Andre, Philip R. Cohen, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Ronald Kaplan,
Oliver Lemon, and David Traum. Challenge Discussion: Advancing Multimodal Dialogue. The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces, Volume 3: 191.
- Bonial, Claire, Lucia Donatelli, Stephanie Lukin, Stephen
Tratz, Ron Artstein, David Traum, and Clare Voss. Augmenting Abstract Meaning Representation for Human-Robot Dialogue In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations, pp. 199-210. 2019.
- Setareh Nasihati
Gilani, David Traum, Rachel Sortino, Grady Gallagher, Kailyn
Aaron-Lozano, Cryss Padilla, Ari Shapiro, Jason Lamberton, Laura-Ann
Can a Signing Virtual Human Engage a Baby's Attention? in
proceedings of IVA 2019 Conference, pages 162-169.
- Patricia Chaffey, Ron
Artstein, Kallirroi Georgila, Kimberly Pollard, Setareh Nasihati
Gilani, David Krum, David Nelson, Kevin Huynh, Alesia Gainer, Seyed
Hossein Alavi, Rhys Yahata and David Traum, Developing
a Virtual Reality Wildfire Simulation to Analyze Human Communication
and Interaction with a Robotic Swarm During Emergencies in
proceedings of 9th Language &
Technology Conference, 2019.
- Felix Gervits, Anton
Leuski, Claire Bonial, Carla Gordon, David Traum A
Classification-Based Approach to Automating Human-Robot Dialogue
presented at IWSDS 2019, Syracuse April 2019.
- Ron Artstein, Carla Gordon, Usman Sohail , Chirag Merchant, Andrew
Jones, Julia Campbell, Matthew Trimmer, Jeffrey Bevington, COL
Christopher Engen, David Traum, Digital Survivor of Sexual Assault
in proceedings of IUI 2019.
- Carla Gordon, Anton
Leuski, Grace Benn, Eric Klassen, Edward Fast, Matt Liewer, Arno
Hartholt and David Traum, PRIMER: An Emotionally Aware Virtual
Agent in proceedings of user2agent: Workshop on User-Aware Conversational Agents, in conjunction with ACM IUI 2019.
- Usman Sohail, David
Traum A
Blissymbolics Translation System in proceedings of the Eighth
Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive
Technologies (NAACL), June 2019.
- Laura-Ann Petitto,
Rachel Sortino, Kailyn Aaron-Lozano, Grady Gallagher, Setareh
Nasihati Gilani, David Traum, Arcangelo Merla, Chiara Filippini,
Cryss Padilla, ``Hearing Babies Respond to Language's Patterning and
Social Contingency with a Signing Avatar: Acquisition Insights''
presented at SRCD Bienniel Meeting, 2019.
- Setareh Nasihati Gilani,
David Traum, Rachel Sortino, Grady Gallagher, Kailyn Aaron-lozano,
Cryss Padilla, Ari Shapiro, Jason Lamberton, Laura-Ann Petitto,
Can a Virtual Human Facilitate Language Learning in a Young
Baby? Extended Abstract in proceedings of AAMAS 2019.
pp. 2136-2139.
- Kyusong Lee, Tiancheng Zhao, Stefan Ultes, Lina Rojas-Barahona,
Eli Pincus, David Traum, Maxine Eskenazi (2019). An Assessment
Framework for DialPort. In Advanced Social Interaction with
Agents, Ed. Eskenazi M., Devillers L., Mariani J.. Springer,
pages 79-85.
- Brian Scassellati, Jake Brawer, Katherine Tsui, Setareh Nasihati
Gilani, Melissa Malzkuhn, Barbara Manini, Adam Stone, Geo
Kartheiser, Arcangelo Merla, Ari Shapiro, David Traum, Laura-Ann
Petitto, ``Teaching Language to Deaf Infants with a Robot and a
Virtual Human'' in
Proceedings of the CHI 2018 Conference.
- Gale M. Lucas, Jill Boberg, David Traum, Ron Artstein, Jonathan
Gratch, Alesia Gainer, Mikio Nakano, ``Getting to Know Each Other:
The Role of Social Dialogue in Recovery from Errors in Social
Robots'' in
Proceedings of the HRI 2018 Conference.
- Stephanie M. Lukin, Kimberly A. Pollard, Claire Bonial, Matthew Marge, Cassidy Henry, Ron Artstein, David Traum, and Clare R. Voss. ``Consequences and Factors of Stylistic Differences in Human-Robot Dialogue''. In proceedings of SIGdial 2018.
- Stephanie M. Lukin, Felix Gervits, Cory Hayes, Pooja Moolchandani, Anton Leuski, John Rogers, Carlos Sanchez Amaro, Matthew Marge, Clare Voss and David Traum. ``ScoutBot: A Dialogue System for Collaborative Navigation''. In Proceedings of ACL, Demonstration Track ACL 2018.
- Matthew Marge, David Traum, Clare R. Voss, and Susan G. Hill. 2018. ``Towards Natural Dialogue with Robots: ARL Bot Language''. In Proc. of the NDIA Human Systems Conference.
- Gale Lucas, David Traum, Ron Artstein, Jonathan Gratch, Jill Boberg, Alesia Gainer, Emmanuel Johnson, Anton Leuski and Mikio Nakano. ``Culture, Errors, and Rapport-building Dialogue in Social Agents.'' In proceedings of IVA 2018.
- Setareh Nasihati Gilani, David Traum, Arcangelo Merla, Eugenia
Hee, Zoey Walker, Barbara Manini, Grady Gallagher, Laura-Ann
Petitto, ``Multimodal Dialogue Management for Multiparty Interaction
with Infants'' In proceedings of the 2018 on International
Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2018). Best Paper Award.
- Kathryn E. Muessig, Kelly A. Knudtson, Karina Soni, Margo Adams
Larsen, David Traum, Willa Dong, Donaldson F. Conserve, Anton
Leuski, Ron Artstein, and Lisa B. Hightow-Weidman. ``I didn't tell
you sooner because I didn't know how to handle it myself: Developing
a virtual reality program to support HIV-status disclosure
decisions." Digital Culture and Education 10: 22-48, July 2018.
- Claire Bonial, Stephanie Lukin, Ashley Foots, Cassidy Henry, Matthew Marge, Kim Pollard, Ron Artstein, David Traum and Clare R. Voss. 2018. ``Human Robot Dialogue and Collaboration in Search and Navigation''. In proceedings of the Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions (AREA) Workshop of the 2018 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Miyazaki, Japan, May 7, 2018.
- Kallirroi Georgila, Carla Gordon, Hyungtak Choi, Jill Boberg, Heesik Jeon, and David Traum. ``Toward low-cost automated evaluation metrics for Internet of Things dialogues''. International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS), Singapore, 2018.
- Cassidy Henry, Carla Gordon, David Traum, Stephanie M. Lukin, Kimberly A. Pollard, Ron Artstein, Claire Bonial, Clare R. Voss, Ashley Foots, and Matthew Marge , ``Faster Pace in Human-Robot Dialogue Leads to Fewer Dialogue Overlaps'', presented at NAACL Workshop on Widening NLP (WiNLP 2018), June 2018.
- Matthew Marge, Claire Bonial, Stephanie M. Lukin, Cory J. Hayes, Ashley Foots, Ron Artstein, Cassidy Henry, Kimberly A. Pollard, Carla Gordon, Felix Gervits, Anton Leuski, Susan G. Hill, Clare R. Voss, and David Traum. ``Balancing Efficiency and Coverage in Human-Robot Dialogue Collection.'' In Proc. of 2018 AAAI Fall Symposium: Interactive Learning in Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction. AI-HRI 2018.
- Carla Gordon, Kallirroi Georgila, Hyungtak Choi, Jill Boberg, and David Traum. ``Evaluating subjective user feedback for Internet of Things dialogues.'' Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2018)
- Usman Sohail, Carla Gordon and David Traum, ``Mixed Initiative in DS2A'', presented at SoCal NLP Symposium 2018.
- Carla Gordon, Anton Leuski and David Traum ``PRIMER: An Emotionally Reactive, Mixed-Initiative Dialogue System'' presented at SoCal NLP Symposium 2018.
- Cassidy Henry, Stephanie Lukin, Kimberly A. Pollard, Claire
Bonial, Ashley Foots, Ron Artstein, Clare R. Voss, David Traum,
Matthew Marge, Cory J. Hayes, and Susan G. Hill. 2018. ``The Bot
Language Project: Moving Towards Natural Dialogue with Robots''. presented at 2018 SoCalNLP Symposium.
- Eli Pincus, Su Lei, Gale Lucas, Emmanuel Johnson, Michael
Tsang, Jonathan Gratch, and David Traum, ``The Importance of
Regulatory Fit & Early Success in a Human-Machine Game'' in
Proceedings of the APA conference on Technology, Mind, and Society,
- Ron Artstein, Jill Boberg, Alesia Gainer, Jonathan Gratch,
Emmanuel Johnson, Anton Leuski, Gale Lucas and David Traum, ``The
Niki and Julie Corpus: Collaborative Multimodal Dialogues between
Humans, Robots, and Virtual Agents'' in
Proceedings of the LREC
2018 conference.
- David Traum, Cassidy Henry, Stephanie Lukin, Ron Artstein,
Felix Gervits, Kimberly Pollard, Claire Bonial, Su Lei, Clare Voss,
Matthew Marge, Cory Hayes and Susan Hill ``Dialogue Structure
Annotation for Multi-Floor Interaction'' in
Proceedings of the LREC
2018 conference.
- Sarah Fillwock and David Traum, Identification of Personal
Information Shared in Chat-Oriented Dialogue in
Proceedings of the LREC
2018 conference.
- Claire Bonial, Matthew Marge, Ashley Foots, Felix Gervits, Cory
J Hayes, Cassidy Henry, Susan G Hill, Anton Leuski, Stephanie M
Lukin, Pooja Moolchandani, Kimberly A Pollard, David Traum, Clare R
Voss "Laying Down the Yellow Brick Road: Development of a
Wizard-of-Oz Interface for Collecting Human-Robot Dialogue'',
AAAI Fall symposium on Natural Communication for Human-Robot
Collaboration, 2017.
- Gale M. Lucas, Jill Boberg, David R. Traum, Ron
Artstein, Jonathan Gratch, Alesia Gainer, Emmanuel Johnson, Anton
Leuski, Mikio Nakano, "The Role of Social Dialogue and Errors in
Robots.'' HAI Conference pages 431-433, 2017.
- Eugenia Hee, Ron Artstein, Su Lei, Cristian Cepeda and David
Traum, "Assessing Differences in Multimodal Grounding with
Embodied and Disembodied Agents'', in proceedings of 5th European
and 8th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, 2017.
- David Traum,
"Computational Approaches to Dialogue" in The
Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue Edited by Edda
Weigand, Routledge, 2017, pp. 143-161. Pre-release version
- Eli Pincus and David
Traum, An Incremental Response
Policy in an Automatic Word-Game in IVA 2017 Workshop on
Conversational Interruptions in Human-Agent Interactions, 2017.
- Kyusong Lee, Tiancheng
Zhao, Yulun Du, Edward Cai, Allen Lu, Eli Pincus, David Traum,
Stefan Ultes, Lina M. Rojas Barahona, Milica Gasic, Steve Young and
Maxine Eskenazi, DialPort, Gone
Live: An Update After A Year of Development in proceedings of
Sigdial 2017 Conference, 2017.
- Matthew Marge, Claire
Bonial, Ashley Foots, Cory Hayes, Cassidy Henry, Kimberly Pollard,
Ron Artstein, Clare Voss, David Traum, Exploring
Variation of Natural Human Commands to a Robot in a Collaborative
Navigation Task in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language
Grounding for Robotics (at ACL 2017), 2017.
- Cassidy Henry, Pooja
Moolchandani, Kimberly A. Pollard, Claire Bonial, Ashley Foots, Ron
Artstein, Cory Hayes, Clare R. Voss, David Traum and Matthew Marge,
Efficient Human-Robot Dialogue Collection: Moving Fido into the
Virtual World in First WiNLP Workshop (at ACL 2017), 2017.
- Kyusong Lee, Tiancheng
Zhao, Stefan Ultes, Lina Rojas-Barahona, Eli Pincus, David Traum and
Maxine Eskenazi, An Assessment
Framework for DialPort in proceedings of IWSDS 2017
- Ron Artstein, David
Traum, Jill Boberg, Alesia Gainer, Jonathan Gratch, Emmanuel
Johnson, Anton Leuski, Mikio Nakano Listen
to My Body: Does Making Friends Help Influence People? in
proceedings of FLAIRS-30
conference, 2017.
- Brian Scassellati, David
Traum, Katherine Tsui, Ari Shapiro, Laura-Ann Petitto, "The
RAVE: Designing technology-based interactions for deaf infants",
presented at the Society for Research in Child Development
(SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 2017.
- Barbara Manini,
Katherine Tsui, Adam Stone, Brian Scassellati, David Traum, Arcangelo
Merla, Laura-Ann Petitto, "Physiological and behavioral correlates of
babies' social engagement with robot and virtual human artificial
intelligence agents", presented at the Society for Research in Child Development
(SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 2017. abstract
- C. Henry,
P. Moolchandani, K. A. Pollard, C. Bonial, A. Foots, C. Hayes,
R. Artstein, C. R. Voss, D. Traum, and M. Marge, Towards efficient human-robot dialogue
collection: Moving Fido into the virtual world., in SoCal
Robotics Symposium, 2017.
- Harry Bunt, Volha
Petukhova, David Traum, and Jan Alexandersson, Dialogue Act Annotation with the ISO 24617-2
Standard Chapter 6 in
Multimodal Interaction with W3C Standards:
Toward Natural User Interfaces to Everything Ed. Deborah Dahl,
pp. 109--135, 2017.
- Elnaz Nouri, Kallirroi
Georgila, David Traum Culture-specific
models of negotiation for virtual characters: multi-attribute
decision-making based on culture-specific values AI & Society,
32:1, pp. 51--63, February 2017.
- David Traum Using Dialogue System Technology to Support
Interactive History Learning, Journal of Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Volume 31, Number 6, (November 2016). English pre-release version
- Ron Artstein, David Traum,
Jill Boberg, Alesia Gainer, Jonathan Gratch, Emmanuel Johnson, Anton
Leuski, Mikio Nakano, Niki and Julie:
A Robot and Virtual Human for Studying Multimodal Social
Interaction, Demo In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International
Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ACM Press, 2016.
- Albert Rizzo, Scherer
Scherer, David DeVault, Jonathan Gratch, Ronald Artstein, Arno
Hartholt, Gale Lucas, Stacy Marsella, Fabrizio Morbini, Angela
Nazarian, Giota Stratou, David Traum, Rachel Wood, Jill Boberg, Louis
Philippe Morency, "Detection and computational analysis of psychological signals using a virtual human interviewing agent" Journal
of Pain Management, 9:3, pp, 311--322, p2016.
- Setareh Nasihati Gilani, Kraig Sheetz, Gale Lucas, and David
Traum, What Kind of Stories Should a Virtual Human Swap? in
proceedings of IVA 2016 conference, 2016.
- Matthew Marge, Claire Bonial, Kimberly A. Pollard, Ron Artstein,
Brendan Byrne, Susan G. Hill, Clare Voss, and David Traum,
Assessing Agreement in Human-Robot Dialogue Strategies: A Tale of
Two Wizards poster, in proceedings of IVA 2016 conference, 2016.
- Masahiro Mizukami,
Koichiro Yoshino, Graham Neubig, David Traum and Satoshi Nakamura,
the Effect of Entrainment on Dialogue Acts. In proceedings of
Sigdial 2016 conference, 2016.
- Ron Artstein, Alesia Gainer, Kallirroi Georgila, Anton Leuski, Ari Shapiro, and David Traum.
New Dimensions in Testimony Demonstration.
In Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT), Demonstrations, pp. 32-36, San Diego, California, USA, 2016.
- Masahiro Mizukami,
David Traum, Koichiro Yoshino, Graham Neubig, Satoshi Nakamura,
Word and Dialogue Act Entrainment Analysis based on User Profile,
in proceedings of
The 30th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence 2016.
- Takuya Hiraoka, Kallirroi Georgila, Elnaz Nouri, David Traum, and Satoshi Nakamura.
Reinforcement Learning of Multi-Party Trading Dialog Policies.
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2016.
- Eli Pincus, David
Traum Towards
Automatic Identification of Effective Clues for Team Word-Guessing Games in proceedings
of the Language Resources
and Evaluation Conference (LREC) pp. 2741-2747, 2016.
- Kathryn J. Collins and David Traum,Towards a multi-dimensional taxonomy of stories in dialogue in proceedings
of the Language Resources
and Evaluation Conference (LREC) pp. 118-124, 2016.
- Setareh Nasihati Gilani, Kraig Sheetz, Gale Lucas, and David
Traum, What Kind of Stories Should a Virtual Human Swap?:
(Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 2016 International
Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems (AAMAS
'16). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems, Richland, SC, pp. 1437-1438, 2016.
- K. Knudtson, K. Soni, K. Muessig, M. Adams- Larsen, R. Artstein,
A. Leuski, D. Traum, W. Dong, D. Conserve, L. Hightow-Weidman ,
"Tough Talks: developing a virtual reality application to support
HIV status disclosure among young MSM" Poster presented at the 21th International AIDS
Conference (AIDS 2016) Durban, South Africa, 18-22 July 2016
- E. Nouri and D. Traum, USA "Using survey responses for policy generation for interactive agents" presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016).
- S Gandhe, D Traum, A semi-automated evaluation metric for
dialogue model coherence in Situated Dialog in Speech-Based
Human-Computer Interaction, Eds. A Rudnicky, A. Raux I. Lane,
and T. Misu, Springer, pp. 217--225, 2016.
- Carina Corbin ,
Fabrizio Morbini, David Traum, Creating
a Virtual Neighbor in Natural
Language Dialog Systems and Intelligent Assistants
Ed. G.G. Lee, H.K. Kim, M. Jeong, J.-H. Kim, Springer, 2015.
David Traum, Andrew Jones, Kia Hays, Heather Maio, Oleg Alexander, Ron Artstein, Paul Debevec, Alesia Gainer, Kallirroi Georgila, Kathleen Haase, Karen Jungblut, Anton Leuski, Stephen Smith, and William Swartout.
New Dimensions in Testimony: Digitally Preserving a Holocaust Survivor's Interactive Storytelling.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9445, pp. 269-281, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. Best Paper Award
- Giota Stratou, Louis-Philippe Morency, David DeVault, Arno Hartholt, Edward Fast, Margaux Lhommet, Gale Lucas, Fabrizio Morbini, Kallirroi Georgila, Stefan Scherer, Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, David Traum, and Albert Rizzo.
A Demonstration of the Perception System in SimSensei, a Virtual Human Application for Healthcare Interviews.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Xi'an, China, 2015. Best Demo Paper Award
- David Traum, Kallirroi
Georgila, Ron Artstein and Anton Leuski, Evaluating
Spoken Dialogue Processing for Time-Offset Interaction, in
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2015 Conference, pages 199--208,
September 2015. Best Paper Award
- Maxine Eskenazi, Alan W
Black, Sungjin Lee and David Traum THE REAL CHALLENGE 2014: PROGRESS
AND PROSPECTS,in Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2015 Conference, pages 209--216, September 2015.
- Takuya Hiraoka, Kallirroi
Georgila, Elnaz Nouri, David Traum and Satoshi Nakamura, Reinforcement
Learning in Multi-Party Trading Dialog, in Proceedings of the
SIGDIAL 2015 Conference, pages 32--41, September 2015.
- Eli Pincus, Kallirroi
Georgila and David Traum, Which
Synthetic Voice Should I Choose for an Evocative Task?, in Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2015 Conference, pages 105--113, September 2015.
- Gratch, J., Hill, S., Morency, L., Pynadath, D.,Traum, D.
Exploring the implications of virtual human research for
human-robot teams in proceedings of HCI International, pp. 186--196
August 2015.
- Elnaz Nouri, David Traum
cultural report of values and decisions in the multi round ultimatum
game and the centipede game in proceedings of the 4th Cross-Cultural Decision-Making (CCDM) conference July 2015.
- Ron Artstein, Anton
Leuski, Heather Maio, Tomer Mor-Barak, Carla Gordon, David Traum How
Many Utterances Are Needed to Support Time-Offset Interaction? In
The Twenty-Eighth International Flairs Conference. May 2015.
- Louis-Philippe Morency,
Giota Stratou, David DeVault, Arno Hartholt, Margo Lhommet, Gale
Lucas, Fabrizio Morbini, Kallirroi Georgila, Stefan Scherer, Jonathan
Gratch, Stacy Marsella, David Traum, Albert Rizzo SimSensei
Demonstration: A Perceptive Virtual Human Interviewer for Healthcare
Applications Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2015.
- Corbin, C., Morbini, F.,
and Traum, D (2015). Creating a
Virtual Neighbor in International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue
Systems (IWSDS-2105), January 2015.
Mark Core, H. Chad Lane,
David Traum Intelligent Tutoring Support for Learners Interacting
with Virtual Humans, Chapter 20 in Design Recommendations for
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 2, 2014, pp. 249-257.
Thomas Visser , David Traum, David DeVault, Rieks op den Akker
Model for Incremental Grounding in Spoken Dialogue Systems in
Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 61-73.
Eli Pincus and David
DeVault and David Traum Mr. Clue - A Virtual
Agent that can Play Word-Guessing Games Demo at the 3rd Workshop on Games and NLP
(GAMNLP-14), October 2014.
- A Rizzo, S Scherer, D DeVault, J Gratch, R Artstein, A Hartholt,
G Lucas, S Marsella, F Morbini, A Nazarian, G Stratou, D Traum, R
Wood, J Boberg, L-P Morency, Detection and computational analysis
of psychological signals using a virtual human interviewing agent,
in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Disability,
Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT-2014), Gothenburg
Sweden, September, 2014.
Angela Nazarian, Elnaz
Nouri, and David Traum Initiative Patterns in Dialogue
Genres, poster presented at Semdial 2014 (DialWatt), August,
2014. pp. 229-230.
Elnaz Nouri, David Traum,
Models of Cultural Decision Making for Virtual Agents Based on User's
Reported Values in proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents
(IVA) 2014.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8637, 2014, pp 310-315
Hartholt, Arno , Traum,
David , Marsella, Stacy , Morency, Louis-Philippe , Shapiro, Ari ,
Gratch, Jonathan (2014) A
Shared, Modular Architecture for Developing Virtual
Humans. Workshop on Architectures and Standards for IVAs, held
at the "14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
(IVA 2014)", Boston, USA, August.
Kallirroi Georgila, Claire Nelson, and David Traum.
Single-Agent vs. Multi-Agent Techniques for Concurrent Reinforcement Learning of Negotiation Dialogue Policies.
In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL),
pp. 500-510, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2014.
Elnaz Nouri, David Traum
Initiative Taking in Negotiation, In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL), 2014
Fabrizio Morbini, David
DeVault, Kallirroi Georgila, Ron Artstein, David Traum,
Louis-Philippe Morency A Demonstration of Dialogue Processing in SimSensei Kiosk, In 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 2014
Sudeep Gandhe, David
Traum SAWDUST: a Semi-Automated Wizard Dialogue Utterance Selection Tool for domain-independent large-domain dialogue, In SIGDIAL 2014 Conference, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014.
Jonathan Gratch, Ron
Artstein, Gale Lucas, Giota Stratou Stefan Scherer,
Angela Nazarian, Rachel Wood, Jill Boberg, David DeVault, Stacy
Marsella, David Traum, Skip Rizzo, Louis-Phillipe Morency, The
Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of human and computer interviews,
In proceedings of LREC 2014.
Eli Pincus, David Traum
Towards a Multimodal Taxonomy of
Dialogue Moves for Word-Guessing Games in proceedings of the
10th Workshop on Multimodal Corpora, May 2014.
David DeVault, Ron Artstein, Grace Benn, Teresa Dey, Ed Fast,
Alesia Gainer, Kallirroi Georgila, Jon Gratch, Arno Hartholt,
Margaux Lhommet, Gale Lucas, Stacy Marsella, Fabrizio Morbini,
Angela Nazarian, Stefan Scherer, Giota Stratou, Apar Suri,
David Traum, Rachel Wood, Yuyu Xu, Albert Rizzo,
and Louis-Philippe Morency.
SimSensei kiosk: A virtual human interviewer for healthcare
Decision Support.
In Proceedings of the
13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2014),
pages 1061–1068,
Paris, May 2014.
Ron Artstein, David Traum, Oleg Alexander, Anton Leuski, Andrew Jones,
Kallirroi Georgila, Paul Debevec, William Swartout, Heather Maio,
and Stephen Smith.
interaction with a Holocaust survivor.
IUI '14:
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
pages 163–168,
Haifa, Israel, February 2014.
Sudeep Gandhe and David
Traum A semi-automated evaluation
metric for dialogue model coherence, In proceedings of the
fifth International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue systems,
pp. 141-- 150, Janury 2014.
Elanz Nouri, David
Traum, Cultural Differences in Playing
Repeated Ultimatum Game online with Virtual Humans in proceedings
of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science
(HICSS-47) pp. 1213--1220, January 2014.
Fabrizio Morbini, David Devault, Kenji Sagae, Jillian Gerten,
Angela Nazarian and David Traum FLoReS: A Forward Looking, Reward
Seeking, Dialogue Manager in Natural Interaction with Robots,
Knowbots and Smartphones - Putting Spoken Dialog Systems into
Practice, Joseph Mariani, Sophie Rosset, Martine
Garnier-Rizet, Laurence Devillers editors, pp. 313--325, Springer 2014.
William Swartout, Ron Artstein, Eric Forbell, Susan Foutz, H. Chad Lane,
Belinda Lange, Jacquelyn Morie, Dan Noren, Skip Rizzo, and David Traum.
Virtual humans for learning.
AI Magazine 34(4): 13-30, 2013.
Arno Hartholt, David
Traum, Stacy Marsella, Ari Shapiro, Giota Stratou, Anton Leuski,
Louis-Philippe Morency, Jonathan Gratch All Together
Now, Introducing the Virtual Human Toolkit in proceedings of IVA
conference, August 2013.
Sudeep Gandhe and David
Traum Surface Text based Dialogue Models for Virtual Humans, in proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference: the 14th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 251--260. Metz, France, August 2013.
David DeVault, Kallirroi Georgila, Ron Artstein, Fabrizio
Morbini, David Traum, Stefan Scherer, Albert (Skip) Rizzo and
Louis-Philippe Morency. Verbal indicators of psychological
distress in interactive dialogue with a virtual human,
In proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference: the 14th Annual
Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,
pages 193--202. Metz, France, August 2013.
Eric Forbell, Nicolai Kalisch, Fabrizio Morbini, Kelly Christoffersen,
Kenji Sagae, David Traum and Albert A. Rizzo, Roundtable: An Online
Framework for Building Web-based Conversational Agents Demo paper In
proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference: the 14th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,
pages 372--374, Metz, France, August 2013.
Fabrizio Morbini, Kartik Audhkhasi, Kenji Sagae, Ron Artstein,
Doğan Can, Panayiotis Georgiou, Shri Narayanan, Anton Leuski and
David Traum, Which ASR should I choose for my dialogue system?
In Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference: the 14th Annual
Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,
pages 394--403. Metz, France, August 2013.
E. Nouri, Park, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, P. Carnevale,
L. P. Morency, D. Traum, Prediction of Strategy and Outcome as
Negotiation Unfolds by Using Basic Verbal and Behavioral Features. In
proceedings of Interspeech Conference, pp. 1458--1461, August 2013.
E. Nouri, D. Traum, A Cross-cultural study of playing simple
economic games online with humans and virtual humans. In
proceedings of Human Computer Interaction International Conference, July 2013.
E. Nouri, D. Traum, Prediction of Game Behavior Based on
Culture Factors. In proceedings of Group Decision and Negotiation
Conference, pp. 328--340, June 2013.
David DeVault and David
Traum, A method for the approximation
of incremental understanding of explicit utterance meaning using
predictive models in finite domains, in proceedings of the
2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association
for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
(NAACL-HLT 2013), June 2013.
- Albert (Skip) Rizzo, Eric Forbell,
Belinda Lange, John Galen Buckwalter, Josh Williams, Kenji Sagae,
David Traum, SimCoach:
An Online Intelligent Virtual Agent System for Breaking Down
Barriers to Care for Service Members and Veterans in Healing War
Trauma: A Handbook of Creative Approaches, Ed. R. M. Scurfield and
K. T. Platoni, Routledge, 2013, pp. 238-250.
- David Traum, Non-Cooperative and Deceptive Virtual Agents, in IEEE Intelligent
27(6): Trends
and Controversies: Computational Deception and Noncooperation,
pages 66-69, 2012.
- Fabrizio Morbini, Kartik
Audhkhasi, Ron Artstein, Maarten Van Segbroeck, Kenji Sagae,
Panayiotis Georgiou, David Traum, Shri Narayanan A
Reranking Approach for Recognition and Classification of Speech Input
in Conversational Dialogue Systems, in proceedings of
2012 IEEE Workshop on Spoken
Language Technology (SLT-2012), Miami Beach, Florida, December 2012
- Fabrizio Morbini,
David Devault, Kenji Sagae, Jillian Gerten, Angela Nazarian and David
Traum FLoReS: A Forward Looking,
Reward Seeking, Dialogue Manager in proceedings of International
Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems (IWSDS-2012), Ermenonville,
France, November 2012.
- Thomas Visser, David
Traum, David DeVault, Rieks op den Akker Toward a Model for
Incremental Grounding in Spoken Dialogue Systems, in the Workshop on
Real-Time Conversations with Virtual Agents (RCVA 2012), Santa Cruz, California, September 2012.
- David Traum, David
DeVault, Jina Lee, Zhiyang Wang, and Stacy Marsella, Incremental
Dialogue Understanding and Feedback for Multiparty, Multimodal
Conversation In
Yukiko Nakano, Michael Neff, Ana Paiva, and Marilyn Walker, editors,
Virtual Agents, (IVA 2012) volume 7502 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 245-251. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
- David Traum, Priti
Aggarwal, Ron Artstein, Susan Foutz, Jillian Gerten, Athanasios
Katsamanis, Anton Leuski, Dan Noren, and William Swartout.
Ada and Grace: Direct interaction with museum visitors. In
Yukiko Nakano, Michael Neff, Ana Paiva, and Marilyn Walker, editors,
Virtual Agents (IVA-2012), volume 7502 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 245-251. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
- Elnaz Nouri, Kallirroi
Georgila, and David Traum.
A Cultural Decision-Making Model for Negotiation based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning.
In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Sapporo, Japan, 2012.
- Misu T., Georgila K., Leuski A., and Traum D.
Reinforcement Learning of Question-Answering Dialogue Policies for Virtual Museum Guides.
In SIGdial 2012, the 13th Annual SIGdial meeting on Discourse and
Dialogue, Seoul, South Korea, 2012.
- David DeVault and David
Traum, A
Demonstration of Incremental Speech Understanding and Confidence
Estimation in a Virtual Human Dialogue System, Demonstration, In SIGdial 2012, the 13th Annual SIGdial meeting on Discourse and
Dialogue, Seoul, South Korea, 2012.
- Fabrizio Morbini, Eric
Forbell, David DeVault, Kenji Sagae, David Traum and Albert
Rizzo. A Mixed-Initiative Conversational Dialogue System for Healthcare. Demonstration in SIGdial 2012, the 13th Annual SIGdial meeting on Discourse and
Dialogue, Seoul, South Korea, 2012.
- David DeVault and David
Traum, Incremental Speech
Understanding in a Multi-Party Virtual Human Dialogue System
NAACL HLT 2012 Demo.
Priti Aggarwal, Ron Artstein, Jillian Gerten, Athanasios Katsamanis,
Shrikanth Narayanan, Angela Nazarian, and David Traum.
The Twins corpus of museum visitor questions.
In proceedings of
the International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2012).
Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
Harry Bunt, Jan Alexandersson, Jae-Woong Choe, Alex Chengyu
Fang, Koiti Hasida, Volha Petukhova, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Claudia
Soria, and David Traum, ISO 24617-2: A semantically-based standard
for dialogue annotation In proceedings of
the International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC),
Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
Kallirroi Georgila, Alan W. Black, Kenji Sagae, and David
Traum. Practical Evaluation of Human and Synthesized Speech for
Virtual Human Dialogue Systems In proceedings of
the International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC),
Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
Xuchen Yao, Emma Tosch, Grace Chen, Elnaz Nouri,
Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, Kenji Sagae, and David Traum.
Creating conversational characters using question generation tools.
Dialogue and Discourse 3(2): 125-146, 2012.
PDF (193K)
William Yang Wang, Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, and David Traum.
Improving spoken dialogue understanding using phonetic mixture models.
In Chutima Boonthum-Denecke, Philip M. McCarthy, and Travis A. Lamkin, editors,
Cross-Disciplinary Advances in Applied Natural Language Processing:
Issues and Approaches, chapter 15, pages 225–-238. IGI Global,
Hershey, PA, 2012. pre-release version
A. Rizzo, K. Sagae, E Forbell, J Kim, B Lange, J. Buckwalter,
J. Williams, T. Parsons, P. Kenny, D. Traum, J. Difede, B. Rothbaum,
SimCoach: An Intelligent Virtual Human System for Providing
Healthcare Information and Support, presented at I/ITSEC 2011.
Elnaz Nouri, Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, and David Traum. Augmenting conversational
characters with generated question-answer pairs.
In Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Question Generation, Nov
Brian Pluss, David
DeVault, David Traum, Toward Rapid
Development of Multi-Party Virtual Human Negotiation Scenarios, in
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and
Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2011), September 2011.
Antonio Roque, Mark Core,
Dusan Jan, David Traum, Using
virtual tour behavior to build dialogue models for training
review, in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland. September, 2011.
Dusan Jan, Eric Chance, Dinesh Rajpurohit, David DeVault, Anton Leuski, Jacki
Morie, and David Traum.
Checkpoint exercise: Training with
virtual actors in virtual worlds.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent
Virtual Agents, IVA, pages 453–454, Sep 2011.
Priti Aggarwal, Kevin Feeley, Fabrizio Morbini, Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski,
David Traum, and Julia Kim.
Interactive characters for
cultural training of small military units.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent
Virtual Agents (IVA), pages 426–427, Reykjavik, Iceland, Sep
Priti Aggarwal and David
Traum. The BML Sequencer: A Tool for
Authoring Multi-character Animations, poster, in proceedings of
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 11th International Conference, IVA
2011,pages 428-430, Reykjavik, Iceland, September, 2011.
Peter Khooshabeh, Sudeep
Gandhe, Cade McCall, Jonathan Gratch, James Blascovich and David
Traum. The effects of virtual agent humor and gaze behavior on human-virtual agent proxemics, poster, in proceedings of
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 11th International Conference, IVA
2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, September, 2011.
Elnaz Nouri and David Traum, A Cultural Decision-Making Model
for Virtual Agents Playing Negotiation Games. presented at the
International Workshop on Culturally Motivated Virtual
Characters, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2011.
David DeVault, Kenji Sagae, and David Traum Incremental
interpretation and prediction of utterance meaning for interactive
dialogue in
Dialogue & Discourse, 2(1):143-170, 2011.
Sudeep Gandhe, Michael Rushforth, Priti Aggarwal and David Traum.
Evaluation of an Integrated Authoring Tool for Building Advanced Question-Answering Characters.
In the 12th
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication
Association (InterSpeech 2011).
DeVault, Kenji Sagae, and David Traum Detecting
the Status of a Predictive Incremental Speech Understanding Model
for Real-Time Decision-Making in a Spoken Dialogue System , in the 12th
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication
Association (InterSpeech 2011).
Georgila K. and Traum D.
Reinforcement Learning of Argumentation Dialogue Policies in Negotiation.
In Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Florence, Italy, 2011.
- Ron Artstein, Michael Rushforth, Sudeep Gandhe, David Traum and Aram Donigian.
Limits of simple dialogue acts for tactical questioning dialogues.
In Proceedings of the
7th IJCAI workshop on knowledge
and reasoning in practical dialogue systems,
pages 1–8.
Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
Georgila K. and Traum D.
Learning Culture-Specific Dialogue Models from Non-Culture Specific Data.
In Universal Access in HCI, HCI International, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2011.
David Herrera, David Novick, Dusan Jan, David Traum,
behaviors across culture and group size, Proceedings of HCI
International 2011, July 11-14, 2011, Orlando, FL, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6766/2011, 450-459.
Kallirroi Georgila, Ron Artstein, Angela Nazarian, Michael Rushforth,
David Traum, and Katia Sycara.
An annotation scheme for cross-cultural argumentation and persuasion
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2011 Conference: the 12th Annual Meeting
of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,
pages 272–278.
Portland, Oregon, June 2011. (Poster)
PDF (119KB)
Sudeep Gandhe, Alysa Taylor, Jillian Gerten and David
Traum. Rapid Development of Advanced Question-Answering Characters by Non-experts, Demo in proceedings of 12th annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SigDial 2011), June 2011.
William Yang Wang, Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, and David Traum.
Improving spoken dialogue understanding using phonetic mixture models.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 329–334.
Palm Beach, Florida, May 2011. (Finalist for best paper award)
Grace Chen, Emma Tosch, Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, and David Traum.
Evaluating conversational characters created through question generation.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 343–344.
Palm Beach, Florida, May 2011. (Poster – best
poster award )
PDF paper (57K),
PDF poster (135KB)
Julia Campbell, Mark Core, Ron Artstein, Lindsay Armstrong, Arno Hartholt,
Cyrus Wilson, Kallirroi Georgila, Fabrizio Morbini, Edward Haynes, Dave
Gomboc, Mike Birch, Jonathan Bobrow, H. Chad Lane, Jillian Gerten, Anton
Leuski, David Traum, Matthew Trimmer, Rich DiNinni, Matthew Bosack, Timothy
Jones, Richard E. Clark, and Kenneth A. Yates.
Developing INOTS to support
interpersonal skills practice.
In Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual IEEE Aerospace Conference
(IEEEAC), 2011.
Anton Leuski and David Traum.
NPCEditor: Creating
virtual human dialogue using information retrieval techniques.
AI Magazine, 32(2):42–56, 2011.
- William Swartout, David Traum, Ron Artstein, Dan Noren, Paul
Debevec, Kerry Bronnenkant, Josh Williams, Anton Leuski, Shrikanth
S. Narayanan, Diane Piepol, Chad Lane, Jacquelyn Morie, Priti
Aggarwal, Matt Liewer, Jen-Yuan Chiang, Jillian Gerten, Selina Chu
and Kyle White, Virtual Museum
Guides, demo presented at: IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Berkeley, CA, 2010
- Antonio Roque, Kallirroi
Georgila, Ron Artstein, Kenji Sagae, David
Traum. Natural Language
Processing for Joint Fire Observer Training. In: Proceedings of
the 27th Army Science Conference. November 2010.
- Sudeep Gandhe and David
Traum. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: An
empirical investigation of the upper bound of the selection approach
to dialogue. In: 11th annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and
Dialogue. Tokyo, Japan: Association for Computational Linguistics,
pp. 245-248, September 2010.
- Jenny Brusk, Ron
Artstein, David Traum. Don't
tell anyone! Two Experiments on Gossip Conversations. In:
Proceedings of the 11th SIGdial Annual Meeting on Discourse and
Dialogue. Tokyo: Association for Computational Linguistics,
pp. 193-200, September 2010.
- William Swartout, David
Traum, Ron Artstein, Dan Noren, Paul Debevec, Kerry Bronnenkant, Josh
Williams, Anton Leuski, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Diane Piepol, Chad
Lane, Jacquelyn Morie, Priti Aggarwal, Matt Liewer, Jen-Yuan Chiang,
Jillian Gerten, Selina Chu and Kyle White, Ada and Grace: Toward Realistic and Engaging Virtual Museum Guides, in: In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2010
- Anton Leuski and David
Traum Practical Language Processing
for Virtual Humans In proceedings of the Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. July 2010.
- Kenji Sagae, David
DeVault, and David Traum Interpretation of
Partial Utterances in Virtual Human Dialogue Systems,
Demonstration, in proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2010 Demonstration)
- David Herrera, David
Novick, Dusan Jan and David
Traum, The UTEP-ICT Cross-Cultural
Multiparty Multimodal Dialog Corpus, In proceedings of
Multimodal Corpora Workshop: Advances in Capturing,
Coding and Analyzing Multimodality (MMC 2010), May 2010
- Anton Leuski and David Traum
NPCEditor: A Tool for Building Question-Answering Characters
in proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
- Susan Robinson, Antonio Roque, David Traum
Dialogues in Context: An Objective User-Oriented Evaluation Approach for Virtual Human Dialogue
in proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
- Xuchen Yao, Pravin
Bhutada, Kallirroi Georgila, Kenji Sagae, Ron Artstein, and David
Traum. Practical evaluation of speech
recognizers for virtual human dialogue systems in proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
- Harry Bunt, Jan Alexandersson, Jean Carletta, Jae-Woong Choe, Alex Chengyu Fang,
Koiti Hasida, Kiyong Lee, Volha Petukhova, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Laurent Romary,
Claudia Soria, and David Traum,
Towards an ISO standard for dialogue act annotation in proceedings
of the
7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
- Sebastian Andersson,
Kallirroi Georgila, David Traum, Matthew Aylett, and Robert
A.J. Clark, Prediction and
realisation of conversational characteristics by utilising
spontaneous speech for unit selection in proceedings of 5th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May, 2010.
- David Traum and
L. P. Morency, Integration of
Visual Perception in Dialogue Understanding for Virtual Humans
in Multi-Party interaction in proceedings of AAMAS International Workshop on Interacting with ECAs as Virtual Characters, May 2010.
- David DeVault, Susan
Robinson, and David Traum , IORelator: A Graphical User Interface to Enable Rapid Semantic Annotation for Data-Driven Natural Language Understanding, in proceedings of the Fifth Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-5), Hong Kong, January 2010.
- David DeVault, Kenji
Sagae and David Traum, Can I
finish? Learning when to respond to incremental interpretation
results in interactive dialogue, in proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 conference, the 10th Annual SIGDIAL meeting on Discourse and Dialogue September 2009.
- Dusan Jan, Antonio
Roque, Anton Leuski, Jacki Morie, David Traum, A virtual tour guide for virtual worlds in Intelligent
Virtual Agents Conference (IVA), Sept. 2009. pre-release version
- Michael Rushforth, Sudeep
Gandhe, Ron Artstein , Antonio Roque, Sarrah Ali, Nicolle Whitman,
and David Traum, Varying
Personality in Spoken Dialogue with a Virtual Human, poster
presented at Intelligent Virtual Humans Conference
(IVA-09). Extended Tech report
- David
Traum, Models of Culture for Virtual Human Conversation, in Human Computer Interaction
International (HCII), July 2009, San Diego.
pre-release version
- Antonio Roque and David
Traum, Improving
a Virtual Human Using a Model of Degrees of Grounding, in
proceedings of International Joint Conerence on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-09, Pasadena, CA.
- Sudeep Gandhe,
Nicolle Whitman, David Traum and Ron
Artstein, An Integrated Authoring
Toolkit for Tactical Questioning Dialogue Systems , in IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical
Dialogue Systems, Pasadena, CA, July 2009.
- Ron Artstein, Sudeep
Gandhe, Michael Rushforth, and David
Traum. Viability of a simple dialogue
act scheme for a tactical questioning dialogue system. In
Proceedings of DiaHolmia 2009: the 13th Workshop on the Semantics
and Pragmatics of Dialogue, pages 43-50. Stockholm, Sweden, June
- Rieks op den Akker and
Traum, A
comparison of addressee detection methods for multiparty
conversations, in proceedings of Diaholmia 2009: the 13th
workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue. Stockholm, Sweden, June
- Kenji Sagae, Gwen
Christian, David DeVault and David Traum
Natural Language Understanding of Partial Speech Recognition Results
in Dialogue Systems in Proceedings of Human Language
Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion
Volume: Short Papers, 2009.
- Ron Artstein, Sudeep
Gandhe, Jillian Gerten, Anton Leuski, and David Traum. Semi-formal evaluation of conversational characters. In Languages: From Formal to Natural. Essays Dedicated to Nissim Francez on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by Orna Grumberg, Michael Kaminski, Shmuel Katz, and Shuly Wintner, volume 5533 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 22-35. Springer, Berlin, May 2009.
- Luciana Benotti and David Traum
computational account of comparative implicatures for a spoken
dialogue agent in Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS-8), pp. 4-17, January 2009.
- Ron Artstein, Jacob
Cannon, Sudeep Gandhe, Jillian Gerten, Joseph Henderer, Anton
Leuski, and David Traum, Coherence of
Off-Topic Responses for a Virtual Character, in proceedings of
the 26th Army Science
Conference December 2008.
- Anton Leuski
and David Traum A Statistical Approach for Text Processing in
Virtual Humans in proceedings of
the 26th Army Science
Conference December 2008.
- David Traum,
Anton Leuksi, Antonio Roque, Sudeep Gandhe, David DeVault, Jillian
Gerten, Susan Robinson, Bilyana
Martinovski, Natural Language Dialogue
Architectures for Tactical Questioning Characters in proceedings of
the 26th Army Science
Conference December 2008.
- Sudeep Gandhe, David DeVault, Antonio Roque, Bilyana Martinovski,
Ron Artstein, Anton Leuski, Jillian Gerten, and David Traum, From Domain Specification to Virtual Humans:
An integrated approach to authoring tactical questioning
characters in proceedings of
Interspeech 2008,
September 2008.
- David Traum , Stacy
Marsella , Jonathan Gratch , Jina Lee , and Arno
Hartholt, Multi-party, Multi-issue, Multi-strategy Negotiation for
Multi-modal Virtual Agents
in proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 2008.
- David DeVault,
David Traum, and Ron Artstein, Making Grammar-Based
Generation Easier to Deploy in Dialogue Systems In proceedings of
The 9th SIGdial Workshop on
Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial 2008), June, 2008.
- Sudeep Gandhe and David Traum
Evaluation Understudy for Dialogue Coherence Models
In proceedings of
The 9th SIGdial Workshop on
Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial 2008), June, 2008.
- Antonio Roque and
David Traum, Degrees of Grounding Based on Evidence of Understanding
In proceedings of
The 9th SIGdial Workshop on
Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial 2008), June, 2008.
- David DeVault,
David Traum, and Ron Artstein, Practical Grammar-Based NLG from
Examples The
Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG
2008), June, 2008.
- David
Traum Computational
Models of Non-Cooperative dialogue Abstract of invited talk at
2008 Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, May 2008.
- Jina Lee, David DeVault,
Stacy Marsella, and David Traum, Thoughts on
FML: Behavior Generation in the Virtual Human Communication
Architecture, presented at FML 2008 "Why Conversational Agents do what they do Functional Representations for Generating Conversational Agent Behavior", The First Functional Markup Language Workshop at AAMAS, May 2008.
- Ron Artstein, Sudeep
Gandhe, Anton Leuski, and David
Traum, Field Testing of an Interactive
Question-Answering Character in proceedings of the ELRA
Workshop on Evaluation, LREC 2008.
- Susan Robinson, David
Traum, Midhun Ittycheriah and Joe
Henderer, What would you ask a
conversational agent? Observations of Human-Agent dialogues in a
museum setting, in proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), May 2008.
- Arno Hartholt, Thomas
Russ, David Traum, Eduard Hovy and Susan
Robinson, A Common Ground for Virtual Humans:
Using an Ontology in a Natural Language Oriented Virtual Human
Architecture, in proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), May 2008.
- David Traum, "Talking to Virtual Humans: Dialogue Models and Methodologies for Embodied
Conversational Agents" In I Wachsmuth and G Knoblich (Ed.), Modeling Communication with Robots and Virtual Humans, pp. 296-309, 2008. pre-release
- D. R. Traum, W. Swartout, J Gratch, S Marsella, "A Virtual Human
Dialogue Model for Non-team Interaction", in Recent
Trends in Discourse and Dialogue Springer, Laila Dybkjaer and
Wolfgang Minker, Eds, pp. 45--67, 2008. pre-release
- B. Martinovski, D. Traum,
S. Marsella, Rejection of Empathy in
Negotiation, Group Decision
and Negotiation, 16:61--76,
2007. Pre-release version
- P. Kenny, A. Hartholt,
J. Gratch, W. Swartout, D. Traum, S. Marsella,
D. Piepol Building Interactive
Virtual Humans for Training Environments in proceedings of
I/ITSEC, Nov. 2007. Best Paper Nominee
- D Jan, D Herrera, B Martinovski, D Novick and
D Traum A computational Model of Culture-specific Conversational
Behavior in proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference,
pp. 45--56, September, 2007.
- J Lee, S Marsella, D
Traum, J Gratch, and B Lance The Rickel
Gaze Model: A Window on the Mind of a Virtual Human, in
proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference, pp. 296--303,
September, 2007.
- D. Traum, A. Roque,
A. Leuski, P. Georgiou, J. Gerten, B.Martinovski, S. Narayanan,
S. Robinson, and A. Vaswani. Hassan: A virtual human for tactical questioning In Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 71-74, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2007.
- Antonio Roque and David
Traum A Model of Compliance and Emotion for Potentially Adversarial Dialogue Agents In Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 35-38, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2007.
- Hua Ai, Antonio Roque,
Anton Leuski, David Traum. Using
Information State to Improve Dialogue Move Identification in a
Spoken Dialogue System In proceedings of Interspeech 2007 conference,
pp. 154--157, August 2007.
- S Gandhe and D Traum, Creating Spoken Dialogue Characters from
Corpora without Annotations in proceedings of the Interspeech
2007 conference, pp. 2201--2204, August, 2007.
- Patrick Kenny, Arno Hartholt, Jonathan Gratch, David Traum,
Stacy Marsella, Bill Swartout The More the Merrier: Multi-Party
Negotiation with Virtual Humans presented at the Intelligent
Systems Demonstrations program, AAAI, July 2007, pp. 1970--1971, July 2007.
- D. Jan and D. Traum Dynamic Movement and Positioning of Embodied Agents in Multiparty Conversations, in proceedings of ACL 2007 workshop on Embodied Language Processing, pp. 59-66, June 2007.
- B Martinovski, D Novick,
D Traum, D Herrera and D Jan, "Simulation and Evaluation of Virtual
Human Non-Verbal Interaction", presented at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden 2007.
- D Jan and D Traum, Dynamic Movement and Positioning of
Embodied Agents in Multiparty Conversations in proceedings of
Sixth international joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent systems (AAMAS), Hawaii, 2007.
- S Gandhe and D Traum, First Steps toward Dialogue Modelling from an Un-annotated Human-Human Corpus IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2007.
- M. Core, D. Traum,
H. C. Lane, W. Swartout, S Marsella, J. Gratch, and M van
Lent, Teaching Negotiation Skills through Practice and Reflection with Virtual Humans, in Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, 82:685--701, 2006.
- W. Swartout, J. Gratch, R. Hill, E Hovy, S Marsella,
J. Rickel, D Traum, Towards Virtual Humans, AI
Magazine, 27:96--108, 2006.
- A Leuski, B Kennedy, R Patel, and D Traum, Asking Questions To Limited Domain Virtual Characters: How Good Does Speech Recognition Have To Be? 25th Army Science Conference, Orlando, Fl, 2006.
- S Robinson, A Roque, A
Vaswani, C Hernandez, B Millspaugh, and D Traum, Evaluation of a Spoken Dialogue System for Virtual Reality Call for Fire Training 25th Army Science Conference, Orlando, Fl, 2006. Best paper award
- R Hill, J M Kim, A S
Gordon, D Traum, S Gandhe, S. King, S Lavis and Scott Rocher, AXL.Net: Web-enabled Case Method Instruction for Accelerating Tacit Knowledge Acquisition in Leaders 25th Army Sceince Conference, Orlando, Fl, 2006.
- A Roque and D Traum, An Information State-Based Dialogue Manager for Call for Fire Dialogues The 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Sydney Australia, 2006.
- A Leuski, R Patel, D Traum, and B Kennedy, Building Effective Question Answering Characters 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Sydney Australia, 2006.
- R Patel, A Leuski, and D
Traum, Dealing with Out of Domain Questions in Virtual Characters, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'06), Marina del Rey, 2006.
- A Roque, H Ai, and D Traum, Evaluation
of an Information State-Based Dialogue Manager, Brandial 2006: The 10th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Potsdam, Germany, 2006.
- A Roque, A Leuski, V Rangarajan, S Robinson, S Vaswani, S Narayanan, and D Traum ``Radiobot-CFF: A Spoken Dialogue System for Military Training, Interspeech,2006 Pittsburgh, PA, 2006.
- J Tepperman, D Traum, and S Narayanan, ``Yeah right: Sarcasm recognition for spoken dialogue systems,''
Yeah right: Sarcasm recognition for spoken dialogue
systems, Interspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006.
- A Leuski, J Pair, D Traum, P. J. McNerney, P Georgiou, R
Patel. How
to Talk to a Hologram International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2006), January 2006.
- Sudeep Gandhe, Andrew Gordon, and David Traum Improving
Question-Answering with Linking Dialogues, International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2006), January 2006.
- Pierre Dillenbourg and
David Traum, Sharing solutions: persistence and
grounding in multi-modal collaborative problem solving. in
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15:121--151, 2006.
- David Traum, William
Swartout, Stacy
Marsella, and Jonathan Gratch Fight,
Flight, or Negotiate: Believable Strategies for Conversing under
Crisis in proceedings of 5th International Working Conference
on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 2005.
- Dusan Jan and David
R. Traum Dialog Simulation for Background
Characters in proceedings of 5th International Working Conference
on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 2005.
- David Traum, William
Swartout, Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, Patrick Kenny, Eduard
Hovy, Shri Narayanan, Ed Fast, Bilyana Martinovski, Rahul Baghat,
Susan Robinson, Andrew Marshall, Dagen Wang, Sudeep Gandhe and Anton
Leuski Dealing with Doctors: A Virtual Human for
Non-team Interaction in proceedings of Sigdial 05, Lisbon, Portugal,
September, 2005.
- David Traum, William
Swartout, Jonathan Gratch, and Stacy
Marsella, Virtual Humans for non-team interaction
training in proceedings of the
AAMAS-05Workshop on
Creating Bonds with Humanoids, July 2005.
Youngjun Kim, Randall W. Hill, Jr., and David
R. Traum, Controlling the Focus of
Perceptual Attention in Embodied Conversational Agents, in
proceedings of the the Fourth International
Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, July
- David Traum Miscommunication: the
Good, the Bad, and the Ugly presentation at Symposium on
Cogsci2005 , July 2005
- Robert Belvin; Emil Ettelaie; Sudeep Gandhe; Panayiotis Georgiou; Kevin Knight; Daniel Marcu; Scott Millward; Shrikanth Narayanan; Howard Neely; David Traum,
Transonics: A
Practical Speech-to-Speech Translator for English-Farsi Medical
Dialogs Demo presented at ACL Interactive Poster and
Demonstration Sessions, June 2005.
Youngjun Kim, Randall W. Hill, Jr., and David R. Traum, A Computational Model of
Dynamic Perceptual Attention for Virtual Humans, presented at the
14th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and
Simulation, May 2005.
- Bilyana Martinovski, David
Traum, and Stacy Marsella Rejection of
empathy and its linguistic manifestations in Procedings of
Conference on Formal and Informal Negotiation, FINEXIN, Canada:
Ottawa, May, 2005.
- Anton Nijholt & David Traum
The virtuality Continuum revisited", presented at CHI 2005
Workshop on
the virtuality continuum revisited. April, 2005.
- W. Swartout, J. Gratch, R. Hill, E. Hovy, R. Lindheim, S. Marsella, J. Rickel,
D. Traum, Simulation meets Hollywood: Integrating Graphics, Sound,
Story and Character for Immersive Simulation ,
in Multimodal
Intelligent Information Presentation, Eds. Oliviero Stock and Massimo
Zancanaro. (pre-release version)
- Sudeep
Gandhe, Andrew Gordon, Anton Leuski, David R Traum, and Douglas
W. Oard, First steps toward linking Dialogues: mediating
between free-text questions and pre-recorded video answers presented at the Army Science Conference, 2004.
- Jigish Patel, Robert
Parker, and David Traum Simulation of Small Group Discussions for
Middle Level of Detail Crowds poster presented at Army Science
Conference, 2004
- S. Narayanan, S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Belvin, E. Ettelaie,
S. Gandhe, S. Ganjavi, P. G. Georgiou, C. M. Hein,
S. Kadambe, K. Knight, D. Marcu, H. E. Neely,
N. Srinivasamurthy, D. Traum, and D. Wang, The Transonics
Spoken Dialogue Translator: An aid for English-Persian
Doctor-Patient interviews, in working notes of the
AAAI Fall symposium on in working notes of the
AAAI Fall symposium on Dialogue Systems for Health Communication, pp
97--103, 2004.
- William Swartout,
Jonathan Gratch, Randall Hill, Eduard Hovy, Stacy Marsella, Jeff
Rickel, David Traum Toward Virtual Humans in working notes of the
AAAI Fall symposium on Achieving Human-Level Intelligence through Integrated Systems and
Research, 2004
- Jigish Patel, Robert Parker
and David Traum, Small group discussion simulation for middle level
of detail crowds Poster
paper in proceedings of Catalog: 8th workshop on semantics
and pragmatics of dialogue, pages 160--161, 2004.
- Traum, D.R., Marsella, S., Gratch, J. Emotion and
Dialogue in the MRE Virtual Humans. Proceedings of the Tutorial
and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (Kloster, Irsee,
June 2004).
- Muller, T.J., Hartholt,
A., Marsella, S., Gratch, J., Traum, D.R. Do
You Want To Talk About It? A First Step Towards Emotion Integrated
Dialogue. Proceedings of Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective
Dialogue Systems (Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 2004).
- David R. Traum, Susan Robinson, Jens Stephan Evaluation of multi-party virtual reality dialogue
interaction, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), pp. 1699-1702.
- Susan Robinson, Bilyana
Martinovski, Saurabh Garg, Jens Stephan, David R. Traum, Issues in corpus development for multi-party multi-modal
task-oriented dialogue, in Proceedings of Fourth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), pp. 1707-1710.
- Saurabh Garg, Bilyana
Martinovski, Susan Robinson, Jens Stephan, Joel Tetreault, David
R. Traum, Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation tools for
a Multi-modal, Multi-party dialogue corpus, in Proceedings of Fourth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), pp. 2163-2166.
- Nizar Habash , Bonnie
Dorr , David Traum , Hybrid Natural
Language Generation from Lexical Conceptual Structures , Machine
Translation, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 81 - 128.
- David Traum, Issues in multi-party dialogues, in
Advances in Agent Communication Ed. F. Dignum, Springer-Verlag
LNAI 2922 pp. 201-211, 2004. (pre-release version)
- Randall W. Hill, Jr., Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, Jeff
Rickel, William Swartout, and David Traum, Virtual Humans in the
Mission Rehearsal Exercise System, KI special issue on
Embodied Conversational Agents, 4/03:5-10, 2003. (pre-release version)
- S. Narayanan,
S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Belvin, E. Ettaile, S. Ganjavi, P. Georgiou,
C. Hein, S. Kadambe, K. Knight, D. Marcu, H. Neely,
N. Srinivasamurthy, D. Traum and D. Wang, Transonics: A speech to
speech system for English-Persian Interactions, Proc. IEEE ASRU, (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands), December, 2003.
- Bilyana Martinovski, David
Traum, Susan Robinson, and Saurabh Garg Functions and Patterns of
Speaker and Addressee Identifications in Distributed Complex
Organizational Tasks Over Radio, in Proceedings of Diabruck (7th
Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue), pp. 193-194, September 2003.
- Bilyana Martinovski and
David Traum Breakdown in Human-machine
interaction: the error is the clue, in proceedings of the ISCA
tutorial and research workshop on Error handling in dialogue systems,
pp. 11-16, August 2003.
- David Traum, Jeff Rickel,
Jonathan Gratch, and Stacy Marsella, Negotiation over Tasks in Hybrid
Human-Agent Teams for Simulation-Based Training, in proceedings of the Second International
Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems,
Melbourne, Australia, pp. 441-448, July, 2003. Best Innovative
System/Application Paper Award
- David Traum, Michael
Fleischman, and Eduard Hovy, NL Generation for
Virtual Humans in a Complex Social Environment in Papers from the
AAAI spring symposium on
Natural Language Generation in Spoken and Written Dialogue,
pp. 151-158, March 2003.
- David Traum, Semantics and Pragmatics of Questions and Answers
for Dialogue Agents in proceedings of the International
Workshop on Computational Semantics, pp 380-394, January 2003.
- David Traum and Staffan Larsson, The Information State
Approach to Dialogue Management in Current and New
Directions in Discourse and Dialogue, Ed. Jan van Kuppevelt and
Ronnie Smith, Kluwer, pages 325--353, 2003. (pre-release version)
- David R. Traum, Carl F. Andersen,
Yuan Chong, Darsana Josyula, Yoshi Okamoto, Khemdut Purang, Michael
O'Donovan-Anderson, Don Perlis
Representations of Dialogue State for
Domain and Task Independent Meta-Dialogue in Electronic
Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 3(D):125--152, 1999.
pre-release pdf
- Jeff Rickel, Stacy
Marsella, Jonathan Gratch, Randall Hill, David Traum, and William
Swartout, Towards a New Generation of Virtual Humans for Interactive
Experiences, in IEEE Intelligent Systems, 17(4):32--38, 2002.
- David Traum
Ideas on Multi-layer Dialogue Management for
Multi-party, Multi-conversation, Multi-modal Communication: Extended
Abstract of Invited Talk, in Computational
Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001: Selected Papers from the Twelth
CLIN Meeting ,Ed. Mari"et Theune, Anton Nijholt and Hendi Hondorp,
Editions RODOPI B.V., pages 1--7, 2002.
David Traum and Jeff Rickel, Embodied Agents for
Multi-party Dialogue in Immersive Virtual World in proceedings of
the first International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS 2002), pp. 766-773, July 2002. (updates
earlier versions presented at Agents 2001 Workshop on Representing, Annotating, and Evaluating
Non-Verbal and Verbal Communicative Acts to Achieve Contextual
Embodied Agents, May 2001, and IJCAI workshop on Knowledge And
Reasoning In Practical Dialogue Systems (Seattle, USA), August 2001)
- Mari Olson, David Traum, Carol Van-ess Dykema, and Amy Weinberg,
Implicit Cues for Explicit Generation: Using Telicity as a Cue for
Tense Structure in a Chinese to English MT System, in proceedings Machine Translation Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela
(Spain), September 2001.
- Rossana Damiano and David Traum, Anticipatory planning for
decision-theoretic grounding and task advancement in mixed-initiative
dialogue systems position paper in proceedings NAACL 2001
workshop on Adaptation in Dialogue Systems pp 75-76, 2001.
- Beatrice Ligorio, Giuseppe Mininni and David Traum Interlocution
scenarios for problem solving in an educational mud environment in proceedings 1st European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning (Euro-CSCL 2001), March 2001.
- David R. Traum, 20 Questions for Dialogue Act Taxonomies, in Journal of Semantics, 17(1):7--30, 2000.
- Staffan Larsson and David Traum, Information state and dialogue
management in the TRINDI Dialogue Move Engine Toolkit,
Natural Language Engineering 6(3-4):323-340, 2000. pre-release version
- Kristiina Jokinen, David Sadek, and David Traum, ``Introduction
to Special Issue on Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in
Dialogue Systems, In International Journal of Human
Computer Studies 53(6):867--870, 2000.
- Jens Allwood, David Traum, and Kristiina Jokinen, Cooperation,
Dialog, and Ethics, In International Journal of Human
Computer Studies 53(6):871--914, 2000.
- Colin Matheson, Massimo Poesio, and David Traum, Modelling
Grounding and Discourse Obligations Using Update Rules, in
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the North American
Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL2000), May 2000.
- David Traum and Nizar Habash ,
Generation from Lexical Conceptual Structures, in proceedings of the Third Workshop On Interlinguas And
Interlingual Approaches, April 2000.
- Mari Olsen, David Traum, Carol Van Ess-Dykema, Amy
Weinberg, Ron Dolan,
Telicity as a cue to discourse structure in Chinese-English machine
translation in proceedings of the Third Workshop On Interlinguas And
Interlingual Approaches, April 2000. Also appears as University of Maryland CS-TR-4248
- David Traum, P. Bohlin, J. Bos, S. Ericson, S. Larsson, I. Lewin,
C. Matheson, and D. Milward, Dialogue Dynamics and Levels of
Interaction Trindi Project Deliverable,'' Trindi
Project Deliverable D3.1, 2000.
- A Zaenen, S., Larsson, A. Sandor, and D. Traum, D., Information State Revision and Implicit Dialogue Moves in
Instructional Texts Trindi Project Deliverable D3.3, 2000.
- Staffan Larsson, Alexander Berman, Johan Bos, Leif Gronqvist,
Peter Ljunglof, David Traum, TrindiKit 2.0
Manual Trindi Project Deliverable D5.3, October 2000.
- David Traum, Johan Bos, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson, Ian
Lewin, Colin Matheson, and Massimo Poesio,
A model of dialogue moves and information state revision Trindi Project Deliverable D2.1, 1999.
- Staffan Larsson, Peter Bohlin, Johan Bos, and David Traum,
TrindiKit 1.0 (Manual)'', Trindi Project
Deliverable D2.2, 1999.
- Pierre Dillenbourg and
David Traum, Does a shared screen make a shared solution?, presented at the Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL'99), December 1999.
- David R. Traum
Computational Models of Grounding in Collaborative Systems, in working notes
of AAAI Fall Symposium on
Psychological Models of Communication, p. 124-131, November, 1999.
- D. Perlis, K. Purang, D. Purushothaman, C. Andersen, and D. Traum
Modeling Time and Meta-Reasoning In Dialogue Via Active Logic, in working notes
of AAAI Fall Symposium on
Psychological Models of Communication,pp. 93-99, November, 1999.
- David R. Traum and Carl F. Andersen,Representations of Dialogue State for Domain and Task Independent Meta-Dialogue, in proceedings of the
IJCAI'99 Workshop on Knowledge And Reasoning In Practical
Dialogue Systems, pp. 113--120,
August 1999.
- K. Purang, Darsana Purushothaman, David Traum, Carl Andersen,
and Don Perlis, Practical Reasoning and Plan Execution with Active
Logic, in proceedings of the
IJCAI'99 Workshop on Practical Reasoning and Rationality, pp 30--38,
July 1999.
- Carl Andersen, David Traum, K. Purang, Darsana Purushothaman,
and Don Perlis, Mixed Initiative Dialogue and Intelligence via
Active Logic, in proceedings of the
AAAI'99 Workshop on Mixed-Initiative Intelligence, pp. 60--67,
July 1999.
- David R. Traum and Christine H. Nakatani, A Two-level Approach
to Coding Dialogue for Discourse Structure: Activities of the 1998
Working Group on Higher-level Structures, in proceedings of the
ACL'99 Workshop Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging, pp 101--108,
June 1999.
- David R. Traum, 20 Questions for Dialogue Act Taxonomies,
invited paper presented at the, Amstelogue'99 Workshop on on the Semantics and
Pragmatics of Dialogue, May 1999.
- Massimo Poesio, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson, Colin Matheson,
and David Traum, Annotating Conversations
for Information State Updates,
presented at the, Amstelogue'99 Workshop on on the Semantics and
Pragmatics of Dialogue, May 1999.
- David R. Traum, Speech Acts for Dialogue Agents, in Michael Wooldridge and Anand Rao, editors, "Foundations And
Theories Of Rational Agents", Kluwer Academic Publishers, pages
169--201, 1999.
- Mark Core, Masato Ishizaki, Johanna Moore, Christine Nakatani,
Nobert Reithinger, David Traum, and Syun Tutiya editors, The Report of
The Third Workshop of the Discourse Resource Initiative, Chiba
Univeristy and Kazusa Academia Hall, Technical Report No.3 CC-TR-99-1,
Chiba Corpus Project, 1999.
- R. Cooper, S. Larsson, C. Matheson, M. Poesio, D. Traum,
Coding Instructional Dialogue for Information States Trindi Project Deliverable D1.1.pdf
- Christine Nakatani and David Traum, Coding discourse structure
in dialogue (version 1.0). Technical Report UMIACS-TR-99-03,
University of Maryland.
- M. Baker, T. Hansen, R. Joiner and D. Traum, ``The role of
grounding in collaborative learning tasks'', in Pierre Dillenbourg, editor, ``Collaborative Learning:
Cognitive and Computational Approaches'', Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pages 31--63, 1999.
- R. Ploetzner, P. Dillenbourg, M. Preier and D. Traum, ``Learning
by explaining to oneself and to others'', in Pierre
Dillenbourg, editor, ``Collaborative Learning: Cognitive and Computational Approaches'', Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pages 103--121, 1999.
- Bonnie Dorr, Nizar Habash, and David Traum, A Thematic
Hierarchy for Efficienty Generation from Lexical-Conceptual
Structure, presented at 3rd Biannual conference of the
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-98),
October 1998. Also appears as University of Maryland CS-TR-3934.
- David R. Traum and Pierre Dillenbourg, Towards a Normative
Model of Grounding in Collaboration, in working notes, ESSLLI-98
workshop on Mutual Knowledge, Common Ground and
Public Information,pp. 52-55, August 1998.
- Michael Baker, Richard Joiner, David Traum and Tia Hansen,
Grounding for Intersubjectivity and Learning (Pdf file), presented at
the Fourth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research
and Activity Theory (ISCRAT), June 1998. Also appears as CNRS UMR GRIC COAST Research Report CR-15/98
- David R. Traum, `` On Clark and Schaefer's Contribution
Model and its applicability to Human-Computer Collaboration, in
proceedings of COOP'98 Workshop on Use of Clark's Models of Language
for the design of Cooperative Systems, May 1998.
- Massimo Poesio and David Traum, Towards an Axiomatization of
Dialogue Acts, In J. Hulstijn
and A. Nijholt (eds.), Proceedings of the Twente Workshop on the Formal Semantics and
Pragmatics of Dialogues (13th Twente Workshop on
Language Technology), Enschede, pp., 207--222, May 1998.
- Massimo Poesio and David R. Traum, Representing Conversation
Acts in a Unified Semantic/Pragmatic Framework, in working notes
of AAAI Fall Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and
Machines, November, 1997.
- P. Dillenbourg, P. Jermann, D. Schneider, D. Traum, and C. Buiu,
The design of MOO agents: Implications from a study on multi-modal
collaborative problem solving, in proceedings of the 8th World
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED 97), Kobe,
Japan, pages 15-22, August 1997. html version
- P. Dillenbourg, L Montandon and D Traum, Does text-based
virtual space impact on collaboration?, in Proceedings of the
Workshop on Collaborative Learning/Working Support System with
Networking, 8th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Education, Kobe, Japan, 1997.
- P. Dillenbourg and D. Traum, The role of a whiteboard in a
distributed cognitive system., presented at the Swiss
Workshop on collaborative and distributive systems. Lausanne,
Switzerland, May 1997. rtf version
- David Traum and Peter Heeman.
Utterance Units in Spoken Dialogue. In Processing in Spoken Language Systems, Ed. Elisabeth Maier, Marion Mast, and Susann LuperFoy, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pages 125--140, 1997.
- Massimo Poesio and David Traum,
Conversational Actions and Discourse Situations,
Computational Intelligence, 13(3):309--347, 1997. Also appears as
Research paper HCRC/RP-92, HCRC University of Edinburgh.
- David R. Traum,
A Reactive-Deliberative Model
of Dialogue Agency in Intelligent Agents III --
Proceedings of the Third
International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and
Languages (ATAL-96) Ed. J.P. Muller and M. J. Wooldridge and
N. R. Jennings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pages 157--171, (1997).
- David R Traum ``Report on Multiparty Dialogue sub-group on
Forward-looking Communicative Function'', in Standards for
Dialogue Coding in Natural Language Processing, Dagstuhl-Seminar Report
no. 167. February, 1997.
- David R. Traum, Review of Spoken Natural Language
Dialogue Systems: A Practical Approach by Ronnie Smith and
D. Richard Hipp, Computational Linguistics 22(1):430-434, 1996.
- David R. Traum, Lenhart K. Schubert, Massimo Poesio, Nathaniel G. Martin, Marc N. Light, Chung Hee Hwang, Peter A. Heeman, George M. Ferguson and James F. Allen,
Knowledge Representation in the TRAINS-93 Conversation System,
in International Journal of Expert Systems 9(1):173-223, 1996. Also
appears as TRAINS Technical Note 96-4 and TR 633, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, August 1996. abstract
- David Traum and Peter Heeman.
Utterance Units and Grounding in Spoken Dialogue. Proceedings ICSLP, October, 1996. abstract and multi-media examples
- Pierre Dillenbourg, David Traum & Daniel Schneider Grounding in
Multi-modal Task-Oriented Collaboration, in proceedings of the EuroAI&Education Conference, September 1996.
- David Traum and Pierre Dillenbourg ,
Miscommunication in Multi-modal Collaboration, In working notes of the AAAI Workshop on Detecting, Repairing, And Preventing Human--Machine Miscommunication, pages 37-46, August 1996. abstract
- David R. Traum, Conversational Agency: The Trains-93 Dialogue Manager In proceedings of the Twente Workshop on Language Technology 11:Dialogue Management in Natural Language Systems, pages 1-11, June 1996. abstract
- Massimo Poesio and David Traum,
A Multi-Purpose Model of Conversational Context, In
Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Context in Natural Language Processing , pages 103--111, August 1995.
- A Computational Theory of Grounding in Natural Language Conversation,
TR 545 and Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, December 1994. abstract
- David R. Traum and James F. Allen Towards A Formal Theory of Repair
in Plan Execution and Plan Recognition In Proceedings of the 13th
Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, September 1994. abstract
- David R. Traum and James F. Allen Discourse Obligations in
Dialogue Processing In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-94), pages
1--8, June 1994. abstract
- James F. Allen, Lenhart K. Schubert, George Ferguson, Peter Heeman,
Chung Hee Hwang, Tsuneaki Kato, Marc Light, Nathaniel G.Martin,
Bradford W. Miller, Massimo Poesio, and David R. Traum,
The TRAINS project: A case study in building a
conversational planning agent, Trains TN 92-1 (Also TR 532), Computer
Science Dept., U. Rochester, September 1994.abstract
- David R. Traum, James F. Allen, George Ferguson, Peter
A. Heeman, Chung-Hee Hwang, Tsuneaki Kato, Nathaniel Martin,
Massimo Poesio, and Lenhart K. Schubert,
Integrating Natural Language Understanding and Plan Reasoning in the TRAINS-93 Conversation System,
AAAI Spring Symposium on Active NLP, 21-23 March, 1994.abstract
- David R. Traum Rhetorical Relations, Action and Intentionality in Conversation
In Proceedings ACL SIG Workshop on Intentionality and Structure
in Discourse Relations, pages 132--135, June 1993. abstract
- Derek Gross, James F. Allen and David R. Traum,
"The Trains 91 Dialogues",
TN 92-1, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, June 1993.
Task description,
Plain text dialogues, abstract
- David R. Traum,
Mental State in the TRAINS-92 Dialogue Manager,
In Working Notes AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning about Mental
States: Formal Theories & Applications, pages 143--149, March 1993.
- David R. Traum and Elizabeth A. Hinkelman,
Conversation Acts in Task-Oriented Spoken Dialogue, In
Computational Intelligence, 8(3):575--599, 1992. Also appears as
TR 425, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester. abstract
- David R. Traum and James F. Allen,
A Speech Acts Approach to Grounding in Conversation,
In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Spoken Language
Processing (ICSLP-92), pages 137-40, October 1992.abstract
- David R. Traum and James F. Allen, Causative Forces in
Multi-Agent Planning, In Y Demazeau and J. P. Muller, editors,
Decentralized A.I. 2. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pages
89-105, 1991. abstract
- J. F. Allen, S Guez, L Hoebel, E. Hinkelman,
K. Jackson, A. Kyburg, and D. R. Traum, The
Discourse System Project, University of Rochester Computer
Scveince Department Technical Report 317, November 1989.
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